Part 13 (1/2)
”Besides, the plant's the one place on Cartao both sides are intent on protecting,” Binalie agreed ”I think Jedi Tories is right”
”I suppose,” Laytron said doubtfully 'That's going to h The Outlink isn't all that far froe linearound the plant, and from what you said it sounds like the tunnel passesal shi+p”
”Are you saying there's no way to do it?” Binalie asked Laytron shtly ”Not at all,” he said ”When did you want to start this operation?”
”As soon as possible,” Tories said ”It would be nice to get to theth to walk out under their oer”
”Fine,” Laytron said, waving over one of the clone troopers”Thisafternoon, just before sundown, then I suggest, Master Tories, that you beready”
”Master Tories?” Corf's voice called softly ”It's ti the Jedi meditation trance fadeaway into the corners of hisover his cot, a pinchedlook on his face 'Thank you, Corf,” Tories said, yawning and stretching hisarms and hands ”Where's your father?”
”He left with Master Doriana and that Republic lieutenant about an hour ago,” Corf said ”Dad said you were supposed to lancing at his chrono Still early Plenty oftih the woods west of Spaarti Creations”How are you holding up?”
The boy shrugged ”Okay, I guess,” he said ”A little worried” ”No needfor that,” Tories assured hi”
”I know,” Corf said ”Dad promised me that, too I'm mostly worried about you”
”I'll be fine,” Tories said, sht,” Corf said He tried to set sohtly as he tucked his lightsaber inside his robes ”Stay out of sight and trouble, and I'll see you later”
”Okay,” Corf said; and to Tories' surprise, he stepped forward and gave the Jedi a quick hug ”Be careful”
Tories had spent part of the day wondering about Laytron's see for the operation It was only as he slipped off theBinalie estate and e of Foulahn City thathe realized the tiht Atsunset,Spaarti would have to facedirectly into the setting sun to see Roshton's quiet exit from Outlink FourEven droid optical sensors had trouble with direct sunlight, and Tories'estione up as he realized the youngthe way, Tories had to take quick cover as a pair of droidson wide picket marched past But he'd planned for possible delays when he'dscheduled his wake-up call, and he reached the flat, sod-covered roof ofOutlink Four with ti beneath a cluster of trees, along with a pair ofarreeted the Jedi, his voiceand sense tight with nervous anticipation
”Anyone see you?”
”No one shot at ed roof ”We aren't going to have to raise the whole roof to get in, are we?”
Binalie shook his head 'There's a service stairway along the side”
”Then let's get to it,” Tories said, peering into the sky A dozen STAPswere circling in the east, patrolling the sky over the plant and the landingshi+p beside it
”Shouldn't ait for the diversion to start?” Binalie asked
”We can't afford to,” Tories said ”We'll need every bit of diversion time just to ht” Binalie took a deep breath, and set off across the open ground ”Followopen with gratifyingspeed and silence Binalie led the way down the steps, then waited at thebotto the sain ”All the wiring is in place,”he said as he flicked on a pair of glow rods and handed one to Tories ”But I thought running any power in here, even just enough to handle the lights,to the clone troopers ”You two stay here and guard the exit,” he ordered
”Acknowledged,” one of them said
Tories nodded, and he and Binalie set off at a quick jog down the empty tunnel Ten minutes later, they reached the other end
”There should be a set of puht here, and the intake for thetunnel's ventilator syste out spots tothe left and right of the wall ”It would e to niting his lightsaber Pushi+ng the tip of the blade carefully through the center of Binalie's indicated safe zone, he began to cut
Adown thelightsaber, he stretched out with the Force and deftly pulled away the half- down the muzzles of a half dozen blaster rifles
”Commander Roshton?” he called
Theintoview in front of his troops, a grim look on his face He was equipped foraction, Tories noted, wearing his usual clone trooper comlink headset and apair of bolstered blasters on his belt ”I was starting to wonder if you'dbeen caught”