Part 19 (2/2)

”I shan't disturb anything more than I need, madam. Yes, I see: dresses in the side-wings: I don't want to touch anything there, thank you. If I may see inside the central division?”

As he had expected, shelves, with drawers below them, were concealed by the double doors in the middle of the wardrobe. On one of the shelves a large jewel-box stood, beside a glove-box, and a quilted handkerchief sachet.

Miss Pickhill, perceiving this, instantly called upon Mr.. Eddleston to open it, and to place in it the emerald brooch, which she was still holding. ”And for the present,” she said, ”I consider the case ought to be in safe custody! Perhaps you will take charge of it! My sister possessed some very valuable jewels.”

Cynthia at once protested, pointing out that it had nothing to do with her aunt. Miss Pickhill retorted that as her niece's guardian it had everything to do with her, a p.r.o.nouncement which caused Cynthia to express an impa.s.sioned wish that she too were dead. Meanwhile Mr.. Eddleston, carefully avoiding the Chief Inspector's speaking eye, lifted the box out of the wardrobe, and asked for its key. Hemingway handed it to him, and he unlocked the box, disclosing a collection of ornaments of a fas.h.i.+onable rather than a valuable nature, tumbled into a velvet-lined tray.

”That isn't where Mummy puts her good stuff!” Cynthia said scornfully. ”Oh, couldn't I just have those paste-clips to wear now? I don't see why I shouldn't! They aren't real, but they'd look rather marvellous on this frock. Mummy used to wear them with it. They go with it!”

”Jewellery is not worn with deep mourning!” said Miss Pickhill. ”Can you think of nothing but personal adornment, child?”

”I think you're most unfair!” Cynthia cried, tears once more starting to her eyes. ”You know I'm absolutely shattered, and you begged me to try not to think about it, and the instant I manage to take my mind off it you're beastly to me!”

Mr.. Eddleston, who was beginning to look hara.s.sed, lifted out the tray of the jewel-box, and laid it aside. A number of leather cases were stacked under the tray.

”If you must put the brooch away, just as if you thought I meant to steal it,” said Cynthia, ”this blue case is where it lives.” She lifted the case out as she spoke, and gave an involuntary exclamation. ”My compact!”

Under the blue-leather case lay a powder-compact, its lid covered in pet.i.t-point.

Cynthia dropped the blue case on the floor, and eagerly s.n.a.t.c.hed the compact from the box. Her cheeks were suddenly flushed, and her eyes sparkling. She cast a quick look at Hemingway, and said: ”It's the one I lost. My favourite one! Mummy must have found it, and - and put it here to be safe!”

”Nonsense, child!” said Miss Pickhill. ”Why should your mother have done any such thing? Put it back, for goodness' sake!”

”It's mine, I tell you! It's mine!” Cynthia declared clasping it tightly to her bosom. ”It's' the one Dan gave me! No one but me has any right to it!”

”May I see it, miss?” said Hemingway, holding out his hand.

She backed away from him, frightened, staring at him. ”No! Why should you? It isn't my mother's! Send for Miss Birtley! She'll tell you it's truly mine!”

”I'm not doubting that, miss, but I should like to see it.”

Rather unexpectedly, Miss Pickhill took her niece's part. ”There is no need to be hysterical, Cynthia, but I'm bound to say I can see no reason why you should want to look at a powder-compact, Chief Inspector!”

”No, madam, very likely not. Come, miss! Mr.. Eddleston here will tell you that you mustn't try to obstruct me in the performance of my duty.”

”But it has nothing to do with you! Look, I'll put it back in Mummy's box, and Mr.. Eddleston can keep it! I don't mind doing that!”

”Miss Haddington,” said Hemingway, ”I don't want to make things any more unpleasant for you than what they are already, but if you don't give me that compact I shall have to. You see, I'm going to inspect it, whether you want me to or not, and it will be very much better for you to give it to me without any more fuss.”

She began to cry again, but when Hemingway unclasped her fingers from about the compact she only feebly resisted.

Inspector Grant said: ”Will you give it to me, if you please, sir?”

He took it from Hemingway, and walked over to the window with it, standing there with his back to the room, his head a little bent. After a moment, he glanced over his shoulder. Hemingway went to him, while Miss Pickhill and Mr.. Eddleston stared at him. Cynthia had collapsed on the day-bed, and was sobbing into one of its opulent cus.h.i.+ons. The Inspector said nothing at all, but showed Hemingway the compact, lying in the palm of his hand. He had opened it, but no little powder-puff and mirror were disclosed. A very small quant.i.ty of white powder was all that met Hemingway's gaze. He looked up questioningly, and the Inspector nodded, shut the case, and opened it again, this time revealing mirror, puff, and powder-filter. Hemingway turned from him.

”Miss Haddington,” he said, ”I want to have a word with you. Now, I think it would be best if I saw you privately, but if you wish it you may have your aunt or Mr.. Eddleston with you.”

She raised her head, gazing up at him out of terrified, tear-drowned eyes. ”What are you going to do to me?”

”I'm going to ask you one or two questions, miss, and you may take it from me that if you answer me truthfully you've got nothing to be afraid of.”

She seemed to be undecided; Miss Pickhill exclaimed: ”I demand to be told what all this means!”

”No, no, don't!” shrieked Cynthia. ”Please don't!”

”No, miss, I've no wish to do so. Suppose we were to go down to the drawing-room -just you and me, and Inspector Grant?”

”I think,” said Mr.. Eddleston, clearing his throat, ”that I ought to be present, Chief Inspector, if you wish to question Miss Haddington on any serious matter.”

”I have no objection to your presence, sir.”

”No, no, I don't want him!” Cynthia said. ”I'll go with you, if you swear you aren't going to do anything to me!”

”No, miss, I'm not going to do anything to you at all.”

”Well!” said Miss Pickhill. ”I'm sure I don't know what the world is coming to! I consider this most extraordinary!”

n.o.body paid any attention to this, Hemingway merely opening the door for Cynthia to pa.s.s out of the room, and Mr.. Eddleston looking as though he were uncertain what to do.

A fire was burning in the drawing-room, and Hemingway suggested to Cynthia that she should sit down beside it. She seemed relieved by this humane invitation, but poised herself on the very edge of one of the deep armchairs, and, for once in her life, sat bolt upright. Her eyes watched the two detectives warily, with something in them of a child caught out in wrongdoing.

Hemingway said: ”Now, miss, we won't beat about the bush. I know just what you've been up to and very wrong of you it was, which I'll be bound you know already, for I think Mr.. Seaton-Carew warned you that there would be bad trouble if anyone found out you had cocaine in your possession, didn't he?”

She gave a frightened nod, catching her breath on a sob.

”When did he start giving you the stuff?”

”I don't know. I only tried it for f-fun, at first! Only I felt so marvellous afterwards - It's my nerves!”

”It precious soon would be, if you went on at that game!” said Hemingway dryly. ”What made Mr.. Seaton-Carew give it to you at all?”

”Oh, I don't know! It was the night of the Gem Ball, and I felt so b.l.o.o.d.y, and I looked haggish, and my head was splitting, and Dan was utterly divine to me! Actually, he always rather bored me before - I mean, definitely old, and uncle-ish, besides being Mummy's boy-friend, which made me choke him off, on account of its being so dim to get a Thing about one's Mother's boy-friend! Of course, I just didn't know him properly, because really he utterly understood about my nerves, and always being tired to death, and he was too cheris.h.i.+ng!” Her eyes filled. ”It's awful now he's dead! I can't bear it! Mummy never understood a bit, but Dan did!”

”When did he give you that powder-compact?”

”Oh, it was a Christmas present! He made me promise not to use it unless I felt absolutely finished, and he swore he wouldn't refill it till Easter, but I expect he would have, if I'd been nice to him, because, if you want to know, he had a complete yen for me!”

”I don't doubt it,” Hemingway said, more dryly still. ”When did your mother discover that you were taking drugs, Miss Haddington?”

”Mummy never knew a thing about it!” she exclaimed. ”She couldn't have known!”
