Part 10 (1/2)
By this I gained his strength and height Without his rivalry.
But in my triumph I lost sight Of afterhaps. Soon he, Being bark-bound, flagged, snapped, fell outright, And in his fall felled me!
As evening shaped I found me on a moor Which sight could scarce sustain: The black lean land, of featureless contour, Was like a tract in pain.
”This scene, like my own life,” I said, ”is one Where many glooms abide; Toned by its fortune to a deadly dun - Lightless on every side.
I glanced aloft and halted, pleasure-caught To see the contrast there: The ray-lit clouds gleamed glory; and I thought, ”There's solace everywhere!”
Then bitter self-reproaches as I stood I dealt me silently As one perverse--misrepresenting Good In graceless mutiny.
Against the horizon's dim-discerned wheel A form rose, strange of mould: That he was hideous, hopeless, I could feel Rather than could behold.
”'Tis a dead spot, where even the light lies spent To darkness!” croaked the Thing.
”Not if you look aloft!” said I, intent On my new reasoning.
”Yea--but await awhile!” he cried. ”Ho-ho! - Look now aloft and see!”
I looked. There, too, sat night: Heaven's radiant show Had gone. Then chuckled he.
When, soul in soul reflected, We breathed an aethered air, When we neglected All things elsewhere, And left the friendly friendless To keep our love aglow, We deemed it endless . . .
--We did not know!
When, by mad pa.s.sion goaded, We planned to hie away, But, unforeboded, The storm-shafts gray So heavily down-pattered That none could forthward go, Our lives seemed shattered . . .
--We did not know!
When I found you, helpless lying, And you waived my deep misprise, And swore me, dying, In phantom-guise To wing to me when grieving, And touch away my woe, We kissed, believing . . .
--We did not know!
But though, your powers outreckoning, You hold you dead and dumb, Or scorn my beckoning, And will not come; And I say, ”'Twere mood ungainly To store her memory so:”
I say it vainly - I feel and know!
William Dewy, Tranter Reuben, Farmer Ledlow late at plough, Robert's kin, and John's, and Ned's, And the Squire, and Lady Susan, lie in Mellstock churchyard now!