25 Its A Trap! (1/2)
Four days of smithing later... Ma Sa hated pumping the bellows so much that he was willing to give up on the perk points and just cultivate. When was it going to get interesting?? This was so far removed from the blood boiling battles he expected from the MC of a transmigration novel! It seemed like maybe he wasn't an MC after all... Well, maybe the fact that he was currently a five year old had something to do with it too?
Previously, Dave was just an ordinary, run of the mill, slightly depressed chiropractor with a borderline split personality. Hardly MC material right?? Well, maybe Dave is? Maybe everyone is the MC of their own reality? Ma Sa is certainly the MC right now... Maybe the MC just has to write their own story as best as they can?
Since Ma Sa decided he couldn't wait around and hope for the mythical plot armour or beautifully synchromystic coincidences, he could only do his best to carve out his own path. He'd have to make his own luck. The console made that trivial but, for the most part, Ma Sa wanted to enjoy the ups and downs of life in a new world.
”Hey, Kid!” Su Won stirred Ma Sa out of his ruminations over the purpose of being. ”Ya picked up the bellows pretty d.a.m.n quick! I was expecting it to take at least another week. Alright, since we're ready to move onto some actual forging lessons we'll need to get some resources. How bou'cha head on over to the Contributions Hall and take a mission there? It'll getcha familiar with the process as you'll need contributions to exchange for materials for your own projects in the future.”
Ma Sa was delighted. He was so over pumping the bellows. At least it did help him grind out proficiency. The starting points on his smithing tree all related to bellows and hammer technique. After maxing out the perk points for --Firestarter-- and --Flame Artisan-- his bellows technique had naturally progressed to mastery.
”Yes Grandpa Su! Right away!” Ma Sa clicked his heels together and threw a military salute which drew a peculiar look from grandpa Su. He wondered about what other weird customs existed in the Sima clan. Ma Sa was skipping out the door before Su Won could even tell him where the Contributions Hall was. Oh well, the kid would find it somehow...
After heading randomly towards the more central areas of the compound for a while, Ma Sa asked a pa.s.serby for directions to the Contributions Hall. His instincts had been pretty close as it was only around the corner from his current location. Half a breath later he was looking over the notice boards. Some of the missions involved heading out into the Jianghu to gather materials, either by way of slaying beasts or to visit mineral deposits. These missions were marked as advanced and some had long durations on them. The contribution points gained in return were seemingly large numbers though. Too bad that the Jianghu wasn't a place for the currently weak Ma Sa to venture into lightly.
He strolled along the wall reading over the notices in order to find out what to expect from his future missions. Once he reached the Novice level missions there was only a single notice remaining. Maybe Grandpa Su had posted this mission just for him? There couldn't be that many kids taking on novice missions so they must be rarities. This particular one was supremely easy as all he would have to do would be to head into the back hills and collect charcoal from the charcoal burners.
Tearing the notice from the wall, Ma Sa happily strode over to the counter and asked to take a mission. He received a bit of a strange look from the clerk but he was only five years old. It was understandable to be confused that a kid would want to take on a mission. After the clerk read over the mission details and decided that it was easy enough for the boy before him, he stamped some paperwork and made Ma Sa submit a thumb print. It was time to complete his first mission and then, finally, he'd be able to learn some real forging!
Bu Du Teng's plan was going smoother than he could have imagined it would. Ma Sa was skipping towards the back hills with great haste as he held the map out ahead of him. Bu Du Teng could practically taste victory and, best of all, he'd be coming out of this completely clean. He'd had a friend spread a rumor that Contributions were going to necessary soon so all of the simple missions were quickly snapped up over the last few days. He himself hadn't lifted a finger as he simply had another friend take the charcoal mission and then had him return it to the board due to 'illness' after he heard about Ma Sa leaving the Forgemaster's workshop. In this way, Ma Sa was forced onto Bu Du Teng's path of death.