Part 23 (1/2)

”There is it again,” said Gerald, as the sound was repeated

”It is over this way,” declared Jack, designating another direction

”No, it's over this way,” asserted dick, but still at variance with the others

”Wait,” said Rand, ”ain”

The boys stood silent for a few ain

”It is over this way,” declared Rand, leading the way to the right, but, although they stopped froain, nor did they find any trace of theircomrade For a half hour or more they continued their search, but in vain, and they were returning to the road when they heard the call again, but so faintly that it was lost al away,” decided Rand ”There is certainly soan Donald, ”'tis no use looking any more”

”Why not?” asked Rand

”Because it was no mortal sound,” replied Donald

”Nonsense!” exclaimed Rand

”Nonsense or no,” retorted Donald stoutly, ”I don't like it”

”What is it, then, Donald, if it isn't htly say,” responded Donald, ”but I don't believe you will ever find hi any hpoint,” proposed Jack, ”and see if he has been there”

As nothing better was suggested the boys set out for Highpoint, which they soon reached, and a short hunt enabled thehpoint Patrol, from whom they learned that Pepper had not been there

”What tiht o'clock,” replied Rand

”It's very strange,” said Dudley ”He may have met with some accident

I will hunt up our patrol and will help you search for hio back and start from the point where you searched before ill take up the scout froain, unless you have so better to propose”

”I don't think there is any better way,” said Rand, hich the others agreed, and thanking hihly alarain upon the search

It was 5 o'clock when they got back to Creston, searching on the way, and Pepper had not returned, or trace of him found

”What shall we do next?” asked Jack, as they stood undecided in the road

”What is it now?” asked Colonel Snoho had come up unperceived

”We can't find Pepper,” answered the boys

”What is it,” went on the colonel, ”a game of hide and seek?”