25 Chapter Six - 2 || Chain Reaction (1/2)

My World To Live Chryiss 26610K 2022-07-20

”Aand we're done!” Essairyn announced as she placed her hands on her hips and examined their work.

It had only taken them an hour to repair the seven meter stretch of fence. Essairyn had cut down and transported a tree from the nearby forest with magic, and then they tested their enhanced physical strength by chopping the wood with the Welfort's axe.

Needless to say, they and the Welforts were thoroughly impressed. By now, however, it was well past six. So, Mrs. Welfort called them inside for dinner.

The farmhouse was cozy and rustic inside with pastel painted wooden furniture and iron utensils. Several handmade toys and a picture frame rested atop the fireplace mantle. They both suggested that a family of five used to live here.

”Beef or chicken?” Mrs. Welfort asked as she stirred a pot of hearty stew.

”Beef!” Essairyn immediately answered with her eyes shining in anticipation.

Darren gave a small laugh and agreed, ”Beef sounds good.”

Mrs. Welfort smiled jovially. It was a long time since her children had grown up and left, and she missed the laughter and excitement that used to ring throughout the house. Even though they had welcomed many adventurers and merchants traveling to Byar'non, it wasn't often that their visitors were this young.

The two youths reminded her of their youngest a few years before she had gotten married. It seemed like it had all passed by so fast, but the memories of those days were still vivid and alive.


The sound of her husband's distressed voice brought Mrs. Welfort out of her reminiscence. With her ladle still in hand, she rushed over to the door as it burst open to an apprehensive Mr. Welfort.

”The wolves are back,” he shouted as he pointed toward the woods, ”They look like the same ones from the other night, but there's something off about these. They are emitting a strange aura, and there're even more of them than from before.”

Mrs. Welfort furrowed her brows in unease. Essairyn and Darren exchanged alarmed glances while Akari narrowed her eyes. They looked past Mr. Welfort's arm and spied the horde of wolves racing erratically toward the farm. Their eyes glowed red, and dark shadows like grainy smoke hung over their bodies.

”I couldn't get all the animals inside in time, so I had to close the barn doors. Hopefully the wolves will just run past like last night and won't harm them. However, I'm concerned about the crazed look in their eyes..” Mr. Welfort voiced tensely as he reached to close the front door.

”Wait, you're just going to leave them out there?” Essairyn blurted out as she impeded the door from closing. The manic wolves reminded her of the previous beast demons she had come across.

”Unfortunately yes, I have to protect as many as I'm can,” the man replied regrettably.

Essairyn's eyes shot back and forth between the quickly approaching wolves and remaining animals. A plan of action to save them was already forming in her mind.


Everyone turned at Akari's abrupt words.