Chapter 173 - (173) Difference Between Tiers (1/2)
Geth looked down both sides of the path and found that the battle was over. His Skeleton had finished off the wolves in the pit while his party members had slain the last of the beasts.
After verifying that everyone was safe, he pulled the Taming Cards from his inventory. It was time to take a look at the fruits of their labor.
All three of the cards had an image of a young Direwolf on the front. If he hadn't known any better, Geth would suspect that they were nothing more than gigantic huskies.
Two of the wolf cubs had a beautiful light grey coat. The one that he had just captured was different, bearing pitch-black fur.
'It looks like the Attributes are different for both of them as well.'
Direwolf Cub, Lvl 1
HP- 150
MP- 50
Strength- 15
Agility- 25
Defense- 15
Wisdom- 10
Intelligence- 10
Pack Resistance (Passive)
When in the presence of four more Direwolves of the same pack, gain a bonus amount of Strength and Defense. Increase of 5 Attribute points per pack member in a 50-foot vicinity.
The grey Direwolf Cubs boasted generous base Attributes for being Level 1. He was going to ask Albus about it, but the man began a small lecture before he could even ask.
”Direwolves are a Tier 4 Race. If you attempt to compare such a creature to the Human Race, you will be distressed over the results.
Humans are merely a Tier 2 existence. We have similar beginning Attributes to Goblins, Skeletons, Lizardmen, and some of the other weaker Races.
This is one of the reasons that the Elven alliance was so reluctant to take us into their fold. Even then, we were almost always looked down on.”
Albus shook his head and looked at Geth's other-self. He gestured toward the Arcane Archer's mental sphere connected to his.
”The starting Attributes are actually how we devised the Tiers. Tier 1 creatures, such as the Slime, only have beginning Attributes of 10 to 19.
Tier 2 creatures starting Attributes range from 20 to 34. Tier 3 from 35 to 64, and Tier 4 from 64 to 99.
The Scaling continues all the way up to Tier 10 existences. There are exceptions to the rule.
Some members of a Race can be born with higher aptitudes than other members. You won't find that for a while, as Humans are still adapting to the changes.
Future generations, however, will have some of these exceptions. It's one of the reasons we were able to survive as long as we did.
You'll see an example of this when you look at the Direwolf that you just tamed.”
Geth nodded and looked at the Taming Card that he was holding.
Direwolf Cub, Lvl 1
HP- 150
MP- 150
Strength- 10