Part 29 (1/2)

_sako_ v. tr., to catch. Mota _sakau_.

_salo_ n. cloud, storm; _salo uruuru_, white fleecy cloud.

_saloa_ adj., stormy. S. _salo_.

_salofi_ v. tr., to prepare, clear a path, sweep.

_samai_ v. tr., to fit on, to pair with. S. _sama_.

_samola_ n. pride, overbearing,

_sangoni_ v. tr., to feed, nourish. S. _sangoni_.

_sao_ sago palm, thatch. S. _sa'o_.

_sara_ beach, sh.o.r.e.

_sarii_ a maiden; _geni sarii_; _too ni sarii_, to be unmarried.

_sarofaia_ adj., gentle; harmless, blameless; _too sarofaia_, quiet,

_sarufi_ v. tr., to burn.

_sasala_ adv., up, upwards; adj. light. S. _sa'asala_.

_sasalu_ v. i., to start, arise.

_sasalungaini_ v. tr., to collect, make ready.

_sasara_ 1. (_gu_) n., limb, branch, member. S. _sasara_.

_sasara_ 2. v. i., to warm oneself at a fire,

_sasi_ 1. (_gu_) n., brother, sister; _sasigu_, my brother.

_sasina_ n., of relations.h.i.+p; _ro mwai sasina_, two brothers.

S. _'asi_.

_sasi_ 2. to desire, used with _fua_; _sasi fua_, to desire; _sasi diena fua_, to love a person.

_saso_ sun.

_sasoai_ v. tr., to expose to the sun, dry. S. _sato_.

_sasu_ 1. v. i., to smoke, of a fire. 2. n., smoke; _rage sasu_, to be angry; _rage sasua_, anger. S. _sasu_.

_sata_ (_gu_) n., name; _te satana_, his name only; _ati satamu_, what is your name? with pers. p.r.o.noun, friend; _sata nau_, my friend.

_sasata_ v. i., to be friendly with. S. _sata_.