18 Chapter Five || Reisparte Marke (1/2)

My World To Live Chryiss 27950K 2022-07-20

They set off again at seven o'clock, four hours after the repetition jaguar's assault. Obscured by the darkness and unnoticed due to the scare, two burnished, midnight black scales, and a finger length, ecru tooth laid in the ankle length grass.

Essairyn picked up these demon beast's remnants and stored them with the bear's claw. It was instances like these that briefly took her out of reality, falsely giving her an impression of a secure game world.

Before riding, she had easily affixed the splintered wood back together, and they arrived in Reisparte before noon.

The town outskirts were indeed dominated by a sea of shop tents, stalls, and wagons. The multicolored array was a welcome sight to the motley group, and they stationed the wagon a little ways inside. The buildings further in rose modestly above the marketplace.

”Essairyn. You must take this! We wouldn't feel right if we didn't properly express our gratitude after everything you've done,” insisted Chona.

Banran nodded in agreement. ”It's the least we can do. You'll need some money since you just arrived in this world, so please, just accept this and go.”

Essairyn sighed and reluctantly yielded to their kind gesture. She had been saying her goodbyes to the Andelrin family, and they had forcefully shoved the bag into her hands.

Inside the bag were small jars of spices, a couple healing potions, a money pouch, and a perfume bottle which held the charmingly clement fragrance that Chona had first showed Essairyn.

”We wish the best to you on your adventure.” Banran smiled.

”It was a pleasure meeting you sweetie. Stay safe and have fun!” Chona hugged the girl warmly. ”We'll be in Reisparte for several days, so you can visit us here anytime.”

”You're leaving already?” Jerry whined. ”I wanted to show you Leia's candies!” He crossed his arms and gave a little pout.

Essairyn giggled and bent down to the boy. ”You can show me tomorrow, okay?”

”Okay! It's a promise!” Jerry joyfully jumped into Essairyn's outstretched arms. After they parted, she waved to the family and disappeared among the droves.

She took in the marketplace sights, amazed by the amount of shoppers, sellers, and goods being sold. Akari had left before the group's farewells to peruse the vendors, so Essairyn threaded through the throng, wondering where the little fox had gone.

She suddenly stopped at a booth selling gemstones. A small, bright green jewel in a glass case had caught her eye. The color resembled an emerald's, and it was the most brilliant hue she had ever seen.

”Something catch your eye, miss?” inquired the shopkeeper, noticing her intense stare.

Essairyn nodded and pointed at the green jewel.

”Ahh, that one's certainly a beauty,” the man breathed in understanding.

Essairyn bobbed her head enthusiastically. Deep lime green was one of her favorite colors. It had a beautiful richness and mysteriousness to it that reminded her so vividly of life.