Part 6 (1/2)
”Oh.” She bit her lower lip.
”Elizabeth, this matter has become extremely dangerous. Once the man who attacked you recovers, he will come after you again. I f he has a.s.sociates, they won't wait.”
She nodded. ”I 'm aware of the situation. I will be on my guard.”
”That's insufficient. I want you to be guarded night and day, not just outriders when you go out. I want someone with you at all times, even when you sleep.”
”Impossible. William will grow suspicious if I have guards at the house.”
Marcus set the gla.s.s down. ”William is more than capable of making his own decisions. Why don't you allow him to decide if he can be of a.s.sistance to you?”
She rested her hands on her hips. ”Because I have made the decision. He is finally free of that d.a.m.ned agency. His wife is with child. I refuse to risk his life and Margaret's happiness for nothing.”
”You are not nothing,” he growled.
”Consider what happened today.”
He stood. ”I cannot stop considering it. I t rules my thoughts.”
”You were almost killed.”
”You don't know that.”
”I was there...” Her voice broke and turning on her heel, she strode toward the door.He moved swiftly to block her egress. ”I 've not finished speaking, madam.”
”I am finished listening.” She attempted to step around him, but he sidestepped quickly into her path. ”d.a.m.n you. You are so b.l.o.o.d.y arrogant.”
She poked him in the chest with her finger and he stilled the movement with his hand. I t was then he noticed her trembling.
She stared up at him, so tiny and delicate, yet formidable in her fury. The thought of her injured made his stomach clench. Deep in her eyes, he saw fear and his heart went out to her.
”Spitfire,” he murmured, pulling her toward him. His fingertips tingled from the touch of her ungloved hand. Her skin was so soft, like satin.
His thumb brushed over the pulse at her wrist and it leapt to match his own quickened heartbeat. ”You were so brave today.”
”Your charm won't work on me.”
”I 'm sorry to hear that.” He tugged her closer.
She snorted. ”Despite everything I say, you still insist on attempting to seduce me.”
”Merely attempting? Not succeeding?” He laced his fingers with hers and found her hand cold. ”I must try harder then.”
Violet eyes glittered dangerously, but then he'd always liked a bit of danger. At least she was not thinking about the a.s.sailant anymore. Her hand was quickly warming within his. He intended to warm the rest of her as well.
”You are trying quite hard enough.” Elizabeth took a step back.
He followed, directing her backward steps toward his bedroom, which waited on the other side of the private sitting room.
”Have women always fallen all over themselves for you?”
Arching a brow, he replied, ”I 'm not certain how I should answer that.”
”Try the truth.”
”Then yes, they have.”
She scowled.
He laughed and squeezed her fingers. ”Ah...Jealousy was always the emotion most easily inspired in you.”
”I am not jealous. Other women can have you with my blessing.”
”Not yet.” He smiled when her scowl deepened. Stepping nearer, he slipped their joined hands around her back and tugged her to him.
Her gaze narrowed. ”What are you about?”
”I 'm distracting you. You are overwrought.”
”I am not.”
Her lips parted as his head lowered. He smelled gunpowder and her heady vanilla rose scent beneath that. Her palm grew damp within his and he nuzzled his nose against hers.
”You were magnificent this afternoon.” He brushed his mouth across hers and felt her sigh against his lips. He nibbled gently. ”Although it disturbs you to have shot a man, you don't regret it. You would do it again. For me.”
He groaned, lost in the sound of her voice and the sweetness of her taste. His entire body was hard and aching from holding her so closely.
”Yes, love?”
”I don't want you,” she said.
”You will.” He sealed his mouth over hers.
Elizabeth sank into Marcus's hard chest with a sob. I t was not fair that he could overwhelm her-by touching her, caressing her, seducing her with his low, velvety voice and rich masculine scent. His emerald gaze burned, half-lidded with a desire she'd done nothing to arouse.
Against her will, her hands slipped around his lean waist and caressed the powerful length of his back. ”You're horrid to be so tender.”His sweat-misted forehead rested against hers. He groaned, his fingers slipping under the long hem of her riding jacket. ”You're wearing too many d.a.m.ned clothes.”
He took her mouth again, his tongue caressing with lush, deep licks. Lost in his kiss, she didn't realize he'd lifted and moved her until he kicked the door to his bedroom closed behind them, shutting them away from the world.
Protesting, she attempted to pull away. Then his hand cupped the curve of her breast, bringing aching pleasure even through the barrier of her garments. She moaned into his mouth and he tilted his head in response, deepening an already drowning kiss.
Elizabeth stood rigid, her arms at her sides, her thoughts warring with the dictates of her body. Her blood was on fire, her skin hot and painfully tight.
”I want you.” His voice was a rough-edged caress. ”I want to bury myself inside you until we forget ourselves.”