Part 16 (1/2)

Ask for It Sylvia Day 59150K 2022-07-22

”Give me a fortnight,” he said quickly. ”You and I alone, here in the guesthouse. Live with me, as my partner.”

”Why?” she asked, startled.

His arms crossed his chest. ”I intend to wed you.”

”What?” Suddenly dizzy, Elizabeth backed away with hand to throat. Tripping on her skirts, she fell to her knees. ”You've gone mad,” she cried.

His mouth curved in a bitter smile. ”I t seems so, yes.”

Her breath coming in unsteady pants, Elizabeth leaned forward, her fingers sinking into the damp sand. She didn't look at him. She couldn't.

”Whatever made you conceive of such a ridiculous notion? You've no wish to marry, nor do I .”

”Not true. I must wed. And you and I suit.”

She swallowed hard, her stomach roiling. ”Physically, perhaps. But l.u.s.t fades. In no time at all you'll grow weary of a wife and seek your pleasures elsewhere.”

”I f you are equally bored, you won't be disturbed.”

Furious, she grabbed handfuls of sand and threw them at his chest. ”Go to h.e.l.l!”

He laughed, shaking out his sweater with maddening nonchalance. ”Jealousy is a possessive emotion, love. You'll have to wed me if you want the right to feel that way.”

Elizabeth searched his face, looking for deceit and found nothing but cool impa.s.sivity. His face, so breathtaking, revealed nothing of his thoughts. The determined line of his jaw, however, was achingly familiar. ”I don't wish to marry again.”

”Consider the benefits.” Marcus held out his hand and ticked off with his fingers. ”Elevated rank. Great wealth. I will afford you the same independence you enjoyed with Hawthorne. And you'll have me in your bed, a prospect you should find vastly appealing.”

”Conceited rogue. Allow us to discuss the negatives as well. You thrive on danger. You are eager to die. And you're too b.l.o.o.d.y d.a.m.n arrogant.”

Grinning, he held out his hand and helped her to her feet. ”I ask for a fortnight to change your mind. I f I cannot, I 'll leave you in peace and never bother you again. I 'll resign from this mission and another agent will protect you.”

She shook her head. ”The situation here is far different than our life would be under normal circ.u.mstances. There is little danger for you around here.”

”True,” he admitted. ”But perhaps I can make the rest of your life so pleasant that my work with Eldridge will be of less consequence.”


”A fortnight,” he urged. ”I t's all I ask. You owe me that much, at least.”

”No.” The gleam in his eye could not be mistaken. ”I know what you want.”

Marcus met her gaze squarely. ”I won't touch you. I swear it.”

”You lie.”

His brow rose. ”You doubt I can restrain myself? I shared a bed with you last night and didn't make love to you. I a.s.sure you, I have controlover my baser needs.”

Elizabeth chewed her lower lip, weighing her options. To be free of him forever...

”You will find another room?” she asked.


”You promise not to make any advances?”

”I promise.” His mouth curved wickedly. ”When you want me, you'll have to ask me.”

She bristled at his arrogance. ”What do you hope to accomplish by this?”

He came toward her and when he spoke, his voice was tender. ”We already know you enjoy me in your bed. I intend to prove you will enjoy having me in the rest of your life as well. I 'm not always so tiresome. In fact, some would say I 'm quite pleasant.”

”Why me?” she asked plaintively, her hand sheltering her racing heart. ”Why marriage?”

Marcus shrugged. ”'The time is right' would be the simplest answer. I enjoy your company, despite how often you are obstinate and disagreeable.”

When she shook her head, he frowned. ”You said yes once before.”

”That was before I knew about the agency.”

His tone deepened, became cajoling. ”Don't you wish to manage your own household again? Wouldn't you like to have children? Build a family? Surely you don't wish to be alone forever.”

Startled, she stared at him with wide eyes. Marcus Ashford discussing children? The longing that washed over her so unexpectedly scared her to death.

”You want an heir.” She looked away to hide her reaction.

”I want you. The heir and other progeny would be added delights.”

Her eyes flew to meet his again. Fl.u.s.tered by his nearness and his determination, Elizabeth turned toward the path in the cliffs.

”Do we have an agreement?” he called after her, remaining behind.

”Yes,” she threw over her shoulder, her voice carried by the wind. ”A fortnight, then you are out of my life.”

His satisfaction was a palpable thing and she ran from it.

Elizabeth reached the top of the cliff and fell to her knees. Marriage. The word choked her throat and made her dizzy, leaving her panting for air like a swimmer too long under water. Marcus's will was a force to be reckoned with. What the devil was she to do now that he'd set his mind on marriage again?

Lifting her head, she looked toward the livery with aching longing. I t would be such a relief to go, to leave the turmoil behind.

But she discarded the idea. Marcus would come for her, he would track her down as long as she still wanted him. And no matter how hard she tried, she was unable to hide the depth and breadth of her attraction.

Therefore, the only way to be rid of his attentions was to accept the bargain he offered. Marcus would have to end his pursuit of his own accord. There was no other way the obstinate man would quit.

Wearily resolved, Elizabeth stood and made her way toward the guesthouse. She would have to move carefully. He knew her too well. The slightest intimation that she was uneasy and he would pounce, pressing his advantage with his customary ruthlessness. She would have to be relaxed and indifferent. I t was the only solution.

Satisfied she had a reasonable plan of action, she quickened her pace.

Meanwhile, Marcus lingered on the beach and wondered at his sanity. G.o.d help him, he wanted her still. Wanted her more than before. He'd once hoped to satisfy his need and finally be done with her. Now he prayed his aching need would never end, the pleasure was too great to forfeit.