Part 23 (1/2)
”Oh, dot don'd make some ice!” said Louie k.n.o.bloch, accompanying the words with sarcastic shakes of his head. ”I don'd see no medals on you.”
He looked complacently down at his own chest and regarded with satisfaction the big a.s.sortment there. Emil Muller was evidently taken aback, but he recovered himself sufficiently to say:
”I am de leater, und you gan ged oudt off der pandt. Ve gan ged along mitout you.”
”Oh, vell,” said Louie k.n.o.bloch, ”I gan go.”
”Den vhy don'd you? Vat are you shtanding here for?”
”I va.s.s vaiding for my money.”
”How much do you owe me?” asked Emil Muller.
”I owe you a veek's vages,” said Louie k.n.o.bloch. ”No, you owe me a veek's vages. You bay me my money und I go.”
”You dake dot b.u.m node und bay yourself,” said Muller.
That settled the controversy, and Louis k.n.o.bloch made no effort to go, nor did Emil Muller urge him.
They made another attempt, without any further interruption, and, while their cheeks puffed out, and they got red in their faces, no one could tell what tune they were playing.
Dragonfel from the throne silently motioned to Grouthead who went out, and returned a few seconds later with a tray on which were four tiny of ginger ale.
Jacob Schnittger turned and saw him, and then rushed to help himself to one of the of ginger ale. A moment later Hermann Sweinskopf followed his example, and then Peter d.i.n.kelspeil. Louie k.n.o.bloch suddenly noticed his companions preparing to refresh themselves, and made a frantic dash to join them. That left only Emil Muller, the leader, playing. He looked around to find out what was the matter, and then sprinted toward Grouthead, but there was no ginger ale left on the tray. He stood with ill-concealed envy watching the other four who were clinking their hilariously. Then the quartet began to sing:
”'Halli, hallo, halli, hallo; Bei uns geht's immer, Je langer je schlimmer; Halli, hallo, halli, hallo, Bei uns geht's immer noch so!'”
”Prosit, leater!” said Louie k.n.o.bloch mockingly, as he lifted his gla.s.s, with the other three facing around and following suit.
Emil Muller was speechless. He kicked his heels together as he watched them drinking and smacking their lips. Dragonfel again signalled to Grouthead who went out, and came back bearing an immense gla.s.s of ginger ale upon the tray.
Emil Muller swooped down upon it exultingly, and with great difficulty held it aloft. The others of the band gathered around in awe, while Louie k.n.o.bloch stood on tiptoe to obtain a better view of the gla.s.s.
Emil Muller blew the froth into Louie's face, and the latter wiped it off with his fingers, afterwards putting them in his mouth, as though even small favors sometimes count.
”Do you know vot dot man Vilhelm Shake-a-sbeare vonct saidt?” he asked.
[Ill.u.s.tration: ”THE BROWNIES!”]
”No,” replied Louie k.n.o.bloch, wiping the froth from his eyes. ”Vot dit he say?”
Emil Muller raised the gla.s.s to his lips, remarking with great emphasis:
”Shake-a-sbeare vonct saidt, 'Dere iss odders!'”