Part 15 (1/2)
Lord Adrian tightened his hold around Juliane as if to ward off blows. ”I did not descend upon you.
Rather it was the other way,” he said icily.
”We have not gotten along well in the past, Mother. I regret that. But do not cross me in this. I will nothave Juliane harmed by anyone. Do you understand?” ”My lord,” came a call from without. ”Yes? Ah, Andre. Here take hold. That's right. Now sit beside your grandmere.” He smiled when the boy threw him a startled look. ”She will not eat you. Are you hungry? ”Mother, will you find something for him?” Lady Tretain opened the basket. After removing the towel that covered the contents, she pa.s.sed pieces of bread and cheese to Andre, who took them gingerly. ”Why do you stare at me so?” she snapped, still angry with Lord Adrian. ”I have never had a grandmere before and you. You are so ... magnifique. Can it be you are truly Papa's mama?” he asked incredulously.
Softening at his openness, the Countess laughed. ”Yes, Andre, I am Lord Adrian's mama. And you,where did you learn French?” ”But where else, Grandmere, at home,” he answered, puzzled. She looked to Lord Adrian for explanation. ”Andre and Leora were born and raised in France.” ”Your 'wife' is French? She cannot be.” ”No, she is as English as you and I. Circ.u.mstances ... deemed it wise for her and the children to remain in France until now.
”Let us eat. It will be very late when we arrive at Trees.”
It was near midnight when arrived at their destination. In the moonlight Trees was magnificent.
Built in Elizabethan times, it had been expanded wisely and lovingly over the years. Lord Adrian's father had made several improvements in the interior, mainly to ensure the comfort of the dwellers. The present earl wished Juliane could be awake to see this first breathtaking glimpse as they rounded the tree-lined drive and the house emerged into full view.
Tired from the journey, Lord Adrian yawned as the coach halted before the main steps.
The children and Alva had to be awakened, as did most of the household. No one had imagined the
countess would return at such an untoward hour. They were further startled to learn that the master accompanied her. And more, he had a wife and two children with him. What wonder was this?
”I gather you have kept the master bedroom in readiness for your 'victory', Mother.”
”You will not...”
”See to it that the countess' room is in all readiness,” the earl cut her off coldly. ”We shall be here for
only a brief visit but I want my wife afforded all the respect due her.
”We shall place the children in the two rooms across from our suite. That will be quite suitable for a temporary nursery. Juliane will wish the children near us as they are quite easily frightened.
”Will you see to the orders for me?” he asked conciliatorily.
”As you wish,” Lady Tretain answered coldly. ”It will take a few moments. I will instruct a fire to be
started in the small salon. You may be comfortable there until the rooms are ready.”
A thought entering his mind, he said, ”And, Mother-”
”Do you have a young servant girl who would be capable of acting as Juliane's abigail? She need only be
”I will ask Mrs. Soams to recommend someone. Everyone here is trustworthy,” she added, insulted to the core.
Lord Adrian left Lady Juliane in the hands of his mother's abigail and a young girl named Bess. Believing
they would settle her safely into bed, he went to check on the children.
Alva, although slightly overwhelmed by the size of Trees and the stateliness of its furnis.h.i.+ngs, was nevertheless carrying on efficiently with the children.
”If there is anything you need for the children or yourself, all you need do is ask.”
”I be havin' all I be needin', m'lord. 'Cept, could a cradle be found for Mistress Leora? She could fall
out of that huge bed.”
Lord Adrian immediately went into the hall and instructed the liveried servant he encountered there to
fetch a cradle from the nursery. he said, Returning to the temporary nursery he said, ”It will be here soon.”
Tretain went to the bedside and tousled the yawning boy's curls. ”Sleep well Andre. We will visit in the
morning. ”You are good at games-non? We mustn't let Grandmere know our secret just yet.”
”Good night.” Lord Adrian leaned down and kissed the boy's forehead. He was rewarded with a hug and a kiss. ”Sleep well.”
Going back to Alva, he asked, ”How is Leora? Is there any sign of her cough?”
”No, m'lord. Me mum sent some of her makin's along if it should be back, but she be fine.”