Part 18 (1/2)
”Any way you like,” replied Rand ”We will have to work it out, each one for hiet busy right away”
”Right now, Pepper?” asked dick
”Now, that don't re,” warned Pepper ”Not just this et back to town”
”What's your scheive it away,” replied Pepper, ”or you would all want to do it”
”I think,” broke in the colonel, ”it is tiaame?” asked Jack
”Yes; a chase”
”Hare and hounds?” asked Pepper
”In a way,” replied the colonel ”Gerald, you and Pepper will be the hares and the rest of us the hounds”
”Do you mean to scatter papers?” asked Rand
”Hardly,” replied the colonel ”Nothing as plain as that Re to try and follow the trail they leave Now, then, hares, off with you Go any way you choose, and in ten minutes ill take up the trail and see if we can follow it”
With a whoop Gerald and Pepper were off, racing down the road
”Now, boys,” went on the colonel, when the hares had gone, ”study their foot-prints so that you will know theain”
”They all look alike to ested the colonel; ”isn't there any difference between thely, ”that one is broader than the other”
”That's one thing; anything else?”
”This one shows the whole of the sole,” said Donald
”And this one only part,” added Rand
”This one is pressed in deeper on one side than the other,” put in Jack
”You are getting the idea,” said the colonel ”Think you would know theain?”
”I think I would,” responded Jack
”Then follow the off, the boys followed the trail, each one alert to notice any little peculiarity in the foot-prints that would enable the the road until it turned off into the woods, when they lost it