Part 5 (1/2)
”Where away?” asked Rand
”Over there by the other shore,” replied Pepper ”They will turn turtle sure, if that wave catches the on their oars, watching the rapidly-approaching boat
”Maybe we had better row over that way,” suggested Donald ”There are a couple of girls in the canoe and they ht,” concluded Rand, after he had watched the canoe for a little while ”He kno to handle it He is doing fine See, he is just touching the water with his paddle, so as to keep it head-on Maybe he thinks ill need some help”
Nevertheless, the boys kept on a course that would bring theh to the canoe to aid its occupants if they should need it
”Now look at that!” cried Donald suddenly, when the boys were a hundred yards from the canoe ”Did you ever see such a fool trick as that? Just when he was coht, too Pull for ail you are worth, boys!”
Even as he spoke the boys had gripped their oars and sent their boat at racing speed for the canoe
What had called forth Donald's excla the canoe one of the girls, as seated in the stern, had suddenly risen to her feet to wave her handkerchief at some one on the yacht As she stood up the swell fro it fro her balance pitched headlong over the side of the boat, capsizing it In ain the river
As the canoe went over the irl nearest to him and helped her to the boat and then turned to aid the other girl, but she had disappeared
”Nellie!” he called, striking out in the direction he had last seen her ”Nellie, Nellie! where are you?”
By this time the boys had reached the scene of the upset
”Keep up your courage,” shouted Rand, ”we'll pick you up!”
[Illustration: ”They were all struggling in the water”]
”Neverman as they came near ”See if you can't save ht,” called Rand, ”we'll find her”
”Where has she gone?” asked Donald
”I don't see anything of her,” said Rand, as standing in the bow of the boat intently watching for any sign of the girl ”Yes, there she is” A pale face had appeared for a ht ahead, boys!”
As the boat ca dive overboard, coirl He was joined almost immediately by Donald, who had followed hi her until Pepper and Jack had reached them with the boat
It required no little effort on the part of the boys to get the helpless girl into the boat, but it was finally done, and they rowed back to the assistance of the others The other girl was helped fro, into their boat which was now loaded to its full capacity
”Never mind me,” called the man, as about twenty-two or three years old, ”I can hold on behind until we get ashore!”
”Is she alive?” asked the other girl, as she was helped into the boat, looking fearfully at the girl lying in the stern ”Veryher pulse ”The first thing to do is to get sos, if there is any there Hold her with her head down That's all right! Now, then, let's get ashore as fast as we can”
As the canoe had overturned the captain of the Dart, as in the pilot house, seeing the accident, had rung for slow speed and, putting the yacht about, hurried back to the place But, except for the fortunate presence of the boys, it is doubtful if he would have arrived in time to be of any assistance
”Can we help you in any way?” called Mr Whilden, the owner of the yacht, as standing at the gangway as it ran down close to the boat ”I was afraid ouldn't get here in tiirl here that would be better on your boat,” replied Rand
”All right,” responded Mr Whilden, ”we'll take her on board