Part 24 (1/2)

Evelina wove her way down the brick-lined street toward the tattoo parlor.

Closed, the sign read in the window when they arrived.

”d.a.m.n!” Evelina gnashed her teeth, swallowing down her disappointment. ”She's the only lead to my necklace.”

”Don't worry.” Frankie took her by the hand, giving it a firm squeeze. ”We'll find it.”

She gazed up at him, losing herself in the amber depths of his eyes.

The screech of a child snapped her out of it.

A toddler in a stroller had lost his helium balloon.

Evelina raced down the bustling street after it.

Frankie snagged it at the same time as her.

Their fingers collided like two live wires, sending sparks skipping over Evelina's skin.

She s.n.a.t.c.hed her hand away, allowing him to return the balloon to the grinning toddler's mother, who was hot on the chase, apparently anxious to stifle his screeching.

It seemed the morning had had a happy ending, after all, despite the tattoo parlor being closed.

But Frankie was right. If Psycho Sally was in cahoots with Thoosa Barnes, best to keep her distance. Evelina sucked in a fortifying breath. And she certainly would-as soon as she found her necklace.

Chapter Thirteen.

”You did well to inform your aunts right way.” Grammy Crimm floated above the dunes like a holographic mist.

Warmth spread through Evelina at the praise. ”Let's hope they catch her.”

Grammy Crimm's tone turned serious. ”She cannot be caught, only destroyed.”

Great. ”How do you do that?”

”You must pierce her heart-let the blackness escape.”

”At least we know who's form she's taken.” Evelina s.h.i.+vered, wondering what it must be like to have your body invaded by a Reef Hag. She remembered how the Reef Hag had transformed, leaving Psycho Sally half crazed, writhing in pain. ”It's a start.”

”She'll strike again, and very soon, if I'm not mistaken.” Grammy Crimm nodded her white head, making her double chin wobble. ”You must be on your guard.”

”I will.” Evelina attempted to infuse as much confidence as she could into her voice.

”Now.” Grammy Crimm's blue eyes twinkled. ”Have you been drawing and painting-keeping up your art?”

”I'll never give up my art.” Evelina jumped at the chance to make her views clear. ”That's what I am-an artist.”

”We are many things,” Grammy said brightly. ”You're also a witch. You must pursue your art, of course. But, responsibilities come first.” Grammy flashed a knowing smile. ”I have no doubt you'll find a way to make it all work.”

Evelina drew herself up to her full height. She wanted to say that she was an artist first and a witch second. But no sense quibbling. ”I will.”

”Tell me about this young Time Keeper of yours.”

”He isn't mine.” Evelina bristled. ”He's betrothed.”

”I'm sorry, my dear.” Grammy Crimm blinked. ”I would have warned you if I could.”

Evelina forced a smile. ”It's alright.”

”Oh dear! But our time is up.” Grammy Crimm started to fade. ”It goes so quickly.” She blew a kiss. ”Take care, my love. Keep up the good work.”


She disappeared.

Evelina barely had time to raise her hand to wave.

A faint loneliness washed over her as she turned to head back down the beach.

But it didn't linger long.

There would be more Cosmic Calls. Knowing that had a cathartic effect, lifting her up-making all things possible again. Grammy Crimm had a way about her-a sparkle in her eye, a warmth in her sweet smile, or some special magic deep within.

It was difficult to tell whether it was because she was her grandmother, or something more mysterious-the great power other witches whispered about. To Evelina it was simply love. There need be no other explanation.

Kamaria buzzed up to her ear, breathing heavy and flapping hard.

Evelina gave a jump at her sudden appearance.

”Come on, Toots! I haven't got all night.”

”Since when were you in a hurry to get to work?”

”Since I overheard something particularly valuable to your case.”

”What case?”

Karmaria pointed a red nailed finger at her. ”You're after the Reef Hag, aren't ya?”


”Well, if you aren't a gumshoe, I'm not a Moon Fairy.” Her voice turned surly. ”You've been sticking your nose in everyone's business since the moment I laid eyes on you-mostly dangerous business.”

Evelina's cheeks went hot. ”Someone's got to do it!”

Kararia folded her arms under her heaving bosom. ”And that someone's got to be you, right?”