Part 8 (1/2)
30. Hebert is set at liberty. The French from Landau make an effort to deliver Mayence.
A bold sally is made from Mayence. Prince Louis, son of Prince Ferdinand, makes a vigorous resistance. The jacobins are victorious in Paris.
100,000 citizens are under arms all night. The tocsin (alarm bell) is ringing all day.
The forty-eight sections of Paris demand an act of accusation against twenty members; among whom are, Pethion, Brissot, Barbaroux, Chambon, Gorsas, Guadet, Lanjuinais, Verniaud, &c. Six escape, and among them is Brissot. Madame Roland is arrested; her husband not to be found.
The convention in horrible tumult; and the president (Isnard) unable to calm it, breaks up the sitting. The result of this famous day was to devote twenty-two members to the guillotine, to declare forty-one out of the protection of the law, and to imprison seventy-one.
_June_. A legion of French gentlemen sails from England to Ostend.
A party of male and female negroes are presented to the convention.
The generals of the French armies are as follows: Custine commands the army of the North at Bouchain; Houchard that of the Moselle, at Sar Louis; Beauharnols, the army of the Rhine, at Wissenbourg; Kellerman, that of the Alps, at Chamberry; Brunet, that of Italy, at Nice; De Flers, that of the Eastern Pyrenees, at Bayonne; Biron, the army of the coasts of Nantes, at Nantes; and Wimpfer, that of the coasts of Cantal, at Bayeux.
7. The royalists in La Vendee obtain considerable advantages.
Baron Trenck becomes a jacobin.
9. A b.l.o.o.d.y battle near Arlon. The French very numerous. General Schroeder forced to retreat.
Arlon pillaged by the French.
Discussion in the convention about a forced loan of a milliard of livres.
The Prince of Waldec killed in an attack near Lisle at the head of the Dutch.
Severe complaints from most of the departments about the sitting of the 31st of May.
Saumur and Angers taken by the royalists.
13. Manifesto from the Ma.r.s.eilleois to the French republicans against the convention.
14. The departments of Eure and Calvados declare that the convention is not free.
The club of jacobins is shut up at Aix.
De-Ferraris, general of artillery, begins to bombard Valenciennes.
The Prussians open trenches before Mayence.
Marat returns to the convention after a fortnight's voluntary suspension.
Plan of a republican const.i.tution read.
18. The revolutionary tribunal sends eighteen persons to the guillotine.
General Wimpfer loses the confidence of the convention, on account of the disorders in Calvados.
19. The news reaches London of a naval action on the 18th of April between the French and English.
The army of the Emperor is stated to amount to 225,274 men, exclusive of artillery and the staffs.
Des-Forges nominated minister of foreign affairs.
Count Byland executed.
Dumourier arrives in London. He is ordered to leave England immediately, but in terms of civility.
The royalists under Gaston suffer great losses near Nantes.
20. Deputies a.s.semble at Gren.o.ble to give a judgment upon the proceedings of the convention on the 31st of May.
Ferrand, commandant of Valenciennes, exerts himself by every means to prevent the inhabitants from desiring to surrender.
Decree of accusation against Wimpfer.
23. Pethion and Lanjuinais escape. Decree of accusation against Brissot.
The cathedral of Mayence burnt down; the Prussians summon the city to surrender.
The Imperialists take Weissenau.
_July_ 1. The Queen is informed that she must separate herself from her son, whose education is committed to Simon, a shoemaker.
Barrere reports to the a.s.sembly, that an insurrection has taken place in Corsica.
8. Condorcet is denounced by Chabot.
Buzot, Barbaroux, Gorsas, Lanjuinais, &c. are declared traitors. Some other members are decreed to be in accusation.
General Sandos is delivered to the revolutionary tribunal.
Biron is accused of incivism.
The French are forced to evacuate the camp of Caesar on the Scheldt.
Conde surrenders by capitulation to his Imperial Majesty.
Insurrection at Lyons, and in several other departments.
Declaration by the chiefs of the royal and catholick army of La Vendee.
Admiral Truguet complains to the convention of the ill state of the marine.
12. Charlotte Corday Marat; he is buried with great ceremony in the Pantheon.
Charlotte Corday is executed.
14. The republicans in La Vendee are defeated by the royalists.