2 Arrival (1/2)

Again a puff of smoke appears.

I appeared in a hill god-knows-where, overlooking a small town that looked much like those old towns from medieval history, but obviously different.

There were small hovering fires all over the field, and the town was well lit. Even though it was late at night, people were still working on the crops.

”Yeah. Definitely a magical world.” I said, really not as surprised as I should have been, probably because I read too many Web Novels.

That was a fantastical sight, and I never imagined I would see a scene I have only read about with my own eyes.

I looked around and saw that the moon was to my left, and I guessed it was before midnight, so that direction should be east.

The town was right in front of me, to the south, and beyond was a mountain range.

To the east, there was the rest of the mountain range that ocuppied much of the view.

To the west there were plains and I couldn't gaze further, there were probably more towns and cities in that direction since it is unlikelly people would live in the mountains.

To the north there was a lake, probably people went there to fish.

After looking around I knew the superficial details of where I was, near a town of a mountainous region that probably dealt with mining, seeing the mountains that stretched far into the distance, this was probably the edge of this place, beyond the mountain range there was probably a new community.

Those were only guesses of course after quickly viewing my immediate surroundings, I could be wrong since I don't know much about this world.

”Well, you sure are something. I thought you would be at least a little surprised.”

When I heard that familiar voice, I really got surprised and turned around.

Just like a few seconds ago, it was the same god with girl-ish features.

He had white hair and crimson eyes and really looked like something out of an anime, I didn't get to analyze his features before but now I finally realized this peculiarity.

”What are you doing here?” I asked.

The God grinned and looked at me with a face that made a chill run down my spine.

”Why do you think a God would transmigrate someone on a whim? I want to watch you, of course!” He said matter-of-factly.

I looked at him and realized that made sense. If this God has personality, it would be dumb to assume he transmigrated someone for no reason.

But that didn't matter, at least I could get information out of him.

”Okay then... Where exactly am I?”

The God the looked around, exactly like I did before, and the faced me again.

”I have no idea.”

When I heard him say that I had a sudden urge to punch him, but was able to keep my cool after I remembered the guy in front of me could blast me out of existence.

”I sent you here, but I used a randomized algorithm to do so. All I know is that in the near vicinity there are people of a race that won't immediately kill you, that speak a language much like English and that this is a world with magic. Everything else is randomized besides some things that are similar to your world so that you won't be too unfamiliar with everything, I have no idea where we are though.”He said explaining the situation.

I was dumbfounded to see how lax this guy was with this. He literally dragged me out of my life to somewhere I have no information about just for funsies.

Now that I think about it… I think reading so many novels isn't all that good for me.

”Well then, that's fine. I'll discover things on my own.”I said after calming down. ”What did you give me after I transmigrated?”

Even if I know nothing about where I am, I should have at least received something to help me.

But that shitty god let me down again.

”If you are talking about a system, special powers, a secret element for magic or whatever. You have none. You are 100% like everyone else on this planet.”He said grinning even more.

That was when I started panicking, my face was a mix of shock, fear, anger, and sadness.