Part 12 (2/2)
”Were they going to the village?”
”Did they come from the hill on the east side?”
John mused for a while, and then said quietly to Muro: ”They came from a cave on the hill, where they perform their rites, and it is a place I want to see. It is one of the reasons I insisted on coming to settle matters first with the Tuolos.”
Muro was astounded at the information, as he asked: ”How do you know there is a cave in the hill?”
”Because I have been in it, and I know what it contains. They are having trouble in the village with the Krishnos we sent there.”
”Yes,” responded Muro; ”and they have sent for the others, as they do not believe what they have told the chiefs.”
”I will question the ones you have brought in.”
The two captured were brought before John. They stood before him in defiant att.i.tude, and some of the Brabo warriors cringed at their frowning mien.
”Why were you going to the village?” he asked with a severe frown.
At this question they scarcely deigned to move their heads, and were silent. The question was repeated, but they refused to answer. This was carrying out the very line of conduct which Muro had advised John would be the case, and in concert they had mapped out a course of action.
”Tell me, Muro, have any of your people the same fear of these Krishnos as the others possess in the various tribes?”
”It is the universal belief in the various tribes that to offend them means death. The only ones who are supreme are the chiefs, who often imprison them, but even the chiefs dare not kill them.”
”Will your people carry out our command if we do not order them killed?”
”My people will do whatever I say, even though it be to kill them. They saw how the other Krishnos quaked when you made the fire come out of the stone.”
”Then, if they refuse to answer me, I will order them to be beaten. You will understand.”
”That will be done with pleasure,” he answered.
It was obvious to all that the Krishnos considered themselves immune from the threats of John, as they stood there and seemed to breathe imprecations on the heads of their captors.
The situation was a tense one to the entire party, and John moved forward, placing himself directly in front of them.
”Do you think the Great Spirit can prevent us from punis.h.i.+ng you? If you do not answer immediately I will call on him to lay stripes on you. Do you answer?”
He stepped back slowly, and then suddenly spoke out the warning signal that he had arranged with Muro, and instantly six of the most powerful Saboros sprang upon them and bound them together face to face. John stood there with arms folded. He raised a hand, and two of the warriors raised the supple and toughened twigs, and brought them down on their bare backs.