Part 7 (1/2)

They all sat and were soon eating and drinking with great relish.

Presently the abbe began:

”Of my first journey you know by the letter I sent you: how I found that Mademoiselle Leveret was gone to England with her father. That was a year after you left, now about three years gone. Monsieur Gering entered the navy of the English king, and went to England also.”

Iberville nodded. ”Yes, yes, in the English navy I know very well of that.”

The abbe looked up surprised. ”From my letter?”

”I saw him once in the Spaniards' country,” said Iberville, ”when we swore to love each other less and less.”

”What was the trouble?” asked the priest.

”Pirates' booty, which he, with a large force, seized as a few of my men were carrying it to the coast. With his own hand he cut down my servant, who had been with me since from the first. Afterwards in a parley I saw him, and we exchanged--compliments. The sordid gentleman thought I was fretting about the booty. Good G.o.d, what are some thousand pistoles to the blood of one honest friend!”

”And in your mind another leaven worked,” ventured the priest.

”Another leaven, as you say,” responded Iberville. ”So, for your story, abbe.”

”Of the first journey there is nothing more to tell, save that the English governor said you were as brave a gentleman as ever played amba.s.sador--which was, you remember, much in Count Frontenac's vein.”

Iberville nodded and smiled. ”Frontenac railed at my impertinence also.”

”But gave you a sword when you told him the news of Radisson,”

interjected Perrot. ”And by and by I've things to say of him.”

The abbe continued: ”For my second visit, but a few months ago. We priests have gone much among the Iroquois, even in the English country, and, as I promised you, I went to New York. There I was summoned to the governor. He commanded me to go back to Quebec. I was about to ask him of Mademoiselle when there came a tap at the door. The governor looked at me a little sharply. 'You are,' said he, 'a friend of Monsieur Iberville. You shall know one who keeps him in remembrance.' Then he let the lady enter. She had heard that I was there, having seen Perrot first.”

Here Perrot, with a chuckle, broke in: ”I chanced that way, and I had a wish to see what was for seeing; for here was our good abbe alone among the wolves, and there were Radisson and the immortal Bucklaw, of whom there was news.”

De Ca.s.son still continued: ”When I was presented she took my hand and said: 'Monsieur l'Abbe, I am glad to meet a friend--an old friend--of Monsieur Iberville. I hear that he has been in France and elsewhere.'”

Here the abbe paused, smiling as if in retrospect, and kept looking into the fire and turning about in his hand his ca.s.sock-cord.

Iberville had sat very still, his face ruled to quietness; only his eyes showing the great interest he felt. He waited, and presently said: ”Yes, and then?”

The abbe withdrew his eyes from the fire and turned them upon Iberville.

”And then,” he said, ”the governor left the room. When he had gone she came to me, and, laying her hand upon my arm, said: 'Monsieur, I know you are to be trusted. You are the friend of a brave man.'”

The abbe paused, and smiled over at Iberville. ”You see,” he said, ”her trust was in your friend, not in my office. Well, presently she added: 'I know that Monsieur Iberville and Mr. Gering, for a foolish quarrel of years ago, still are cherished foes. I wish your help to make them both happier; for no man can be happy and hate.' And I gave my word to do so.” Here Perrot chuckled to himself and interjected softly: ”Mon Dieu!

she could make a man say anything at all. I would have sworn to her that while I lived I never should fight. Eh, that's so!”

”Allons!” said Iberville impatiently, yet grasping the arm of the woodsman kindly.

The abbe once more went on: ”When she had ended questioning I said to her: 'And what message shall I give from you?' 'Tell him,' she answered, 'by the right of lifelong debt I ask for peace.' 'Is that all?' said I. 'Tell him,' she added, 'I hope we may meet again.' 'For whose sake,'

said I, 'do you ask for peace?' 'I am a woman,' she answered, 'I am selfish--for my own sake.'”

Again the priest paused, and again Iberville urged him.

”I asked if she had no token. There was a flame in her eye, and she begged me to excuse her. When she came back she handed me a little packet. 'Give it to Monsieur Iberville,' she said, 'for it is his. He lent it to me years ago. No doubt he has forgotten.'”