Vol Chapter 5 (1/2)

Chapter 5: Su Ling returns, Part 1 of 5

“I lost again!”

Su Yu stared at the chessboard, his glaring eyes almost popping out, hitting his head hard, he snarled: “Strange, after so few pieces, it’s beyond me that while I was definitely earnestly looking at them, nonetheless how come I haven’t seen you had already four pieces connected?”

As more and more chess pieces were placed down in the course of time, inevitably there will come a time something will escape one’s attention, but there were only a meager ten pieces, after a quarter of an hour, still how come he had overlooked?

Su Yu still unwilling to quit quickly said: “another round.”

Su Ren laughed, it was now almost midnight, he certainly did not want to continue playing with Yu. It is not that this game is not amusing, rather the opponent is extremely weak, so there is not an iota of fun in it at all. It had always been regrettable that Yu completely had no interest in playing Go in the past, but he single-handedly fell in love with this game of Gobang, it had been four or five days already, every day he was pestering him to play Gobang with him, even though he often got beaten hopelessly. Su Ren got up and stretched his back, retorted: “it’s getting late now, tomorrow you still have to train your army!”

Su Yu pulled Su Ren’s sleeves, coaxingly he said: “Second brother, one last game, just one more round!”

Grudgingly, Su Ren had to sit down again.

This time Su Yu played quite seriously, placing every single chess piece very cautiously, his attention completely focused on the game.

Just back from attending a banquet dinner at the imperial palace, Su Ling could not believe his eyes when he saw this very strange scene. Exactly when did Yu begin to be interested in playing Go?

This also piqued a bit of Su Ling’s curiosity, entering the room, he walked over and stood behind Su Yu’s back. Seeing the pieces densely crowding together on the chessboard, apparently completely lacking strategy in chess, his brows furrowed deeply. Su Ren who had earlier already caught sight of him, murmured: “Big brother.”

“Big brother?” Confused, Su Yu looked up, glanced left and right, eventually seeing the figure of Su Ling behind him, surprised he asked: “Big brother, oh you’re back?!”

Su Ling’s body reeked mildly of alcohol, Su Ren while casually placing down a chess piece jestingly spoke: “envoys from Northern Qi are visiting, tonight the emperor hosted a banquet dinner to welcome them at the palace, big brother returned because of this?” Without confirming anything Su Ling merely coldly inquired: “did anything happen in the Manor?” Seeing them leisurely enjoying a game of chess, it is unlikely that something had occurred in the Manor. But, Bing Lian over the last several years has very seldom behaved strangely, so what was the matter after all?

Su Ling’s serious facial expression suddenly caused Su Yu’s heart to skip a beat, big brother didn’t find out about the matter of his and that woman’s compet.i.tion in training, right? Although strictly speaking this is not a misdemeanor, but if big brother finds out he stopped the training on tactical deployment, instead took a group of new recruits to make a bet, he’ll surely throw a fit. A worried Su Yu anxiously looked to Su Ren, but he saw him nonchalantly smiling, his face unfl.u.s.tered he replied: “none, nothing different from the usual.”

Su Yu was secretly admiring, trust second brother to tell a barefaced lie.

Nothing unusual occurred? Then why was Yu looking like being plagued with a guilty conscience? Su Ling determined to get to the heart of Bing Lian’s matters, his scimitar-like eyebrows curved upwards, sternly asked: “Who touched Bing Lian?”

Su Yu stared speechless, it turned out big brother was concerned of Bing Lian ah! His mind relaxed, a baffled Su Yu shrieked: “Who would dare to touch it ah?” That very evil sword, when he was young he took it once, he nearly was frozen to death!

Bing Lian really chose Qing Mo, even thousands of miles away Chi Xue sensed its intention! Antic.i.p.ating the brilliant expression on big brother’s face after he’ll know Su Ren smirked covertly, but at this moment he did not intend to divulge anything, big brother discovering this matter on his own should be hilarious. Su Yu feigning puzzlement asked: “Is there anything peculiar about Bing Lian?”

“Never mind.”

After walking a few paces away, Su Ling suddenly stopped, the two stared at his back, thinking he had some more to say, after a while, only to hear a cold male voice with a tinge of disappointment saying: “Ren, your chess skill is increasingly getting worse.”

“My…” Su Ren stiffened in place, he did not know whether to laugh or cry, what’s wrong with his chess skill? They were not playing Go at all ah …

Su Ling unfortunately was not planning to hear his explanation, his tall figure already disappeared and went outside to the courtyard.

“Ha ha ha ha ha…” Su Yu recovered his composure, sounds of hearty laughter erupted inside the study, it was very funny, second brother got his just deserts!

Chapter 5: Su Ling returns, Part 2 of 5

The crescent moon looking like a hook, the vast sky filled with stars, the noisy forest for the past few days was remarkably quiet tonight, in the pitch-dark forest hardly a ray of light can be seen, let alone a shadow.

Behind a st.u.r.dy and stout tree trunk, the back of a shadow leaned against the trunk, eyes slightly closed looking very pleased with herself, slung on her shoulder was a curved longbow, beneath her feet stood a bundle of long arrows, stuck on her waist was an exquisite, small dagger, overall looking armed to the teeth. Ah yes, Gu Yun is going hunting tonight!

The day of the compet.i.tion is in three days, regarding these young soldiers, she is fairly satisfied with them. Speaking of recruits, she can confidently declare that in terms of endurance, attacking power and mobility, this team is absolutely the best among the new recruits of the Su family army. Tonight she let them rest without training, firstly, to allow them to recharge their batteries in preparation for her training tomorrow night; secondly – she’s going to catch a big rat tonight.

For five straight days, this kind of feeling of being spied on lingered, she is definitely sure someone was furtively watching her, tonight she has time, she might as well meet him.

The night gradually deepened, silence reigned.

Gu Yun’s slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, holding her breath, the corners of her mouth curved displaying a very light hint of a smile, her prey came …

Ao Tian popped up like a ghost, his figure very light and very fast silently emerged in his usual hiding place, inside the forest, apart from the low chirping of cicadas, as well as the rustle of leaves, there was no familiar sound of that arrogant woman’s voice.

Did she not come tonight?

His mood inexplicably somewhat dampened, Ao Tian could not tell whether it was because of his disappointment or because he had nothing to do tonight to pa.s.s the time.

Standing still for a moment, his tall figure was just about to depart when the familiar woman’s voice suddenly from a place not far from him coldly resounded, “tonight there’s no good show to watch, anyway since you have come already, why don’t you show yourself!”

Ao Tian’s footsteps faltered, she actually came? Yet he unexpectedly failed to detect her presence, turning without betraying a change of expression on his dark eyes, slightly moving sideways, he looked towards the direction of the sound.

Across numerous trees, far away, a silhouette of a pet.i.te figure stood proudly in the forest, interrogating as she was approaching: “Who are you? Why have you been snooping on my training?”

Gu Yun could only see a faint shadow in the distance, she could not at all clearly see the appearance of the other person, taking advantage while talking, Gu Yun very quickly walked towards the rear, just when she almost reached his side, suddenly the shadow lightly jumped, surprisingly he dodged seven to eight meters away from her!

“You want to escape!” While chasing after him Gu Yun lifted the longbow, her hand grasped the sharp arrow, shooting towards the escaping shadow.

These past few days when she trained the soldiers shooting with the longbow she herself tried it, it cannot be compared with the pistol, but at least it is a long-range shooting weapon.

Long arrows whizzed past the ears of Ao Tian, the swift woosh of the wind demonstrated the archer’s fierce and sharp release, this woman surprisingly can shoot arrows!

Ao Tian suddenly flew to the top of the tree, one can only see the leaves between the branches quickly shaking about, after a moment, everything became tranquil.

Motionless Gu Yun calmly listened with rapt attention, but there was no more sign of a human’s presence. Unexpectedly she let him get away! What a pity, if she was holding in her hand an M92F pistol, he wouldn’t have the chance to escape!

Lingyun Pavilion.

One white and one red, two long swords, quietly lying on top of the stone table, at first glance, there was nothing particularly special about them. But after a closer look, beneath the moonlight the white sword was cold like ice and snow, the red sword red like fiery lava, identically similar aligned and laid out, a faint current of energy was flowing between the two swords.

Su Ling held Bing Lian in his hands, caressing gently the blade of the sword, gradually a whiff of freezing cold air encroached in the hollow of his palm, as it had always been in the past, evidently Bing Lian was not damaged at all, then why was it so agitated that day, even Chi Xue surprisingly felt its abnormal behavior. Su Ling was engrossed in his own thoughts when suddenly Bing Lian in his hands became somewhat colder than usual and repeatedly flashed a pale white light, signaling its excitement.

What’s going on with Bing Lian?

Su Ling was about to pull up the sword to look, when suddenly it calmed down, at the same time, Su Ling also felt that someone was approaching Lingyun Pavilion.

Entering the General Manor from the side of the training ground, Gu Yun bowed her head while walking, mulling over the ident.i.ty of that man tonight, surely it could not be Su Yu, he does not have such an outstanding martial arts, also it is unlikely he would be doing this kind of thing. So, who in the General Manor is capable to do such an act?

Pa.s.sing by Su Ling’s Lingyun Pavilion, Gu Yun once again noticed his courtyard’s gate was ajar, she walked over a few steps, then Gu Yun stopped. Last time’s lesson taught her, Su Ling’s court is often not locked, who knows inside there’s again a vanguard, a lieutenant and the likes, tonight she is awfully tired, she does not want to fight with anyone.

Gu Yun turned around to leave, but a cold voice rang out from within the courtyard, “Who’s there?”.

This voice – it is Su Ling! He really came back?

Gu Yun was still weighing whether or not to answer him, or to simply walk away to avoid him, he did not know who was outside anyway.

“Come in.” Icy cold and unquestionable his voice rang out again. Gu Yun briefly hesitated, nevertheless she went in, she has some things to discuss with him anyway.

Very soon, a pet.i.te figure appeared in the courtyard, a person emerged dressed in black clothes, slung on the shoulder a longbow, how can it be her? Recognizing the person who came, Su Ling’s initially indifferent face instantaneously darkened, angrily he blurted out: “What are you doing here?”

Gu Yun did not catch the snooper tonight, naturally she was already in a foul mood, now adding to that to be berated by this person, her anger boiled over, her tone quite belligerent she replied: “Great General Su, if you’re not suffering from senile dementia, you should recall that it was you who ordered me to come in.”

He’s sickening! Her face wearing a surly expression, if compared to his dark face, her mien is not quite bad, she let it pa.s.s, without saying anything, today she’s not interested to keep him company for his amus.e.m.e.nt.

Gu Yun turned away to leave.


In the entire General Manor no one dares to defy such a furious and frosty-cold low growl, unfortunately, Gu Yun did not at all consider herself to be a person of the General Manor, with long hurried steps she continued to walk out.

He thinks he’s ordering a dog? Beckoning it, it comes; waving it away, it goes?! Like an obedient child one should meekly stop, well in that respect, not Gu Yun.

Su Ling’s eagle-like eyes glinted cold, his big and strong figure very rapidly flew and swept past, landing in front of and blocking Gu Yun’s body.

Like a mountain, his chest solid and firm across the face of Gu Yun, Gu Yun nearly collided into it, darn it, how great such pecs ah!

He thinks she’s still the same feeble woman a month ago who can only endure lying flat on the ground unable to move a finger? What she really wants to do, to subject him to the same treatment!

While on one side undercurrent was surging, on the other side, on top of the stone table, one white and one red placed side by side, the two swords suddenly as if sensing the moods of their masters without prompting, automatically reacted, under the moonlight, both emitted rays of light one white and one red clas.h.i.+ng with one another, producing a bizarre radiance of lights.

Sharp eyes vis-a-vis cold eyes of the unrelenting opponents, secretly pitting one’s strength against the other’s, the atmosphere was completely incendiary, behind them the two swords were also increasingly getting restless, trembling continuously, the strange noise made Gu Yun wonder, she was just about to look behind her back, when a huge hand grabbed her shoulder.

Chapter 5: Su Ling returns, Part 3 of 5

Though he does not understand why tonight Bing Lian and Chi Xue are acting weirdly, nevertheless he does not want an outsider to know the secret of the two swords. His line of sight traversing over the top of Gu Yun’s head, grave and stern eyes glared at the agitated swords on the stone table, as if finally sensing Su Ling’s fury, the growing bright light gradually dimmed and the incessant shaking of the swords calmed down.

The pain on her shoulder made Gu Yun wince, but she did not raise her voice, she merely whispered: “Let go.” d.a.m.n Su Ling, he dared put his hands on her! Although her tone was gentle, but her hand was already grasping the dagger on her waist, if he does not relinquish his grip, she’s not going to take this lying down!

Seeing that Bing Lian and Chi Xue were both back to their normal state, Su Ling did not make things difficult for Gu Yun, he loosened his big hand clamping her shoulder. At this time, Su Ling also had the chance to examine closely the woman clad in very strange clothes, her originally knee-length hair was cut off to her waist, without any ornaments the hair was pulled back and tied high, and that body-fitting black outfit, how strange-looking, not to mention in the middle of the night she was also carrying a longbow.

When did the General Manor become a place where she can roam around as it pleases her? Those night patrol guards were they all out eating?! Even the cold and proud Su Ling could not help but be curious, “it’s very late at night, you dressed like this, just where do you intend to go?”

He released his hand, thus Gu Yun also unleashed the dagger she was holding and lowered her hand from her waist. “I just came back from hunting.” In her heart still curious about the strange noise a moment ago, while curtly replying to him Gu Yun turned and looked around. Behind her was the stone table as it had always been, the stone bench, the pine trees surrounding the courtyard were also as ever gently swaying in the light breeze, nothing peculiar whatsoever.

Hunting? Su Ling obviously did not believe, Gu Yun turned around, and happened to meet Su Ling’s eyes turning even more cold and gloomy.

Gu Yun shrugged her shoulders, laughing she added: “At first I could have caught a big rat, but in the end I let him run away.” She was telling the truth, but she could see his confusion.

Su Ling stared at the astute, alert and graceful face, after looking for a while, unexpectedly the corners of his mouth on his ever grim face actually curved up, chuckling he asked softly: “Are the Qing family sisters all so weird?”

What’s the meaning of these words, he met her other Qing family siblings? Granted that he had met them, he need not describe them as weird! Feeling faintly in her heart something was quite fishy with the whole matter, Gu Yun seizing an opportunity deliberately retorted: “In comparison, I thought I am relatively normal.”

Su Ling’s sharp eyes slightly widened, actually nodding his head he replied: “indeed, your elder sister’s att.i.tude and skill in autopsy, it really is very impressive.”

He had fought on the battlefield for many years, he had seen countless horrible corpses, but anything like today, a person’s visceral organs one by one getting inspected, it really was unprecedented. And the person perfoming this, surprisingly was just a slender woman, her skillful approach and calm clear a.n.a.lysis, it was just impossible for people not to admire in awe.

An autopsy! Gu Yun’s heart jolted, joy and excitement filled her mind, but in order to extract more information from Su Ling, Gu Yun quelled her excitement, with a quizzical expression on her face she asked: “How do you know my elder sister can perform an autopsy?”

Su Ling nonchalantly replied: “Tonight on the main palace hall, she stole the show.” Not just him, he reckons all the court officials will vividly remember the recently appointed Madam of Prime Minister Lou.

Main palace hall? Among the Qing family sisters could it be Qing who was selected to enter the palace, Gu Yun urgently asked: “where is she now? Is she still in the palace?”

“I suppose she should have already returned to the Estate of the Prime Minister.” Su Ling obviously lost interest already, thus Gu Yun also did not inquire further. Basically she knows already what she wanted to know. In all likelihood Qing also entered the body of one of the Qing sisters, and presently her domicile is the Estate of the Prime Minister, this is enough for now, she will find the opportunity to meet her later.

At the moment she wants to resolve the issue between her and Su Ling. Taking a step back, she went to sit down on a stone bench, calmly and amicably Gu Yun said: “I have something I want to discuss with you.”

Just a moment ago acting like a shrew, but now strikingly calm, wis.h.i.+ng to listen what she wanted to discuss, Su Ling sat down across from her, in a somber tone he replied: “Speak.”

Gu Yun did not want to drag matters, straightforward, she said: “I’m aware that the Emperor of Qiong Yue bestowed me to the General Manor. You were not happy about it, you did not want me. My appearance seemed to have disrupted the normal life in the General Manor. This being the case, I propose a solution. I’ll spend some time in the General Manor just until the emperor no longer pays attention to this matter. Afterwards, for whatever grounds you choose, you can expel me from the General Manor. Then, life in the General Manor can resume as before. You too can return to your olden days.”

Adept at reading facial expressions, naturally she could tell, Su Ling is not a whit fond of her. Even if occasionally his eyes displayed curiosity towards her but then in the same breath it was difficult to conceal the disgust in his eyes. Since this was the case, she voluntarily offered to go. He ought to be happy about it now, right?

Unfortunately, Su Ling’s face didn’t manifest the slightest expression of joy. His eyes staring at her coldly, Gu Yun’s heart had a bad premonition. Since he did not react, Gu Yun can only ask: “So, what do you think?”

Sure enough, as she had antic.i.p.ated, Su Ling replied in just three words, “out of question.”