Part 15 (1/2)
Then suddenly, cheers burst out from everyone at the pool, and from somewhere the sound of lively music filled the air. Now, we celebrate! Celebrate the life Leo lived, and the life we all have yet to experience, Sibyl shouted joyfully.
The weight of farewell and loss that hung heavy in the air lifted. Like magic, the atmosphere changed wildly, and Valeries feet were suddenly light, as if she could walk on air. Everyone began to dance around the pool, and she was pulled into the swirling ma.s.s of Conjurors. With Kanti holding one hand and Cyrus holding the other, she let herself go, joining in the dancing and singing.
Something about the dance was mesmerizing, and somehow, her feet seemed to remember the steps, and her voice knew the tune. The crowd moved as one, racing around the still pool. Valerie looked at Cyrus, and they both started laughing from sheer joy. She had never been so full of life.
The rest of the night was a whirlwind of spinning, singing, and feasting. When she finally collapsed inside the tent, she could still hear the music inside her head.
Chapter 24.
The next morning, Valerie was shaken awake by Kanti. Weve overslept! Come on, guys, get up.
Cyrus rubbed his eyes and sat up. Relax, were up.
Relax? How could I have forgotten about Henry like that last night? It was like I was drugged or something. I wonder if they used some fairy spell.
I dont think so. It was a celebration of life, Valerie said. She smiled at the memory. It was the first party she had ever gone to, and it made up for every birthday that she had never had the chance to celebrate.
Anyway, Putrefus sleeps in, remember? Cyrus added.
Im no better than my parents, forgetting whats important just to go to some party, Kanti muttered angrily, her bushy eyebrows drawn so closely together that they almost met in the middle. Then, louder, she said, Whatever, lets get going.
Whats with her? Cyrus whispered to Valerie as they hurriedly packed their gear. She shrugged. She was starting to get used to Kantis mood swings.
Outside, bright light beat down on the tent and rolled off the desert in waves. The Roaming City was full of movement. In the daylight, Valerie could see that all the robes worn by the members of the Oracle were different colors.
Cyrus noticed Valerie examining them and explained, The colors have to do with how experienced they are at prophesying. The white robes are for the newest apprentices, but other than that, I dont know what the colors mean.
Sibyl, wearing a silvery robe, fluttered over as they finished packing. Ill take you to Pythias Temple. Putrefus should be there by now. Maybe we can persuade him to deliver your prophesy with a little enticement. I brought you his favorite pastry. It might sweeten him up, she said with a twinkle in her eye, handing a fluffy m.u.f.fin to Valerie.
Thanks, Sibyl. Thats so thoughtful of you.
And can we hurry? Not to be rude, but its so important, Kanti said, apprehension written on her face.
Sibyl led them through the streets of the Roaming City. It was very different from Silva, where every building was unique. Instead, all of the tan huts were indistinguishable from each other until they came to the door of one brown building that was several times wider and taller than all of the other huts.
This is the temple of the founder of the Oracle, Pythia. She is one of the most ancient creatures on the Globe, born when Conjurors still lived on Earth. She established this city as soon as she moved here in order to train others who possess a gift for prophesying. She has instructed hundreds in her craft and in her code of honor. She taught us how to use our powers to give the worthy insight into the future, so Conjurors could shape their lives and this world in a positive way. She also created the code we live by, to help those in need and to resist using our powers for profit, Sibyl said. Of course, some of us revere the code more than others.
Valerie had a pretty good idea who Sibyl was referring to. She had a feeling that Putrefus didnt embrace the code with quite the same fervor that Sybil did.
Will we meet Pythia? Cyrus asked.
Thats very unlikely. She rarely leaves her bed, Sibyl replied, her eyes filled with grief. Pythia is coming to the end of her days.
Im so sorry, Valerie said, putting a gentle hand on Sibyls shoulder. Sibyl squeezed her hand and then led them into the temple.
The inside of the temple was as una.s.suming as the outside. The walls were bare, and the only decoration was a spiral staircase at the back of the room that swept up to the second floor. The temple was filled with a quiet bustle as the Conjurors in their many-colored robes went about their tasks. In the middle of the room were three concentric circles. At the center was a three-legged stool. Valerie noticed that no one stepped inside the circles.
No one can enter the rings unless they are delivering or receiving a prophecy, Sybil explained. The s.p.a.ce inside the rings is holy.
There he is, Kanti said, nudging Valerie and distracting her from her examination of the room.
Putrefus, wearing a deep purple robe, stood by a window talking to a small group of Conjurors wearing blue. Putrefus said something, and then the group looked over at Valerie, Kanti, and Cyrus and didnt even try to hide their laughter.
Valerie took a deep breath. Lets do this. They walked over to Putrefus with Sibyl lingering behind them. Good morning, Putrefus. I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. Im Valerie. I heard that youre the most gifted member of the Oracle in the city.
You heard correctly, he said.
Valerie saw Kanti trying to stifle her laughter, and she nudged her hard in the ribs. I brought you breakfast. I heard this is your favorite, Valerie said with a smile, handing him the m.u.f.fin. I would be so honored if you would deliver my prophecy. The need is great, for, you see, theres a boy in trouble and I have to save him. May I count on your compa.s.sion?
I already ate, Putrefus said, tossing the m.u.f.fin to one of his friends. So if I help you, whats in it for me?
Valerie turned to Cyrus, confused. I thought we didnt need an offering.
You dont! Sibyl burst out indignantly. She had been hovering a few yards behind the group, but now she pushed herself forward so that she was standing inches away from Putrefus. It is our duty and privilege to help those in need.
Im very busy. Why dont you ask one of the lower level Oracles to deliver your prophecy? Putrefus said, turning away disdainfully.
Before Valerie could react to Putrefuss rejection, a sudden hush fell over the room. Everyone stopped what they were doing and fell to one knee with their hands over their hearts. To her surprise, even Putrefus grudgingly knelt.
Valerie followed the gaze of everyone in the room and saw an ancient woman in a red robe at the top of the staircase. Slowly, she descended, stair by stair. She moved as if each step took great effort, but when she reached the bottom, she spoke in a voice so booming that Valerie couldnt fathom how it came out of her small frame.
Shes here! The woman announced, looking in Valeries direction. At last, I can deliver my final prophecy. She wound her way through the kneeling group and stopped in front of Valerie. Up close, Valerie could see that her darkly tanned face was covered in dozens of deep wrinkles. Her pure white hair hung to her waist. I have waited for you. Your need called to me across the universe, across the centuries. I was so afraid you would not make it to this place to hear your prophecy until after I was gone.
A murmur of astonishment rushed across the room. Valerie was mesmerized as she stared into the womans wide blue eyes, the widest she had ever seen. This couldnt be anyone other than Pythia.
Guess you werent too good to deliver Vals prophecy after all. Turns out she was too good for you, Kanti whispered to Putrefus. Putrefus grunted, but he didnt reply.
Pythia clasped Valeries hands in her own and pulled her gently into the circles in the middle of the room. Then she sat on the stool in the center, sighing with relief as she rested. Only then did she release Valeries hands.
Valerie knelt before Pythia and looked up into her face. Pythias eyes darted around the room, as if she was watching a scene unfold before her eyes, trying to absorb every detail. Then, all of the frailty that Valerie had seen in the old woman dropped away, and before her stood not an old woman, but a force of nature, the Oracle. She exuded power, and it hummed inside of Valerie more strongly than she had ever felt before, causing her entire body to tremble. Pythia now sat board-straight, and her voice echoed as she spoke.
Before your eyes, two destinies unfurl.
Both are full of adventure, love, and loss.
The path you choose will impact both of your worlds, But be forewarned, each choice has a cost.
The cry for help across the universe Is your own brothers frightened, desperate peal.
Answer his call to save a life thats cursed.
A family divided now can heal.