Part 2 (1/2)
Nick's hand hastily disengaged itself from Barbie's hair and he threw up an arm to ward off its descent. 'Quit it, Tanya!' he grated.
'You quit it!' came the fierce retort.
Tanya, the black-haired witch! Dazedly, Barbie stared at the furious attacker, feeling oddly detached from the emotional violence playing across the other woman's face.
'How dare you kiss her, in front of me!' she snarled as Nick swivelled to grab the damaging wand from her.
Tanya whipped it out of his reach and advanced on Barbie who was now hugged to Nick's side but open to frontal a.s.sault. The red mouth was stretched into an ugly jeer as her arm swung back to deliver another forcible blow, this time aimed at Barbie's head.
'And fairy cow...can milk someone else for s.e.x! Nick is mine!'
It was Leon Webster who caught the wand in mid-swing, tore it out of her grasp and tossed it onto the dance floor. 'Cool it, Tanya!' he commanded.
Being de-weaponed, however, did nothing to lower the raging fury. With arms raised and fingers curled like talons, Tanya lunged at Barbie, hissing like a snake.
Nick threw in a shoulder-block. Leon knocked her arms down and pinned them to her sides in a smothering hug from behind. Everything had moved so fast, Barbie was still in a shocked daze, though her body was quivering in reaction to the chaos without and within.
'Let me go!' Tanya seethed.
'Not until you're ready to behave,' Leon tersely retorted.
'Right!' another voice cracked into the maelstrom.
'No indignities you said, Mr. Webster!' she reminded him in high dudgeon. Her hands were planted on her hips in aggressive mode as she subjected Nick and Leon-still holding the struggling Tanya-to a look of arch scorn. 'The creme of young Sydney society?' she drawled with biting acid.
'Miss Olsen...Sue...' Leon started ingratiatingly.
'My fairy princess gets grabbed and ravished in plain view of a hundred people...'
'I didn't antic.i.p.ate she'd be so...'
Sue cut him off. 'We delivered precisely what you ordered, sir. s.e.xy, you said. Indeed, you insisted.'
'I know. I know. But...'
'Control, Mr. Webster, was in your court.'
'I'm doing it. I saved her from being attacked. Tanya, apologise to the ladies.'
'Ladies! They're no better than!' she shrieked.
'More indignities,' Sue hammered. She glared at Nick. 'Kindly unhand my fairy princess, sir. I am taking her out of this unsavoury scene.'
His warm, supporting arm was removed, leaving Barbie feeling chilled and s.h.i.+very. He gestured a plea to Sue. 'I'm sorry things got out of hand...'
'Perhaps you'll now take them in hand,' Sue shot at him, glancing meaningly at Tanya. 'I expect Mr. Webster to escort us out of this marquee, guaranteeing safety for my fairy princess. And may I say, sir...' Her green eyes knifed into Nick's. '...your choice of companion is no lady.'
'Who the h.e.l.l do you think you are!' Tanya snarled.
Sue ignored her, nodding to Barbie. 'The wand needs collecting.'
Barbie took a deep breath, gathering herself together, then stepped away from Nick, trying to maintain an air of dignity as she set off to where the wand had fallen on the dance floor.
'No, wait!' A hoa.r.s.e plea from Nick.
Barbie hesitated, still feeling the magnetic pull he'd held on her, but she resisted it, realising Sue was right in her judgement to get them out of here, p.r.o.nto! Nothing good could eventuate from what had already gone on. Revenge, she decided, was a very tricky thing to play with.
It was an almost anguished cry from Nick this time, curling around Barbie's heart, squeezing it, throwing her into confusion. Before she could respond either way, her wings were grabbed from behind and jerked from the boned slot in the back of her dress. Crying out in horror at the damage that might be done, she swung around to find Nick juggling the wings with an equal expression of horror, babbling apologies. 'I didn't mean... I just wanted...'
'More indignities!' Sue accused hotly. 'Mr. Webster...'
'For G.o.d's sake, Nick!' Leon begged. 'Leave her be and take Tanya from me.'
'I don't want Tanya!' Nick snapped at him. 'She can go take a flying leap off the Harbour Bridge for all I care!'
'You sc.u.m!'
The black-haired witch broke free of Leon and smashed Barbie's wings out of Nick's hands with her fists. They fell to the floor and she jumped on them, stamping her feet all over them like a dervish, her red toenails splayed openly in black stilleto sandals, looking like drops of blood on the silvery gossamer as she wreaked her malicious damage.
Sheer shock paralysed everyone for several seconds.
'' Barbie moaned.
It shot Nick into action, hauling the hysterical woman off her feet and carrying her to the other side of the table where he forcibly held her to prevent any more harm being done.
Barbie stared down at the broken wings. They'd taken her so many hours to create and they'd been beautiful. Tears welled into her eyes. It was like a desecration...
Someone tapped her on the arm and offered her the wand she'd meant to collect. The star was hanging drunkenly at the end of the silver rod. It was broken, too.
'You're going to get a huge damage bill for this, Mr. Webster,' Sue threatened darkly, folding her arms in firm belligerent style.
'Okay. I'll pay,' he promised on a ragged sigh. 'If we could move now...'
They moved, Leon shepherding both Sue and Barbie through the loud melee in the marquee. The wings were left where they lay crushed. Leon muttered something about a good joke going awry. Sue castigated him for not providing adequate protection. Barbie stared at the battered wand in her hand.
A falling star, she thought.
A wish...
Did wishes ever come true?