Part 13 (1/2)

Be not surprised when I tell you this is the sanifies to inhale air, to _air ourselves_, or _breathe air_ ”God _breathed_ intosoul_” The new born infant _inhales air_, _inflates its lungs_ with _air_, and begins to live We all kno essential _air_ is to the preservation of life No animal can live an instant without it Drop a squirrel into a receiver from which all _air_ has been extracted, and it can not live Even vegetables will die where there is no air _Light_ is also indispensable to _life_ and _health_

_Air_ is _inhaled_ and _exhaled_, and fro common, it is not so distinctly observed by the careless, as tho it wasof a consuans were nearly decayed?

How he labors for breath! He asks to have the s thrown open At length he _suffocates_ and dies Most persons struggle hard for _breath_ in the hour of dissolving nature The heaving bosoasp for _air_, tells us that the lauished, that the hour of their departure has come

When a person faints, we carry them into the _air_, or blow _air_ upon theular course In certain cases physicians find it necessary to force air into the lungs of infants; they can after that _air_, themselves, _imbibe_ or _drink in air_, or _inspirit_ thee Whoever has been deprived of air and labored hard for breath in a stifled or unwholesome air, can appreciate e mean

_We were_; _he was_

I have said before that these words are the same, and are used in certain cases irrespective of nuood authority for this opinion, altho soive them different derivations

_Were_, _wert_; _worth_, _werth_; _word_ and _werde_, are derived fronify _spirit_, _life_, _energy_ ”In the beginning was the _word_, and the _word_ ith God” ”By the _word_ of his grace”

”_They were_,” they _inspirited_ themselves, _possessed_ the life, vitality, or _spirit_, the Creator gave theulation, in due degree, they were _worthy_ of the esteeood _word_ of others

_To be_

This is considered the root of all the words we have considered, and to it all others are referred for a definition Dictionaries give no definition to _am_, _is_, _are_, _was_, and _were_, all of them as truly principal verbs as _be_, and possessed of as distinct aIt can hardly be possible that they should fore, and yet be incapable of definition But such is the fact, the e, and those most frequently used, are undefined in the books

Mr Webster says =to be= signifies, ”to exist, to _have_ a real _state_ or _existence_,” and so say Walker and Johnson Now if it is possible to ”=have= _a state of being_ without action or passion,” then may this word express neutrality But the very definition requires activity, and an object expressed It denotes the _act of being_, or living; to _exercise_ the powers of life, to _s

The nahty BEING who _exists_ unchanged as the source of all inferior _beings_ and things, whose nas, the Fountain of _light_, _life_, and _wisdom_

_Be_ is used in the imperative and infinitive e ”_Be_ here in ten minutes” ”_Be it_ far from thee” ”I will _be_ in Boston before noon” If there is any action in going from Providence to Boston at rail-road speed, in two hours, or before noon, it is all expressed by the verb _be_, which we are told expresses _no action_

The teacher says to his scholars when out at play, ”I want you _to be_ in your seats in five minutes” What would they understand him to mean?

that they should stand still? or that they should _change their state of being_ fro in their seats? There is no word to denote such change, except the word _to be_ _Be_ off, _be_ gone, _be_ here, _be_ there, are coiven and correctly understood

The rammar, ”_Be_ here in a minute”

”Yes, sir, I will _be_ there;” but he does not move

”_Be_ here immediately”

”Yes, yes, I will _be_ there”

”Don't you understand me? I say, _be_ here instantly”

”Oh, yes, I understand you and will obey”

The good ed ”You scoundrel,” says he, ”do you mean to disobey my orders and insult me?”

”Insult you and disobey you; I have done neither,” replies the honest boy

”Yes you have, and I will chastise you severely for it”

”No, master, I have not; I declare, I have not I have obeyed you as well as I kno, to the very letter and spirit of your command”

”Didn't I tell you _to be_ here in a minute, and have not you _remained_ where you were? and didn't you say you would _be_ here?”