Part 5 (1/2)
Then why dont you explain it to me?
Because its none of your business, he said without emotion as he pulled on his hood and retreated into its depths.
Neither of them said another word until they reached Stonehenge. Valerie could barely make out the giant stones in the light that was starting to creep over the horizon, but her heart leapt at the sight of them anyway.
So whats the test?
Cyrus appeared in front of her. Simple. Show that your magic is too strong for you to survive on Earth.
Obviously the magic inside her is strong enough. It nearly killed her last night! Thai blurted out. So tell us where the next clue is!
I dont even know, dude, Cyrus said. But chill out, sh.e.l.l be fine.
Both of you, give me some s.p.a.ce, she said firmly, as she saw Thai about to shout at Cyrus again.
Valerie approached the stones slowly. Magic hummed as she walked around the outside of the ring of stones. Inhaling deeply, she stepped inside, and the humming inside of her grew stronger.
Gently, she ran her hands over the rough stones, one at a time. At the fifth stone she touched, she stopped, puzzled. There was something different about this one. All of the stones contained power, she could sense that, but this one contained something else as well. It seemed”alive.
The dim light caressing the stone changed, and she gasped. How could she have missed it? Etched into the stone was a face. Were it not for the angle of light casting shadows on the stone, she would never have been able to see it. The etching had obviously faded over the hundreds of years that the monument stood. In direct sunlight, it would be practically invisible.
Valerie hesitated before touching the face with her hand, not wanting to offend it. Her fingertips brushed the cheek of the face, and she made a small sound of surprise. Instead of rough stone, it was warm flesh. At her touch, the eyes of the face glowed a gentle blue.
Her vision blurred, and when she was able to refocus, she was looking out over Stonehenge through those blue, glowing eyes. She could now see the monument as it once was in all its glory, with the stones all standing. At the horizon, the sun was now peeking over the edge. She followed with her eyes the first direct ray of light from the sun as it pa.s.sed through the two heel stones in the distance and struck a stone in the middle of the circle.
Suddenly, Valerie was back in her own body, and the stone in the center of the circle, the altar stone, was still glowing. She approached the stone, which was bathed in new morning light. She stepped into the light and a flood of power surged through her. A thousand images of the Great Pyramid in Egypt flashed through her brain, too fast for her to process. But the last image burned into her brain”the great stone Sphinx staring down at her with glowing blue eyes, the expression in them curious.
She had her clue. What lay beyond the Sphinxs strange gaze was a mystery, but at least she knew where she had to go next.
The bright light faded into normal morning suns.h.i.+ne. She was about to shout to Thai and Cyrus when a black shadow flickered in the corner of her vision.
Val, look out! Cyrus shouted, pointing to her right. Thai came running toward her.
She turned and saw the enormous man who had frightened her at the Oakland train station a few days ago. Thai was right”he was dangerous. As quick as lightning, the man crouched and then jumped, farther than any human could possibly jump. As he flew through the air, she saw that his palms were covered in yellow, nasty-smelling slime, and he was reaching for her neck.
Valeries body responded, and she was able to dodge his grasping hands, despite his speed. She hit the ground, hard, and it knocked the wind out of her. But she forced herself to her feet. Without knowing what she was doing, she knocked his hand away with the back of her foot with an elegant spin kick. She could feel that her kick packed more power than it should”she was tapping into her magic.
But for the first time, she had the sense that she was capable of so much more”this bit of strength was only a taste of what she was capable. She strained against the invisible bonds holding her magic at bay.
With a growl, the man was on his feet again, lunging toward her. By now, Thai had reached the fight, and he kicked the man on his back from behind. The man spun around to face him, and Thai punched him in the face. The man staggered backward, but then leapt forward and slammed into Thai with his entire weight. With a grunt, Thai was thrown backward and his head hit one of the stones.
At the sight of Thai out of commission, her adrenaline or magic or whatever was inside her spiked. The man approached Thai, and she saw that the slime on his hands also oozed out of his bare feet. Instinctively, she knew that if any of that goo touched Thai, he might not survive. For the first time since the fight started, she was afraid. It made her gut clench. There was no way she would let him hurt Thai. As the man lifted his foot, she tackled him to the ground.
Val, get away from him. h.e.l.l kill you! Cyrus yelled helplessly.
The man head-b.u.t.ted her, and her vision went black for a split second. Then he was on top of her, his weight pinning her to the ground, his slimy hand raised. Without knowing where the knowledge came from, she wrenched an arm free and brought her fist down hard on a spot between his neck and shoulder.
The man went limp, unconscious, and she knocked his hand away so it didnt touch her. As she wriggled out from under his heavy body, she could swear she heard Sanguinas voice, cursing. But when she looked around, there was no one at the monument other than the four of them.
If you ever needed more proof that your magic is tied to your fighting ability, this is it, Cyrus said with a relieved grin.
Thai staggered over to her, holding a hand against his head.
Are you okay? It looked like he knocked you out.
Not quite, but he might as well have, for all the help I was able to give you.
She started to disagree, but was distracted by a putrid smell that stung her nostrils. It came from the slime on the mans hands and feet.
That must be poison, she commented, and then noticed the stunned expression on Thais face. What is it?
I didnt see the poison. He could have killed me.
Lets get far away from here before he wakes up. Well be long gone when he tries to look for us.
No, Valerie, you dont get it. You saved my life.
No”we beat him together. And your life wouldnt have been in danger if it werent for me.
Well, thanks, he said in a tone that was a mixture of admiration and grat.i.tude.
Valerie looked away. She never knew what to say when someone thanked her. Any time.
Cyrus crouched over the unconscious man. Now that I see this guy up close, I think I recognize him. Ive heard people talk about someone helping out the Fractus with tasks they need done on Earth. His name is Venu.
Why isnt he dying from the magic inside him, like me? Valerie asked, confused.
Cyrus glanced at Thai before answering. Its rare, but there are exceptions. Venu doesnt have a magic power like yours. Hes part amphibian or something, from what I hear. That kind of magic”a person possessing qualities from nature”doesnt break Earths rules for some reason.
So he cant come to the Globe? He must feel like a freak on Earth.
Leave it to you to worry about the mental well-being of a guy who tried to kill you, Cyrus said. But anyway, I heard that the Conjurors offered him the chance to come to the Globe, and he refused. It was too late”the Fractus had already gotten to him. No one knows what they promised him, but hes doing whatever they want.
I guess the Fractus want to stop you from getting to the Globe, Valerie, Thai said quietly. But well make sure they fail.
Chapter 9.
Valerie and Thai traveled with a new sense of urgency, turning the trip from Stonehenge back to the London Heathrow Airport into a race to escape before Venu regained consciousness. Valerie couldnt help looking over her shoulder every few minutes, half expecting to see his enormous shoulders in the distance, lumbering after them. Only when they were safely aboard their flight to Cairo, Egypt, and Thai had scanned all the pa.s.sengers to make sure Venu wasnt on board, did she finally feel her muscles relax.
I wish there was some way we could know for sure that he isnt following us again, Thai said after they were safely in the air.
Cyrus popped into view, sitting in a cross-legged yoga pose on top of the bald head of the man sitting in front of them. Valerie couldnt repress a grin, but Thai hissed, Get down from there! Thats so disrespectful.
Whatever, h.e.l.l never know, Cyrus said, but then moved to the empty seat between Valerie and Thai instead.