Part 30 (1/2)

”Do you think they could have carried him off?” asked Pepper

”I don't knohat to think,” replied the colonel ”It's queer

You boys certainly have an a into trouble”

”But how did you get here?” asked Rand

”I was just taking a stroll,” replied the colonel, ”when I heard the noise and came down to see what it was”



”W-W-WHAT was that?” staht I heard a cry

T-t-there it is again,” as a faint call ca on the landing with Colonel Snow, still discussing the mysterious disappearance of Gerald

”T-that you, Gerald?” shouted Pepper

”Where are you?” cried Donald; but, without waiting for a reply, he threw off his coat and shoes and plunged into the river, swi in the direction froht!” caot hi a boat in which was the bewildered Gerald, as helped onto the landing by the colonel and the others

”H-h-how did you g-get into the boat, Gerald?” asked Pepper when Gerald had somewhat recovered from the effects of his experience

”Did you think it was a good time to take a row?”

”It looks that way,” replied Gerald ”But when Rand called to me to stop theaveI knew I foundin that boat Say, I feel as if I had a head like a pumpkin”

”I s-should think it would feelaltogether too far,” asserted the colonel indignantly

”ItI think that there is a bad quarter-of-an-hour in store for that Rae boy if I can get hold of hi”

As there was no likelihood that Monkey Rae would return to renew his attempt to injure the boat the house was locked and the boys went back to the town discussing, as they went, the events of the evening The colonel was very indignant

When they came near to the top of the hill they wereat full speed down the road

”hello!” called Rand when he ca in such a hurry?”

”hello,” returned Jack, slowing up and joining the others ”Where have you been? I have been looking all over for you”

”Down to the boathouse,” replied Rand

”Down to the boathouse!” exclaiht?”

”Why, we heard that Monkey was g-going to s-smash the boat,” answered Pepper