Part 6 (1/2)
Servia is only some thirty-six hours distant from London by rail, but for England it is an almost undiscovered country. Nor do the other nations flock thither. I gathered this on my journey on the main line from Agram to Belgrade through the crown-lands of Hungary, over endless plains and miles of floods. Guards and ticket-collectors alike agreed in telling me that it was impossible for me to go to Belgrade. ”You will require a,” they said. And when I said that I had one, they replied sadly, ”It is probably not good.” ”Belgrade,” said an old lady in the corner, ”and you are Englis.h.!.+ Oh, then you are the new school inspector. You have come, have you not, from an English Society to report on Servian education? Two other ladies have been already.”
”Perhaps I shall meet them,” I suggested. ”Oh no,” said the old lady cheerfully; ”that was when I was a girl. It was about 1864 that I saw them. Naturally I thought you came for the same purpose!” As I had no mission from the Government, she agreed with the guards that the expedition was impossible, and I was soon left alone in the carriage. As Agram had refused to book me farther than Semlin, I did not feel particularly cheery about it myself. Semlin opined I was a governess, and made no difficulty about booking me on! The train crashed across the iron bridge over the Save, and we arrived. It was half-past ten at night when I alighted in Belgrade--alone, friendless, and knowing nothing of either country or people except what I had gathered from a few books, mostly not up to date. Guide-book there is none, and a little of the language was all that I had to rely upon to see me through a strange land.
The first Servians I encountered were the two soldiers who take the pa.s.sports, which have to be reclaimed next day. I grasped this fact and pa.s.sed through, with some satisfaction, as I heard behind me the wrathful voices of several Italians and Germans who were fiercely refusing to part with their papers, and were being shouted at in Servian. Thinking it would wound their pride to be offered female British a.s.sistance, I left them to fight it out, and was the first, in consequence, to get through the ”Customs.” Then I rattled uphill through the dark deserted streets, where the night sentries with greatcoats and rifles were already on guard, and arrived at my hotel.
My only letter of introduction was a failure, as the addressee was abroad; the British Consul, whom I had been specially told to inform of my proceedings by the Servian Minister in London, had not yet arrived, and the secretaries at the British Ministry were quite new. This is a fate that pursues me. When I arrive at a place for the first time, the Powers that arrange such things always give the Consul a holiday, or appoint a new one who has not yet learnt the language. But having never yet failed to find friends on my travels, I did not worry about my possible fate up country. Several things began to happen at once.
”Where,” said I to the waiter, when he brought me my coffee on the very first morning, ”where am I likely to see the King and Queen?” He looked at me with a peculiar expression. ”You want to see our King?” he said.
”You won't see him. He dare not come out of the konak. He is probably drunk,” he added contemptuously. I made no remark, for there was none that it seemed expedient to make, and though I haunted the neighbourhood of the konak industriously, each time that I returned to Belgrade, I never saw either King or Queen. This was in the summer of 1902.
Belgrade (Beograd = ”The White City”) is most beautifully situated. For a capital to be so placed that the enemy can sh.e.l.l it comfortably from his own doorstep is of course ridiculous, but for sheer beauty of outlook Belgrade is not easy to surpa.s.s. Perched on a hill, at the foot of which Save joins Danube, it commands westwards a wonderful expanse of sky and stream and willows, with a pale mauve distance of Servian mountains, while opposite lie the rich plains of Hungary and the little town of Semlin. Belgrade is a new town, a quite new town, and no longer deserves the name of ”The White City,” its general effect from a distance being dark; but the name is an old one, and ”white” is a favourite Servian adjective. It is a bright, clean town; the houses, seldom more than two storeys high, look solidly built; there are plenty of good shops, and the streets are wide and cheerful. It looks so prosperous and the inhabitants so very much up to date, its soldiers are so trim, its officers so gorgeous, and the new Government offices are so imposing, that one is surprised to find that the country, owing to mismanagement, is financially in an almost desperate condition.
There is little wheeled traffic in the streets, nor is this a wonder, for the pavement is indescribably vile. ”Ah, but you should have seen it in Turkish times,” say the Servians, and they do not worry about it; for they have two lines of electric trams, and your Servian is not a pedestrian. Coming as I did, straight from Cetinje, I spent the first few days in wondering whether the very dark, short people who crowded the trams of Belgrade, for lack of energy to walk up the street, were really blood-relations of the long-legged giants who stride tirelessly over the crags of Montenegro with never a sob. I never saw a Servian who looked as if he took exercise because he liked it. Neither did I ever see any attempt at an athletic sport. On the other hand, wherever I went, people expressed amazement that I could find any pleasure in travels that entailed so much exertion. I have never met folk that walked so slowly. I used to try not to pa.s.s people in the street, and vow it is as difficult as to win the slow bicycle race. An average Serb seems to think two miles an hour sharp going; his ordinary pace I cannot pretend to estimate, and when he has nothing particular to do, which is often, he sits down and plays cards. In my whole life I do not think I have seen so many cards as I did in Servia. In the cafes, hotels, and restaurants the soft slither and plap-plap of the painted pasteboards and the tap of the chalk as the players write the score goes on from morning till night, and forms a running accompaniment to every meal.
When asked what struck me most on arriving in Servia, I often referred to this habit, and astonished my questioners. ”We are obliged to play cards,” they said; ”chess is too difficult, and we cannot afford billiard-tables.” In public, very little money changes hands, it is merely a matter of a few coppers, a way of killing the time that hangs so heavily on their hands; for Servia, in spite of the West European look of its capital, has not yet I learned to be in a hurry.
Card-playing has comprehensible attractions, but the Servians are possessed of a quite original vice which is not likely to lead other folk astray. They drink too much cold water, and they drink it till they are pulpy. An average Serb drinks enough cold water for an English cow.
I doubt whether the language contains an equivalent for ”bad training,”
for when I tried to explain the idea it created surprise. A doctor told me he had never heard the theory before. To him it seemed a natural and wholesome habit; moreover, he added, ”there is plenty,” and seemed to think it was rather wasteful to leave any unswallowed. To me it explained the lack of activity; the nation is water-logged. All day long and every day the Serb calls for a gla.s.s of cold water, and when he has drunk it he calls for another. Perhaps owing to this he has little s.p.a.ce left for alcohol; at any rate, I never saw a drunken man, even amongst the peasants returning from market.
Belgrade, in fine weather, is a very agreeable town to do nothing in for a day or two. But its historic fortress, its beautiful garden, and the woods of Topchider are all too well known to require describing. One mosque only, and that a dilapidated one, tells of the departed Turk. The ma.s.s of the inhabitants (60,000) are Orthodox Serbs, and a colony of Spanish-speaking Jews lives in the low-lying quarter called Dorchol. I think I saw the whole colony, from the tiniest beady-eyed baby to the stoutest grand-mamma, for they flocked to see me pa.s.s as though I were a coronation procession. Unaware that a foreign woman travelling alone in Servia was a unique event, I wished them ”good day” cheerfully, and went my way.
The ”old konak,” a rather mean-looking building painted a raw cream colour, and standing in a small garden with sentry boxes in front of it, has since acquired hideous fame. For in it, but a year later, did Alexander's ill-starred reign come to its awful end. Belgrade was so civil to me, there was such perfect order in the streets both by day and night, all was outwardly so quiet, that even now I find it hard to realise that that ugly yellow house has been turned into a shambles.
That the King would have to leave and at no distant date was obvious, but I believed it would be by the usual route, and as I watched the swirly yellow Save hurrying along below, I murmured, ”There's one more river, one more river to cross.” It is a marvel that Servian rulers continue to dwell within sight of the Save. It is the most ”men-may-come-and-men-may-go” river in all Europe. But in Servia, though you may flee from the Save, you can never lose sight of the political situation, which is a parlous one. Servia is too small to stand quite alone. Without, she is surrounded by Austria, Turkey, and Bulgaria. The first is slowly squeezing her, preparatory to swallowing her whole, should a favourable chance arise; the second yet holds the heart of the old Servian Empire; and with the third Servias quarrel dates from the seventh century. Internally Servia is torn by parties who differ as to which of the Powers it is advisable to propitiate, and these parties dance to external wirepulling.
Things being as they are, it is small wonder that the Serb suspects everyone that crosses his frontier and believes he has come for obscure political reasons. I entered Servia cheerfully unaware of this, and soon learnt that the police were watching my movements. Belgrade, like Montenegro and Dalmatia, took me for a Russian, otherwise I neither knew nor cared whether Belgrade thought about me at all. Wishful of learning the language and of seeing things Servian, I determined to go to the theatre, and in the old happy days, when I was as yet guileless and unsuspicious, I stopped and began to slowly decipher a playbill at a street corner. I had struggled through but little of it when I was approached by a policeman on duty, a picturesque personage in a brown uniform with red braiding. He touched his cap to me and said most politely in very fair French, ”Our language, Mademoiselle, is very difficult for une Anglaise. Permit that I a.s.sist you,” and proceeded to translate the bill. Surprised and pleased, I asked myself, ”Which of our own bobbies could thus a.s.sist a foreigner?” and being accustomed to be called Russian, I asked, ”How did you know that I am English?” ”Oh,” he replied cheerfully, ”Mademoiselle only arrived here on Monday, and I, you see, am in the police. Naturally I know. Also the officer at the custom-house has stated that Mademoiselle knows some of our language, and that is most unusual in a foreigner.” As a freeborn British subject, I was considerably taken aback to find that the police were so well informed about me. Immediately and rashly I said to myself, ”When in Rome do as the Romans. I too can ask questions.” There was something about the policeman that was oddly familiar; he was a tall fair man, quite unlike the short dark type that I was beginning to recognise as Belgrade-Servian. So I said to him, ”Yes, I am English. Where do you come from? You are not a Serb of Servia.” ”Ah no,” he said, with a sigh; ”I am far from my people. I come from a quite little place of which Mademoiselle has never heard. I come from the neighbourhood of Kolas.h.i.+n.” This at once enlightened me. Foolishly proud of my knowledge, I laughed and replied, ”Kolas.h.i.+n? Oh yes, in Montenegro, near the Albanian frontier. You are Crnagorach!”
It was his turn to be astonished now, and he almost leapt with amazement. He broke into his native tongue. ”You know my fatherland! You know my fatherland!” he cried in great excitement. ”You have been there!
Have you seen my Prince, our gospodar Nikola? Have you seen Prince Danilo? Prince Mirko? the Princesses Milena? Militza? Have you been to Podgoritza? to Ostrog?” etc. ”Yes, yes,” said I to everything. ”Bogami!
Bogami!” (Oh my G.o.d!), he cried. Then he took a long breath, pulled himself together, and started a torrent of the most fluent French.
”Mademoiselle,” he said, ”I will tell you everything. I came from Kolas.h.i.+n twelve years ago with a comrade. He also is a policeman; he is now in the next street. As soon as he arrived here he married a Servian woman, and he has been unhappy ever since. I, Mademoiselle, am unmarried. I detest these Servian women. They are bad, Mademoiselle, they are unfaithful! I would not take one on any account, and I cannot afford to go back to my own country for a wife. But you, Mademoiselle, you are half Montenegrin; you have the heart of a lion; you know my country; you have seen my Prince; you speak my language! Unfortunately, Mademoiselle, I must remain in this street,”--here I mentally offered thanks to the powers that had rooted him to this spot, ”but on Sunday afternoon I shall be free. I shall come to take you out to Topchider. We shall have something to eat; soon we shall become good friends; soon we will be married. I am a very good man, Mademoiselle,” here he smote his chest. ”The British Consul can learn all about me from my captain. _You_ can teach English in Belgrade, and _we_ shall soon be very rich. But,”
he added very seriously, ”you are staying at the Grand Hotel, a most expensive place! You must not stay there. I shall tell you of a much cheaper one, and on Sunday we will go out together!” He paused, rather for want of breath, I fancy, than for a reply, the favourable nature of which he took for granted. I seized the opportunity. ”Thank you very much,” I said, ”but I am leaving Belgrade to-morrow, and I have no time.” ”Oh, but why, Mademoiselle? You have only been here a week, and it is a so charming town! Restes, je te prie, jusqu'a Dimanche, jusqu'a Dimanche!” ”Impossible!” I cried; ”adieu, adieu!” and fled round the nearest corner. As I left for Nish early next morning, I saw him no more, and on my subsequent return to Belgrade dodged, with the speed of a pickpocket, whenever I saw a tall policeman looming in the distance.
Smederevo from the Danube is a most impressive sight. A huge brick fortress surrounds the promontory with castellated walls and a long perspective of towers; a grand mediaeval building lying grim on the water's edge, a monument of Servias death-struggle with the Turks. Built in 1432 by George Brankovich, son of Vuk the traitor of Kosovo, it was Servia's last stronghold, and its makers, in defiance of the Crescent, built the Cross in red bricks into the wall where, now the tide of invasion has at last ebbed, you may still see it. And all the nineteen towers still stand.
Having landed, and reflected that I could not escape for many hours, I walked up the main street and I prayed that the populace would prove friendly. It was--very. I had not gone far when I was marked by the policeman. He was much perturbed. He walked all round me at a very respectful distance, and discussed with everyone on the way what he had better do. Finally he came up and asked me in Servian, if I spoke it.
”Very little,” said I, and volunteered that I was English, which caused him to call up reinforcements. By this time a fair audience was collected, for the hope of seeing some one ”run in” will gather a crowd anywhere. Having ascertained that I understood German, he called up a man to speak to me. The man, pleased with the importance he was gaining, poured out a long string of mysterious noises which resembled no known tongue. Then he turned to the policeman and said, in Servian, ”She doesn't know German.” The policeman was in despair, and so was the populace. ”Speak Servian slowly,” I said. ”Where do you come from?”
”London.” ”Where are your friends?” ”In England.” ”What are you doing?”
”I have come to see Servia.” This pleased him very much. ”Have you any brothers?” ”Yes.” ”Where are they?” I supplied the information and other family details. Finally he summed up the evidence, and imparted to the surrounding mult.i.tude the information that I had come all alone to see Servia and the Servians. This, he said, was ”very good.” He touched his cap and smiled affably, and the a.s.sembly broke up. All this amused me, but I lived to see the day when these interviews became a weariful burden.
I had luckily hit on the day of a great cattle and pig fair. The open s.p.a.ce between town and fortress was filled with peasants and their beasts, great grey draught oxen, sheep, horses, goats, and, above all, the staple product of Servia, pigs. The Servian pig is a great character. He rules indeed large tracts of country. He is cared for, tended, and waited upon. I have seen a large sow walking with dignity down the middle of the road, followed by a number of human retainers, each carrying one of her piglets like a baby in arms, while she set the pace, stopped to grubble at anything that interested her, and looked back from time to time with her beady little eyes to see that her infants were being properly cared for.
Here in the market the pigs were the most important personages present, and knew it. They are great woolly beasts, some of fair complexion, beautifully curly as to their backs. Their snouts are long and unringed.
Being of a highly practical nature, the first thing they did on arriving at the market field was to dig themselves cubby-houses. Those that were lucky enough to find a hole full of water sat in it, and were supremely happy. Some quite small mud-holes were packed with pigs lying on the black ooze and crammed together like sardines in oil. All talked incessantly. There were hundreds of tender babes wandering about, but the families never got mixed. The little ones are longitudinally striped, like young wild boars, and very elegant. Their mothers found mud-holes if possible, and the children sank in up to their eyes. All were extremely tame. If the owner of a pig family wished to s.h.i.+ft camp, he strewed a few beans to start them with, and the whole lot followed, conversing cheerfully, and rearranged themselves neatly whenever he chose to sit down again. The mud-coated ones lay and baked in the sun, like live pork pies, till their mud casing was hard and bricky.