Part 25 (1/2)
It is said, that after crying out, ”_Vive la Nation!_”
”_Vive la Republique!_” some volunteers dipped their pikes, and others their handkerchiefs, in the blood of the victim. One person alone had the courage to cry out, _Grace_, and was instantly cut down with a sabre.
Thus died Louis XVI. King of France and Navarre. He was born the 23d of August, 1754, ascended the throne the 10th of May, 1774, and reigned eighteen years and three months.
The following dates relative to the destiny of this prince have been brought together and contrasted.
21st April, 1770, Marriage of Louis at Vienna, and delivery of the ring.
21st June, 1770, Great rejoicings at Paris on account of his marriage.
21st January, 1772, Festival doings in the city on account of the birth of the first Dauphin.
21st June, 1791, The King's departure, or rather flight to Varennes.
21st September, 1792, Abolition of Royalty.
21st January, 1793, Louis beheaded.
IN the name of the most holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, this day, the 25th of December, 1792, I, Louis XVI. by name, King of France, having been four months shut up with my family in the Tower of the Temple, at Paris, by those who were my _subjects_, and deprived of all communication whatever, even, since the 11th of this month, with my family; being moreover involved in a trial, of which it is impossible to foresee the issue, on account of the pa.s.sions of men, and for which there is no pretence nor motive in any existing law, having none but G.o.d for witness to my thoughts, and to whom I can address myself, I here declare, in his presence, my last will and sentiments.
I leave my soul to G.o.d my creator; I beseech him to receive it in his mercy; not to judge it according to its merits, but to those of our Lord Jesus Christ, who offered himself as a sacrifice to G.o.d his Father for us men, unworthy of it as we are, and I more than any.
I die in the faith of our holy mother the catholic, apostolic, and Roman Church, which derives her powers in an uninterrupted succession from St. Peter, to whom Jesus Christ had entrusted them; I firmly believe and acknowledge all that is contained in the apostles'
creed, the commandments of G.o.d, and of the church; the sacraments and mysteries, such the Catholic Church teaches, and has always taught them; I never pretended, to be a judge of the different modes of explaining the dogmas which divide the church of Jesus Christ; but I have always trusted, and shall always trust, if G.o.d grants me life, to the decisions that the ecclesiastical superiors, together with the holy catholic church, give and shall give, according to the discipline of the church since Jesus Christ. I pity with all my heart our brethren who may be in error, but I do not pretend to judge them; nor do I love them the less in Jesus Christ, according to what christian charity teaches us, and I pray G.o.d to forgive me all my sins: I have scrupulously sought to know them, to detest them, and to humble myself in his presence. Not being permitted to make use of the ministry of a catholic priest, I pray G.o.d to receive the confession which I have made to him of them; and above all, my sincere repentance for having put my name (though against my will) to acts that may be contrary to the discipline and faith of the catholic church, to which I have always been sincerely and faithfully united.
I pray G.o.d to accept my firm resolution, if he grants me life, to make use as soon as possible of the ministry of a catholic priest, that I may accuse myself of all my sins, and receive the sacrament of penance. I beseech all those whom I may have inadvertently offended, (for I do not remember to have knowingly given offence to any person) and those to whom I may have given bad examples, or caused scandal, to forgive the injuries they think I may have done them.