Chapter 89 - Quinjet (1/2)

After brewing tea for the three people, Cricket start to tell about the Knock Up Stream toward the three.

” Knock Up Stream is a powerful pressurized water stream that shoots upwards to the sky from the bottom. The Knock Up Stream is created by a giant underwater cave filled with gas. At some point in time, the gas pressure is too big and create a crack in the ceiling, then a giant whirlpool is created from the crack. Once most of the gas gets free, the seabed explodes, sending a giant stream upwards. This event happens only 5 times a month. The strength of each particular event varies dramatically.”

” Knock Up Stream, if you can ride that, it will take you to the sky. Understand ? ” Cricket said seriously.

” Uh uh.. Understand.. ” Adam nod

” Oh so all we have to is get ourselves blasted up into the clouds, hehehe ” Robin smile.

” When will the Knock Up Stream happened next ? ” Adam ask Noland

” 3 days later, south from here..” Noland said seriously.

” The ship can ride the current, but i think it need the help of the wind and push the sail of the ship up. Our ship does not have any sail Adam, and its too heavy too.. ” Nami said seriously.

” Umm. Your ship cant.. ” Cricket went to the window and look at the Princess40m yacht on the sea not too far from the shore.

” Ohh.. ” Adam felt sad.

Nami and Robin look at each other and smile.

” You carry us, can you ? ” Nami said with hope.

” Carry? Oh okay.. Oh come.. ” Adam eyes lit up, then he went outside the house followed by Nami, Robin and Cricket.

Adam went to flat space and take out an advanced aircraft from the System Space.

What Adam take out was the Quinjet, like in the ”Marvel” movies. But the Quinjet Adam bought was from the Earth Store. At Earth, Adam also has an aerospace manufacture company. Because Quinjet in the Marvel movies was cool, so Adam invented for his toys, and also sell worldwide.

” This is what i invented. Cool? Hahaha ” Adam said proudly

Hearing Adam words, Nami, Robin and Cricket confused, and look curiously and dont understand what the thing is. Adam explained to them.

”Quinjet, an advanced aircraft invented by me, for personal transport.” Adam said making them more confused.

” Cough.. Its like a Hot air Ballon, a flying transportation.. But its more full of technology, comfortable and very fast.” Adam said embarassedly and continue.

” It has a Length:- 12.3 meters, Wing Tip to Wing Tip:- 11.1 meters (Extended folding tips) Wing Tip to Wing Tip:- 8 meters (with the folding tips retracted) Height:- 4.8 meters. The Quinjet is able to reach high speeds through two engines located at the rear of the ship. It also possesses two large, angle-adustable rotors, one housed in each wing, which grants the aircraft its vertical take off and landing capabilities. ”