5 Player Part 1 (1/2)
Dave sat before his PC and opened the Elder Scrolls wiki. He was aware of how powerful the console was in the game but had no idea what to expect outside of it. Would all the commands actually work? As he looked at the wiki's console commands (Skyrim) page he shuddered at the sheer amount of commands. There was no way he would be able to learn them all without spending hours or even days inside his console s.p.a.ce, staring at the screen. Maybe a reference would be a good idea? Unfortunately Dave didn't own a printer so he could only start copying down the wiki page, in its entirety, by hand. Luckily, he had an old notebook laying around so at least it wouldn't be scribbled on loose sheets of paper.
As Dave wrote out the list of commands a couple of them caught his eye. Obviously things like 'tgm' for G.o.d mode made him raise his eyebrows and imagine invincibility. Dave quickly dismissed those thoughts as they went against his philosophy that life needed an element of jeopardy to make it interesting. ”If you're not living on the edge you're taking up too much s.p.a.ce”. Stephen Hunt nailed it with that remark.
Stopping his writing for a moment, Dave decided to try an experiment.
*~* [save ”342019”] *return* *~*
He gulped down the full gla.s.s of water on his desk and then went back to the console.
*~* [load ”342019”] *return* *~*
”Yes!” Dave stared at the full gla.s.s of water on his desk as his eyes twinkled. He made a note to himself that he should make a save every morning from now on.
Calming himself, Dave resumed his furious note taking. He had a few ideas for other experiments but wanted to finish his current task at hand first. After he finally completed his notes it was time for the next experiment.
Dave got up from his chair and went to his bedroom. He removed all his clothes and stood there naked.
*~* [player.showinventory] *return*
Nothing happened but there was at least no error message. Next, Dave put on his underwear.
*~* [player.showinventory] *return*
[David Andrew Mercer (00000000000000000000001) has 1 items:
1 - Generic Boxer Shorts (000000000F0000000001D5) (100, 100%) - Worn]
”Holy s.h.i.+t I have an inventory! More than that, this one recognizes items from the real world!”
[help ”Armani briefs” 4] *return*
----OTHER FORMS-----------------
MISC: (000000043FD000360000B2C) 'Armani Briefs'
MISC: (000000043FD000360000B2D) 'Armani Briefs'
MISC: (000000043FD000360000B2E) 'Armani Briefs'
... ]
It turned out that there are a LOT of Armani briefs in the world.
[player.equipitem 43Fd000360000B2C] *return*