Part 2 (1/2)
He shtly at Doriana's puzzled look ”I know
Apparently, it's only this one strip of land the Cranscoc insist be left coain, no one knohy”
The tunnel floor began to slope upward, and Tories found hi Doriana The first time he'd taken this trip, he'dnaturally expected the tunnel to deposit thearea, and could still remember his shock when they'd arrived sht be instructive to see whetherDoriana would also be taken by surprise
He was He kept his face ie above them and the landspeederfactory, but Tories could sense the flicker ofastonish endpoint,” was allhe said as Binalie let the landspeeder coast to a stop ”The Cranscoc like to knohat's going on around the shut behind the specialized harvestingequipround there is too interlacedwith vineroots for nor down everyother day”
”So you're in the business of filling niche markets?” Doriana asked
”Basically,” Binalie said, nodding 'There isn't enough of that kind ofcultivatableup a permanentassembly line to make the equipment necessary to farm it But with theCranscoc syste theCaamasi will need for the next year or two, then retool and ic retooling take place?” Doriana asked
”It starts at thetoward a round platfor two meters off the floor between two of the assembly lines 'The one for this area is over there”
They crossed to the platforh the mazeof conveyers, transport carts, and hu up thesteps, they found the console that had always reated volcano and a very reen paste oozing ponderously and continuallyalong various sections of the slope In front of the collecting basin loungedfive Cranscoc, their chitinous outer shells gleaht three floors directly above thes tapped out syncopated rhythrass that covered theentire top of the platfor time to music apparently only they couldhear 'These are five of the Cranscoc twillers,” Binalie said, keeping hisvoice low ”Whatever they do to that fluid floill affect most of thosefrom here?” Doriana asked
”No, each machine needs its own adjust twillers assigned to each area for that purposeDepending on the coiven production area can be retooledin anywhere froht alterations,” Doriana said, nodding
”Very literally overnight,” Binalie agreed ”The Cranscoc will do roup is on duty, incase one of the machines drifts off true and needs to be recalibrated butthey'll only do aafter it's completely dark outside”
”And you don't knohy?”
”Frankly, we know next to nothing about the Cranscoc,” Binalie adetables and grains, exceptthat it all has to be enriched with extraand create artistic objects”
”Fortunately, ory?”
”Far else,” Binalie said 'They sees” He led them back down to the main floor ”Yousay this is Production Area Four,” Doriana said ”How many others are there?”
”We currently have twenty-seven operating areas,” Binalie told hier and more complex than this one, while the others are comparable or a bit ser ones”
Binalie's lips compressed briefly, but he merely nodded ”Of course This way”
They visited two other lines before Doriana decided he'd seen enough'That will do,” he said as Binalie started to lead them on to the next area”Is there an office where we can talk more privately?
Binalie frowned sideways at him ”What is there to talk about?” he asked, his voice dark with suspicion ”Surely you see now that this technique can't be duplicated elsewhere”
”A private office, if you please?” Doriana repeated
Binalie took a deep breath - ”And it may be best if the boy leaves us now,” Doriana added
Binalie's eyes hardened Suddenly, it seeled around by the nose ”I have no secrets fro to say to me, you can say it in his presence”
Doriana let his lip twitch, as if he hadn't finessed the other into precisely this result ”If you insist,” he said
Binalie nodded shortly ”In here”
He led the way to a roo,” ordered out thehu boards inside,and keyed the door closed behind the one of the two chairs around for his visitor, he hiked hiainst one of the boards ”Let's hear it,” he said gruffly
”It's quite si cal over him ”As you say, Spaarti Creations is one of akind Since we can't duplicate it, we'll have to use it as is”