Part 22 (1/2)
”Rooters'll go straight fer a dog or a deer or a lamb. They'll attack a man too if they're hongry enough. Their tusks are sharp as daggers.”
Penny quickly changed the subject by asking Trapper Joe if he thought Pretty Boy Danny Deevers might be hiding in the swamp.
”'Tain't likely,” he replied briefly.
”Why do you think not?”
”City bred, waren't he?”
”That's what I was told.”
”No city bred feller could live in the swamp many days. He wouldn't have sense enough to git his food; at night the sounds would drive him crazy, and he'd end up bein' bit by a snake.”
”Yet someone stole your gun,” Penny reminded him.
”It waren't Danny,” said the old trapper with finality.
The skiff glided on. As the sun rose high overhead pouring down upon their backs, Penny and Louise began to feel drowsy. Repeatedly, they reached for Joe's jug of water.
As the channel became congested with floating plants and rotted logs, the trapper s.h.i.+pped the oars and used a paddle.
Presently they came within view of Lookout Island. In the bow, Penny leaned forward to peer at the jungle-like growth which grew densely to the water's edge.
”Someone's on the island!” she exclaimed in a low voice.
”Sure, it's c.o.o.n Hawkins doin' a little fis.h.i.+n',” agreed the trapper.
”His boat's pulled up on the point.”
Louise stirred uneasily. ”Is anyone with him?” she whispered.
”Don't see no one 'cepting c.o.o.n. He won't hurt ye. Harmless, ole c.o.o.n is, an' mighty s.h.i.+ftless too.”
”But is c.o.o.n really fis.h.i.+ng?” Penny demanded suspiciously.
”He's got a pole and a string o' fish.”
”Also, he's watching us very closely,” whispered Penny. ”I don't trust him one bit! He's hiding something on that island! I'll be surprised if he doesn't try to keep us from landing.”
The old trapper appeared not to have heard Penny's whispered observation.
He paddled the skiff on until it drifted within ten yards of the point where c.o.o.n Hawkins sat fis.h.i.+ng.
”Howdy!” called the trapper.
”Howdy,” responded c.o.o.n, his gaze on the bobbing cork.