Part 17 (1/2)

”Certainly not. I was quite sure it was suicide.” She added, ”I still am.”

Kemp let that pa.s.s. He said: ”Have you received any anonymous letters in the past year, Lady Alexandra?” letters in the past year, Lady Alexandra?”

The calm of her manner seemed broken by pure astonishment.

”Anonymous letters? Oh, no.”

”You're quite sure? Such letters are very unpleasant things and people usually prefer to ignore them, but they may be particularly important in usually prefer to ignore them, but they may be particularly important in this case, and that is why I want to stress that if you did receive any this case, and that is why I want to stress that if you did receive any such letters it is most essential that I should know about them.” such letters it is most essential that I should know about them.”

”I see. But I can only a.s.sure you, Chief Inspector, that I have received nothing of the kind.” nothing of the kind.”

”Very well. Now you say Mr Barton's manner has been odd this summer. In what way?” summer. In what way?”

She considered a minute.

”Well, he was jumpy, nervous. It seemed difficult for him to focus his attention on what was said to him.” She turned her head towards her attention on what was said to him.” She turned her head towards her husband. ”Was that how it struck you, Stephen?” husband. ”Was that how it struck you, Stephen?”

”Yes, I should say that was a very fair description. The man looked physically ill, too. He had lost weight.” physically ill, too. He had lost weight.”

”Did you notice any difference in his att.i.tude towards you and your husband? Any less cordiality, for instance?” husband? Any less cordiality, for instance?”

”No. On the contrary. He had bought a house, you know, quite close to us, and he seemed very grateful for what we were able to do for him - us, and he seemed very grateful for what we were able to do for him - in the way of local introductions, I mean, and all that. Of course we in the way of local introductions, I mean, and all that. Of course we were only too pleased to do everything we could in that line, both for were only too pleased to do everything we could in that line, both for him and for Iris Marle who is a charming girl.” him and for Iris Marle who is a charming girl.”

”Was the late Mrs Barton a great friend of yours, Lady Alexandra?”

”No, we were not very intimate.” She gave a light laugh. ”She was really mostly Stephen's friend. She became interested in politics and really mostly Stephen's friend. She became interested in politics and he helped to - well educate her politically - which I'm sure he enjoyed. he helped to - well educate her politically - which I'm sure he enjoyed. She was a very charming and attractive woman, you know.” She was a very charming and attractive woman, you know.”

”And you're a very clever one,” thought Chief Inspector Kemp to himself appreciatively. ”I wonder how much you know about those two himself appreciatively. ”I wonder how much you know about those two -a good deal, I shouldn't wonder.”

He went on: ”Mr Barton never expressed to you the view that his wife did not commit suicide?” did not commit suicide?”

”No, indeed. That was why I was so startled just now.”

”And Miss Marle? She never talked about her sister's death, either?”


”Have you any idea what made George Barton buy a house in the country? Did you or your husband suggest the idea to him?” country? Did you or your husband suggest the idea to him?”

”No. It was quite a surprise.”

”And his manner to you was always friendly?”

”Very friendly indeed.”

”And what do you know about Mr Anthony Browne, Lady Alexandra?”

”I really know nothing at all. I have met him occasionally and that is all.” all.”

”What about you, Mr Farraday?”

”I think I know probably less about Browne than my wife does. She at any rate has danced with him. He seems a likeable chap - American, I any rate has danced with him. He seems a likeable chap - American, I believe.” believe.”

”Would you say from observation at the time that he was on special terms of intimacy with Mrs Barton?” terms of intimacy with Mrs Barton?”

”I have absolutely no knowledge on that point, Chief Inspector.”

”I am simply asking you for your impression, Mr Farraday.”

Stephen frowned.

”They were friendly - that is all I can say.”

”And you, Lady Alexandra?”

”Simply my impression, Chief Inspector?”

”Simply your impression.”

”Then, for what it is worth, I did form the impression that they knew each other well and were on intimate terms. Simply, you understand, each other well and were on intimate terms. Simply, you understand, from the way they looked at each other - I have no concrete evidence.” from the way they looked at each other - I have no concrete evidence.”

”Ladies have often very good judgment on these matters,” said Kemp. That somewhat fatuous smile with which he delivered this remark That somewhat fatuous smile with which he delivered this remark would have amused Colonel Race if he had been present. ”Now, what would have amused Colonel Race if he had been present. ”Now, what about Miss Lessing, Lady Alexandra?” about Miss Lessing, Lady Alexandra?”

”Miss Lessing, I understand, was Mr Barton's secretary. I met her for the first time on the evening that Mrs Barton died. After that I met her the first time on the evening that Mrs Barton died. After that I met her once when she was staying down in the country, and last night.” once when she was staying down in the country, and last night.”

”If I may ask you another informal question, did you form the impression that she was in love with George Barton?” impression that she was in love with George Barton?”

”I really haven't the least idea.”

”Then we'll come to the events of last night.”

He questioned both Stephen and his wife minutely on the course of the tragic evening. He had not hoped for much from this, and all he got tragic evening. He had not hoped for much from this, and all he got was confirmation of what he had already been told. All accounts was confirmation of what he had already been told. All accounts agreed on the important points - Barton had proposed a toast to Iris, agreed on the important points - Barton had proposed a toast to Iris, had drunk it and immediately afterwards had got up to dance. They had drunk it and immediately afterwards had got up to dance. They had all left the table together and George and Iris had been the first to had all left the table together and George and Iris had been the first to return to it. Neither of them had any explanation to offer as to the return to it. Neither of them had any explanation to offer as to the empty chair except that George Barton had distinctly said that he was empty chair except that George Barton had distinctly said that he was expecting a friend of his, a Colonel Race, to occupy it later in the expecting a friend of his, a Colonel Race, to occupy it later in the evening - a statement which, as the inspector knew, could not possibly evening - a statement which, as the inspector knew, could not possibly be the truth. Sandra Farraday said, and her husband agreed, that be the truth. Sandra Farraday said, and her husband agreed, that when the lights went up after the cabaret, George had stared at the when the lights went up after the cabaret, George had stared at the empty chair in a peculiar manner and had for some moments seemed empty chair in a peculiar manner and had for some moments seemed so absent-minded as not to hear what was said to him - then he had so absent-minded as not to hear what was said to him - then he had rallied himself and proposed Iris's health. rallied himself and proposed Iris's health.

The only item that the Chief Inspector could count as an addition to his knowledge, was Sandra's account of her conversation with George at knowledge, was Sandra's account of her conversation with George at Fairhaven - and his plea that she and her husband would collaborate Fairhaven - and his plea that she and her husband would collaborate with him over this party for Iris's sake. with him over this party for Iris's sake.

It was a reasonably plausible pretext, the Chief Inspector thought, though not the true one. Closing his notebook in which he had jotted though not the true one. Closing his notebook in which he had jotted down one or two hieroglyphics, he rose to his feet. down one or two hieroglyphics, he rose to his feet.

”I'm very grateful to you, my lord, and to Mr Farraday and Lady Alexandra for your help and collaboration.” Alexandra for your help and collaboration.”

”Will my daughter's presence be required at the inquest?”

”The proceedings will be purely formal on this occasion. Evidence of identification and the medical evidence will be taken and the inquest identification and the medical evidence will be taken and the inquest will then be adjourned for a week. By then,” said the Chief Inspector, will then be adjourned for a week. By then,” said the Chief Inspector, his tone changing slightly, ”we shall, I hope, be further on.” his tone changing slightly, ”we shall, I hope, be further on.”

He turned to Stephen Farraday: ”By the way, Mr Farraday, there are one or two small points where I think you could help me. No need to one or two small points where I think you could help me. No need to trouble Lady Alexandra. If you will give me a ring at the Yard, we can trouble Lady Alexandra. If you will give me a ring at the Yard, we can settle a time that will suit you. You are, I know, a busy man.” settle a time that will suit you. You are, I know, a busy man.”

It was pleasantly said, with an air of casualness, but on three pairs of ears the words fell with deliberate meaning. ears the words fell with deliberate meaning.