Part 2 (1/2)
A second jolt rocked her chest like an electric shock. He'd waited so long for his dad to find out about him-that he even existed-and she hadn't been there for him when it finally happened.
But she was here now.
Before she could speak, he turned away and shuffled into his room, collapsing on the bed. Maddie followed and shut the door behind them. ”MJ, what did he say?”
”Nothing,” he mumbled into his pillow. ”The Old Man got my dad's girlfriend to come here so he could break the news to her, use her as the messenger. She told my dad about me and he took off. She doesn't even know where he went.”
This was the worst possible outcome, and over the years she and MJ had considered them all.
”What if he finds out about me and doesn't want anything to do with me?” MJ asked, sitting on the branch beside her, high up in the willow tree beside the lake.
Maddie watched their feet dangle and sway, side-by-side. It was the summer after eighth grade for her. She'd be a freshman in high school in the fall. She knew everything, or thought she did. ”Of course he'll want to be your dad. Why wouldn't he?”
MJ shrugged his boney, ten-year-old shoulders. ”What if he doesn't, Mads?”
She elbowed him in the side, making him laugh. ”Then I'll kick his b.u.t.t.”
He elbowed her back. ”Like you could.”
She swung an arm over his shoulder. ”For you, I would.” She squeezed him against her. ”I promise.”
Maddie walked over to the head of MJ's bed. She reached out to brush a hand over his hair, but drew it back. ”Want me to find him and kick his b.u.t.t? I did promise after all.”
She heard him sigh into his pillow. ”You made a lot of promises.”
Maddie let herself fall onto the bed beside him. Sitting at his side, she put a hand on his back. He was warm under the soft cotton T-s.h.i.+rt. She wanted nothing more than to snuggle up against him and make him forgive her.
She longed to tell him the truth. He couldn't think she honestly wanted to leave him. It wasn't fair.
But this wasn't about her. And it wasn't the time for secrets to come out. ”What can I do?” She rubbed her hand in circles, hoping to give him some comfort.
With his head still turned away in his pillow, he reached for her and pulled her down next to him. He didn't say a word, just kept his arm tucked around her waist.
Maddie slid her left leg over his right and laid her head on his back where her hand made small circles.
He was drunk. Maddie knew this would never be happening if he was sober, but she'd take it.
She stared at the full moon glowing between the slats in the blind covering his window. The repet.i.tive motion of her hand and the friction of his s.h.i.+rt against her palm lulled her into a trance. For the first time in forever, she wasn't searching for some answer inside herself. She was just feeling and breathing and living for each second as it came.
MJ's steady breathing slowed and she thought he'd gone to sleep. Reluctantly, she slid out from under his arm and stood. It was time to leave, or she'd stay all night, sleep in his arms and wake to those eyes and that smile in the morning-it wasn't like that between them anymore.
Maddie tugged his shoes off and pulled a blanket up over him. ”It wasn't a promise I wanted to break,” she whispered.
I knew you didn't come back to visit me.”
Maddie wiped her eyes and turned to her father's teasing tone. She'd just left MJ sleeping and was taking a few minutes to gather her thoughts, steady her mind.
Her dad's strides were slow due to his limp, coming toward her from the big house. ”Hi, Daddy.”
”Hi, Peach.” Everyone but MJ called her Peach. ”I'm guessing you spent some time with MJ?”
She sighed and crossed her arms. ”He got drunk at Coach's place and needed a ride home.”
Her dad squeezed her shoulder. ”He's lucky he's had you to depend on all these years.”
She leaned into her dad, breathing in the familiar scent of his aftershave and relis.h.i.+ng the rea.s.surance of his arm around her shoulders. It had only been about eight months since he visited her in Michigan, but his face was more wrinkled than the last time she'd seen him, his gray hair thinner, but his frame was as solid as ever as he held her steady. ”He'll never forgive me.”
She knew she'd always been the one person MJ depended upon. The one and only person he trusted. Until she left. She'd broken his trust, and he might never give her the chance to earn it back.
”What's to forgive? You're both young. This rift is only temporary. You two will work it out.” He turned her around in his arms to face him. His eyes were as blue as hers behind his ”Don't you remember how you two fought when you were young? Always bickering and picking at each other. That's what you do.” He gave her a little shake, smiling. ”Do you trust me, Peach?”
She felt the corners of her lips tilt up, and she nodded.
”Good. You'll get past this. Give it time.” He kissed her forehead and let her go.
Her dad's confidence never wavered, and it gave her hope that maybe he was right. Maybe she was just too close and too emotional to see her situation with MJ objectively.
”How'd he take the news?” He tapped her ring under her s.h.i.+rt.
”There is no news. I haven't decided. That's why I'm here, remember?” She tapped his forehead.
He laughed. ”I know why you're here.”
She shook her head, but didn't ask him what he meant. She knew. He thought she was there for MJ. Maybe she was. Maybe she couldn't make this decision without fixing things with him first.
”Have you spoken to Talan since you've been here? I'm not blind, Peach. I know you were just crying. You can't think clearly around MJ. That boy pushes your b.u.t.tons like n.o.body else ever could.”
Maybe it was the accusing look in his eye more than his question that had the guilt in her heart rearing its head. ”No, I haven't talked to Talan. We're on a break, remember? That means I don't talk to him until I figure out if I want to marry him.”
He nodded slowly. ”I think a break is an excellent idea. Why the rush?”
Maddie took his hand in both of hers. ”He said it felt like the right time, and it was, except I panicked. He's incredible. I couldn't ask for a better man to marry. Really.” It was the truth and Maddie hoped her dad could see the conviction in her eyes. ”He loves me so much, Dad, and he makes me happy. He'll take care of me.”
Much to her chagrin, her dad frowned. ”But do you love him? Will you take care of him? It goes both ways, Peach. I can tell you from experience it doesn't work when your marriage is housed on a one-way street.”
”Yes. Of course I do.” She did. She knew in her heart it was love she felt for Talan. A warm, kind, and caring love-not a love that would burn her to the ground and leave her in ashes. It was the responsible kind of love that people based marriages on. ”Yes,” she said again.
Her dad smiled, pacified, and kissed her cheek. ”I know you'll make the right decision, Peach.”
They walked side-by-side to the patio behind the garage. Maddie hooked her arm through her dad's. ”You shouldn't stay up so late. I expected you to be in bed by now.”
”Who's the parent here anyway?” He tweaked her nose, and they started up the stairs to the apartment. ”Enzo had a lot on his mind tonight. A lot to discuss.”
”It's after one in the morning! That's excessive, don't you think?”