Chapter 77 - Going Down Part 2 (1/1)
Vera looked surprised, her eyes were wide, her face was slightly pale but colour soon rushed to her cheeks and she started to laugh. ”Whatever, be delusional… all the creature that reside in this terrain are special. So special that they have the ability to consume our familiars and become stronger.” Ariana's eyes grew wide, more colour drained from her face as her heart hammered against her chest. Vera's words shook her world and she was on the verge of collapsing. ”You're lying... your familiar is fine.” Ariana said pitifully but Vera just grinned her toothy smile.
”No. I can assure you that I am telling the truth. I can protect my familiar because she has infused with me. Those creatures can't detect my Arizona! As long as we work together we will keep eachother same. Unlike you and your familiar!” Vera said proudly. Ariana swallowed back her fear and glared at Vera. She steeled her nerves, she would not stop believing in Vasu! ”I'll say it again because your too stupid to understand. Vasu will never fall! Vasu is strong and I believe he would have found a way to escape! He is smart and will find a way to come back to me but before he does I will kick your a**!” Ariana shouted with conviction as she raised her fists, widened her stance and focused on the target before her.
”Ha hahahaha ha! Big words for someone who is half dead! Honestly how naive can one person be! Fine, don't admit defeat, all I have to do is strike you one more time and your done.” She said as she brought up her own hands, snapping them open to show off her claws. ”Bring it on already!” Ariana shouted.
Vera lunged forward, Ariana kept her eyes glued on Vera's movement carefully watching as every muscle constricted as she approached her, she grabbed the arm that reached out to her, she shifted her footing sliding it in between Vera's legs, bringing her back to Vera's chest and threw Vera over her shoulder. Vera was sent flying and plunged back into the raging waters.
Ariana waited, keeping her guard up as she watched the surface of the rapids. Vera broke through the surface, gasping for air. Her eyes became murderous as she brought her whole body upwards and swam back to shore as if she was a real crocodile. She latched onto the surface of the earth with her claws and looked up at Ariana. While Ariana had already walked towards her. She squatted down and looked her in the eyes.
”Fun fact crocodiles are reptiles which means they're cold blooded so they can't produce their own body heat.... but I guess you knew your own disadvantage and decided to stall until your body warmed up enough under the sun. Clever but not that original... but I did wonder, if you got too cold would you start to slow down and would you slip into hibernation? Food for thought, well at least until the next person challenges you... Hey I got a question that has been bugging me like you wouldn't believe! Do you know your own weak spots?” She asked as she smiled sweetly. Before Vera could react Ariana jabbed both her eyes.
Vera screamed as she covered her eyes with her free hand. ”See I do but at the same time I also knew about your own body temperature. Since we both plunged together I couldn't be the only one to drown... so as a safety precaution I kept you warm when you were in the rapids, my body heat was your blanket. You couldn't have swam so far without my help and I really must thank you for saving my life.” She said as she raised her foot.
”However did you think I didn't notice when you missed your first attack? It was because you couldn't focus. How long did you wait for me in the water? Crocodiles can hold their breath for two hours before they started to drown. My guess is, you were sun bathing close to the waters, waiting until I got close enough to the gorge then hid yourself. This is a battle and there will always be a winner and a loser. I can not afford to be the loser, I must be the one who watches out for my fellow classmates! I can't leave them to the wolves!” She shouted as she stomped on Vera's wrist repeatedly.
Vera gritted her teeth and continued to shield her eyes. ”Don't take it personally... I really am determined to win. Now let's see you battle with a huge handicap just like me!” She yelled as she booted Vera right back into the rapids. Vera could feel the effects of the cold water on her body, she should have finished Ariana off the moment she had the chance but now she had been in the water too long. Her reaction time was already at half speed and slowing down rapidly as the minutes went by. She swam forward hoping that she would reach land, taking shallow breaths with every movement.
She looked around but her vision was practically destroyed. All she could make out where black blobs and light. ”Come... out... you... coward!” Vera shouted but all she could hear was the water rapidly moving by. ”You're mad? That's a shame.” She heard Ariana laugh. Vera dragged her body out of the water and laid belly flat on the earth as she absorbed the sunlight.
”I warned you didn't I?” Ariana whispered into Vera's ear. Vera shot open her eyes, she swung one arm into the air but Ariana dodged it easily. ”Where are you?! Show yourself!” Vera shouted. Ariana brushed Vera's bangs back and laughed. ”I haven't left.” Ariana said gently. Vera clenched her jaw closed and tried to lift her body up. Her arms and legs were shaking. Ariana poked her cheek and laughed as she watched her struggle. ”You could always separate with you familiar and fight me without the huge handicap.” Vera hissed at Ariana's suggestion and tried to get up.