Part 18 (1/2)

”Harrison, get off me.”

”In a minute.” He gazed into her eyes for a long moment before kissing her.

The slow fire simmered along his lips then down through his body as he drew her deeper into the kiss. Running his fingers down her body, he tucked them underneath her s.h.i.+rt and ran his hands up her smooth flesh. The fire raced down his arms. Gemma ran her fingers into his hair, grasping a handful as she sank into his kiss. Harrison's body was flaming blue as his thoughts jumped to places he wanted to go with this girl. His mind warned him they should stop now or he might not be able to control himself. Were they ready for this? His body screamed a very firm yes, but...

”Gemma? You're home early. Where are you sweetheart?”

They jumped apart as if electrocuted. Gemma's eyes were as wide as saucers. She roughly shoved Harrison towards the gym equipment. Pus.h.i.+ng him onto his stomach behind the treadmill she ordered him not to move as she whipped off her s.h.i.+rt and threw on a pair of boxing gloves. He tried to slow his breathing as he listened to Gemma pound the bag with venom.

”Gemma?” He heard a female voice followed by the quick clip of heels on stairs.

”Oh, hey Mom.”

Harrison could hear the nervous twitter in her voice. He hoped her mother didn't notice it.

Part of him wanted to stand tall and reveal all. He hated the thought of Gemma battling this out on her own, but he hated the thought of being screamed from the house even more. Who knows what kind of restrictions her parents may enforce if they knew the truth.

”What are you doing home so early? I thought you were studying with Courtney this afternoon.”

”Yeah. She had to cancel.” Gemma sighed. ”I thought I might as well come home. Aren't you supposed to be at work?”

”Yes. I just forgot my phone.”

There was a horrible pregnant pause. Harrison watched a drop of sweat hit the concrete floor and prayed her mother didn't have super sonic hearing. He could almost picture Mrs. Hart sniffing the air as her suspicions grew.

Don't bite your cheek, Gem. Just stay cool.

”Are you okay, Mom?”

”I'm just wondering why you're down here working out in school clothes instead of upstairs doing your homework.”

”Oh.” Gemma's laughter sounded forced. ”I... I just felt like burning off some energy. Sorry, I know I should have gotten changed first.”

”Yes, well at least you took your s.h.i.+rt off, but jeans?”

”I know, I know.”

Harrison heard the ripping of velcro as Gemma took off her gloves.

”I'll go change.”

”No, it's okay. Just five more minutes then I want you upstairs, showered and hitting the books.”

”Yes, ma'am.”

Another long pause.

”And if you're home for the night you should park your bike in the garage.”

”Oh, I will, um, I just thought I might go for a ride later... if I finish my homework in time. Is that okay?”

”A workout, homework and a bike ride? Aren't you trying to fit a little too much in?”

”I guess.”

”Make sure you're home for dinner with the twins. I have patient testing then a meeting. I should be home by nine.”

”Okay. Hope it goes well.”

”Me too. Love you, sweetie.”

”Love you, Mom.”

The air went very still as Mrs. Hart clipped up the stairs and shut the door. He stayed lying down for a few moments more then slowly stood up, checking for sounds upstairs.

Gemma was frozen in place, staring at the wall.

”Hey.” Harrison slid his hand down her back, making her jump. ”That was close.”

”I shouldn't have brought you here.”


”You can't come here again. Ever. If she caught you...” Gemma shook her head. ”There... they can't know. It'll be over if they know.”

”I understand.” Harrison kept rubbing her back, trying to ease the waves of nervous tension radiating from her body. The pale face and cheek chewing had him worried. ”Gemma, maybe we should just tell them, get this out-”

”I can't. I can't do it.”

Her body was so taut he thought her muscles might snap.

”I'm sorry to put you in this position. I know you hate lying.”

She let out a big sigh, her shoulders drooping as her eyes studied the floor. After what seemed an age, she looked up at him with a soft smile. ”You're worth it.”

Her kiss was tender. Harrison held her face and relished the feeling. They had been official for just under a month and it was enough to solidify the welling feeling inside of him. He knew it was ridiculous to fall for someone so quickly. He knew he was playing with fire, but he'd rather get burnt with Gemma than freeze without her.

Chapter Seventeen.

St. Augustine, Florida - 2011AD Gemma stood in the doorway of the library pondering the new phenomena in her life. One, she had an amazing boyfriend who after two and a half months still looked at her as though she were the most precious jewel on earth.

Two, in spite of the news spreading like a bush fire at school, she was managing to keep it all under wraps at home. Her biggest fears were not being met and it was a pleasant surprise. Her mother was so relieved she had a friend that Gemma was able to avoid the third degree whenever she got home late.

The third phenomenon, and the most bizarre in her opinion, was the fact that she had managed to strike up a real friends.h.i.+p with Darren and Courtney, who incidentally started dating after their first Friday night movie.

Courtney had kept up her smiles and small offers of friends.h.i.+p, finally breaking Gemma's sh.e.l.l. They had lunch together almost everyday now, in the cafeteria, and they hung out on weekends too. They had been to the movies three times, even once on their own when the boys had both been busy. Gemma had been so nervous about the event she had nearly chickened out a couple of times, but Harrison said he'd be really annoyed if she didn't go, so she did... and she'd had a totally fun time. Courtney was sweet, occasionally ditzy and very easy to be around. She was always content with Gemma's vague answers, which was perfect.