Part 15 (1/2)
”Then,” announced Rand, ”I think we are ready for business Now, Pepper, your motion would be in order”
”In my opinion--” interrupted Donald
”Now for another chunk,” sighed Pepper
”Order!” called Rand
”It would no be a bad idea,” went on Donald, ”to read over the requireain, so ill knoe are about”
”Oh,” protested Pepper, ”this is too h”
”Now,” said Rand, when Donald had finished the reading, ”shall we go ahead?”
”How is it, Don?” asked Pepper; ”any more objections?”
”I don't see any,” returned Donald
”All right, then, Mr Chairo!”
”I move that we form a patrol of the Boy Scouts,” said Jack
”Second it,” cried Gerald
”Aye!” shouted the boys before Rand had time to put the motion
”Carried,” decided Rand ”Now,” he went on, ”I wonder how many of you can pass the examination”
”Oh,” returned Pepper, ”that's easy First class in Scout lore, stand up!”
”Is it?” asked Rand, ”then tell us the co”
”Red, white and blue,” said Pepper confidently
”Good--as far as it goes,” returned Rand, ”but that applies just as well to the French tricolor What do you say, Jack?”
”Stars and stripes,” replied Jack
”Good,” said Rand, ”but not good enough What do you say, Gerald?”