Part 21 (1/2)

It did not occur to Herr Kohrer to connect the carousals with the plundering; in one sentence he admits that French soldiers respected the wine-cellars and in the next accuses them of stealing books, etc. Every German writer, in describing the German advance, comments on the immense number of haversacks, weapons and equipment thrown away by the French in their ”wild flight.” Yet they desire their readers to believe that the same soldiers had time to rob and destroy, indeed, carry their plunder with them!

Since September no French troops have been in the district, yet the Kaiser found it necessary to place guards round Chateau Bellevue. Is it not more reasonable to a.s.sume that the precaution was taken against the predatory instincts of his own soldiery, who, admittedly, are in occupation of the province?

Herr Kohrer finds it almost beneath his dignity to reply to charges of barbarism and Hunnism; yet he devotes several pages to the art of white-was.h.i.+ng. ”The inhabitants who remained in their homes, and those who have returned since the flight--unfortunately it is only a small part of the entirety--have recognized long ago that the German soldier is not a barbarian. The terrible distress which prevails among the French is often enough relieved by the generosity of the German troops.

Throngs of women and children from the filthy villages of the Argonne and the Ardennes gather round our field-kitchens and regularly receive the remains of the meals; while many a German Landsturm man, recollecting his own wife and children, fills the mouths of dirty French children instead of completely satisfying his own hunger.”[170]

[Footnote 170: Ibid., p. 34. Herr Kohrer has evidently never visited many Bavarian villages: otherwise he would be more careful with his adjectives when describing the villages of France.--Author.]

No one disputes the presence of kindly Germans in the Kaiser's armies, and it is pleasing to read about these acts of generosity in relieving distress which is entirely the result of Germany's guilt. But the point which all German writers miss is the explanation of positive evidence of brutal deeds. Their kindly incidents and proofs of German chivalry are all of a negative character, and do not overthrow one jot or t.i.ttle of the opposing positive evidence.

Iron crosses have fallen in thick showers on the German armies; during the month of July, 1915, no fewer than 3,400 of these decorations were awarded to the Bavarian army alone. Still, as far back as November of last year, Herr Kohrer wrote: ”In the villages on the slopes of the Argonnes and on the banks of the Aisne, nearly every second soldier is wearing an iron cross. One has the certain conviction that it is not an army of fifty or sixty thousand, but a nation of heroes which occupies the plains of France and fights for us.

”They are all heroes at the front, including those who do not wear the outward symbol of personal bravery. When we see how our men live, it would seem that the earliest days of the human race have returned. They have become cave-dwellers, troglodytes in the worst form. Our heavy batteries are placed on the slopes of the Argonne forest, while the light field-howitzers occupy the summits.

”Near them holes have been dug in the wet clay or chalk, and meagrely lined with straw; these dark, damp caves are the dwellings of our officers and men for weeks at a time, while the from the enemy's artillery whiz and burst around. In them the differences of rank disappear, except that one sometimes sees a couple of chairs provided for officers. When duty does not call them to the guns, they are free to remain in the open exposed to a sudden and awful death, or to spend their time in the womb of mother earth. Yet one never hears a word of complaint; rather the hards.h.i.+ps of this strange existence are borne with rough good-humour.”[171]

[Footnote 171: Ibid., p. 28.]

Contrary to the expectations of other nations, the war seems only to have increased the popularity of the military Moloch. Writers who look upon the Allies as deliverers who will free Germany from the degrading slavery imposed upon that country, will be disappointed to learn that Germans wors.h.i.+p the _bunte Rock_ (gay uniform) more than ever.

At a meeting of the National Liberal leaders held in Dortmund, July, 1915, a resolution was pa.s.sed calling upon the Government to pursue a still greater naval and army programme. Both the Liberals and Conservatives have adopted the motto: _Deutsche Machtpolitik frei von Sentimentalitat_ (A German policy of might free from sentimentalism).

”This war of the nations, which has overthrown so many accepted standards and created new ones, will also give a new basis to the privileged position of German officers in public life. Millions of German men have seen how in this war the German lieutenant has again merited his special position for some generations to come. I wish to emphasize this point over and over again.

”During the first two months of hostilities nearly forty thousand iron crosses were awarded. To many of those at home this appeared to be overdoing it, like the many exaggerations in the domain of orders and honours with which we have become familiar during the last decade.[172]

As a matter of fact, the number of crosses given was too small.

[Footnote 172: _Vide_ ”The Soul of Germany,” Chapter XIII.]

”Not forty thousand heroes are at the front, but a nation of heroes. In emphasizing why the work of our officers is so splendid I must lay down these premises. The bravery and joyous spirit of self-sacrifice in our men is above all praise, but the officers have higher and more responsible duties. They have not only to set an example of physical courage, but they must possess the mental capacity to lead and spur on their men--and that under conditions so hard and rude that the man at home has no conception of them.

”I have been in the trenches on the slopes of the Argonnes, where officers lie side by side with the men in clay and chalk, unwashed and filthy cut off from the outside world, exposed to continuous fire and thrown entirely upon themselves. I have seen them in the artillery positions on the Aisne, in the mud-caves of the heavy batteries, where they sit in the dark on empty packing-cases, listening to the music of exploding and whistling bullets. And everywhere I received the same impression: the men are enthusiastic in praise of their leaders.

”Many a one who has never voted for any other party than the Social Democrats has exclaimed: 'Lieutenants! _Donnerwetter_, yes! Hats off to them!' For the lieutenant is not only the first in the fight, but he is the soul of the company; untiring in his efforts to keep up their spirits in the intervals between the fighting.

”And when we again witness the scenes which often disgusted us before the war--the monocled young gentlemen in gay uniform, walking through the streets, nose in the air--when we see all this again, and perhaps a bit of iron pinned on the breast, then we must remember that for their life of danger and hards.h.i.+p in Argonnes clay, and Russian mud, no earthly compensation can be too great.

”No nation can ever imitate our lieutenant, and in this war of and technical perfection it is still the value of individual personality which will decide the issue. We may affirm that this value stands very high in our army--both as regards officers and men.

”Only he who has seen for himself the burnt villages, devastated towns and desolate land of France can comprehend the full meaning of the awful word _Krieg_ (war). Mere words cannot express what it means to Germans and Germany that the horrors of war have been carried almost alone into the enemy's territory.

”But then a spirit of irresistible ardour goes through the ranks of our warriors. From every eye, in every word, burns the deepest, most unbounded faith in victory. In the trenches, batteries and hospitals there is no doubt, no fear. One great thought hovers victoriously above all hards.h.i.+ps, distress and suffering: Germany to the front in the world!

”And from out the blood which flows--and that is shed plenteously, very plenteously--(this is the sacred faith which I brought back from the battlefields) out of this blood the proud harvest will grow, whose blessings we shall all feel--the world dominion of the German idea!”[173]

[Footnote 173: Ibid., p. 50 _et seq_.]

In spite of Kohrer's a.s.surances that the relations.h.i.+p between officers and men in the German army is an ideal one, there is evidence that such is not always the case. The Social Democratic paper _Karlsruhe Volksfreund_ (July 23rd, 1915) contained a long article by ”comrade”

Wilhelm Kolb, attacking the anti-annexation fraction of his party. Kolb accused the opposition with ”speculating on the question of food-prices and the ill-treatment of soldiers at and behind the front. The power of the censor makes it exceedingly difficult, or even impossible, to ventilate this matter.”

German writers are careful to impress their readers that the losses of the French were appalling, but here and there a stray word or sentence lifts the veil and discovers their own.