-1 General Happenings (1/2)


Kyle Adley, the MC. Has a mother, a dead father, and a dead friend. Studies computer engineering and is a lazy genius, with no friends and a difficulty to change his facial expression. His reaction to unusual things is as unusual as the unusual things that happen to him, he relates his abnormal reaction to seeing too much anime and reading too many web novels.

Sixth is the omnipotent being that transported Kyle to another world. He almost always has a mocking or smug smile on his face, but it changes when he's alone to a gloomy expression. Sixth has some sort of purpose that required him to summon many different beings to other worlds many times, yet his aims are unclear.

Red Stone is a town that seems to be at the edge of a kingdom. It has many civilians, but its infrastructure is closer to that of a village than that of a town, to the point nobles and literate people wouldn't want to come to this place. It seems to have a heavy focus on mining the mountains that surround the city and producing grains. The lord of this town is a Magus, Lord Baron Angus of Red Stone.

Kyle used to be a sedentary person, but his body was recovered to peak health when he was transported, so his body would adapt to the new structure it should have in this world.

Sixth followed Kyle to this world, which he seems to know nothing about. He denied helping Kyle, which angered him.

The social structure seems to be mainly feudal, Kids work as adults would, however, the living conditions seem to be better than on feudal Europe.

Kyle was confused with a scholar and thus discovered there was a need for a scribe in the Baron's household. The job seems to be mainly copying tomes, so he decided to apply.

Kyle is brought to meet Baron Angus. Angus suspects that Kyle might be a fugitive slave or the bastard son of a noble since he has no surname, but Kyle manages to bullshit his way through that and convinces Baron Angus to hire him.

Aqua, Mil Aqua, and Anti Mil aqua are the weight measures for this world.

Kyle possesses a Yellow Magus soul, which enables him to become an Initiate Magus in his lifetime.

Kyle seems to be psychologically affected by the transmigration and feels lonely in the new world. Sixth seems somewhat empathetic by Kyle's loneliness.

Enki is the head of Baron Angus' guard. There isn't much more information aside from that.

Kyle is currently on the Eastern Argent Kingdom that neighbors the Western Argent Kingdom, that were separated by a civil war centuries ago. He's inside the Golden State Duchy, in the Red Stone Barony that is ruled by Baron Angus.

Kyle learned about the kingdom's history and general geography through one hour of tedious study, before he discovered he's too lazy to study using books.

There are ten grades of Magus souls: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Silver, Gold, and White.

Each soul above Orange represents a maximum threshold for Magic practice, that threshold cannot be broken.

Magic Circles are the basis of casting spells, and they are used to record the non-memorized spells of Magi.

There are three categories of non-orthodox magic: Foreign Arts, Strange Arts and Dark Arts.

Foreign Arts and Strange Arts depend on the Core.

Dark Arts are considered evil but can be practiced by anyone. They are incredibly OP and dangerous as well.

Copy Magic is stupidly high-level for unknown reasons.

Mana Essence dictates the level of a spellcaster.

A Core is an actual muscle that vibrates to generate mana essence and restore mana.

Kyle thinks his younger mother is hot.

Sixth feels a little empathy for Kyle, although he doesn't know why.

PS: Shota Kyle is cute.

The Polar Dread Core ritual spell creates a second Dread Core in the Dread Lord's body that can be used to channel and exchange Necrotic Energy for Mana and vice-versa.

The Crystal Fiber Flower is the main ingredient for the Polar Dread Cores spell.

Kyle was challenged by Sixth's brothers to kill five people with cheat abilities. If Kyle completes the challenge, he will be granted one wish without restraints. The five other challengers only need to kill him and will get their wishes granted; their identity is unknown.

Kyle has the ability to negate plot-armor.

Kyle thinks punching a rock is a promising idea.

Not being covered in shit means you aren't a peasant.

Kyle's battle skills rely a lot on not wanting to die and instinctual reactions… As of now.

Gestures are necessary for casting magic.

Vortexes appear when casting magic, they won't be described usually since it is really boring to do so and it will free a lot of space.

Ghouls look like humans, but paler. Their blood becomes gray mist and their flesh becomes black, they retain intelligence but not their memories or personality. Natural abilities or dispositions still remain, such as a habit or compulsive behavior, the talent for creativity and technical knowledge. Their personality recovers over time, while their memories are forever lost.

Albert used to be the leader of a small bandit group and was killed by Kyle becoming his first ghoul warrior. Kyle thinks he's stupid since he called Kyle a noble, however, Albert knew he wasn't but deduced he may have been a peddler because of his bags. He knew it would be impossible for a Peasant to simply walk away from their birthplace without any reason. His behavior became stoic and formal after becoming a ghoul, always referring to Kyle as Lord Knight.