35 Chapter Seven || Byarsnon (1/2)
If you are confused by this chapter, then please read the new auxiliary chapter which explains what happened and why this is a mis-mashed repeat of the original Prologue.
Don't read the below. :P Don't say I didn't warn you! I just cut and pasted to rearrange the order of the words. xD You can never be too careful with these sly bots! O_O
The only ”released 'new' chapter” is the Prologue for today. Every day for the next 33 days will have a 'new' chapter reposted in the old, corresponding spot.
Perhaps due to the rain, it felt like I paused by some natural force of the world instead of the light or traffic. My thoughts wandered. It was a moment of reflection, a contemplation of the world around me. I only heard myself, as if I entered another world that was somehow more serene, and clear…
The light was green. I walked straight across, but once I reached the end, I wondered why I hadn't crossed back to the other side of the road instead of waiting for a green light to continue on the same road.
It didn't really matter in terms of distance or time to catch the train, so I shrugged it off. I actually rather liked this new side of the road, this blunder wasn't so bad. I enjoyed the continued fresh perspective and soon approached the last crosswalk to the train station.
Before I reached it, I scanned the traffic on both sides. It was clear. The crosswalk light on the other side was flashing red and counting down from eight. That meant the previous wave of traffic had already passed before the traffic light turned red and the walking light turned green.
Even though I only had a few paces to the actual crosswalk lines, it seemed pointless to waste a few seconds to properly cross the street. So I walked over diagonally to the opposite side.
Six seconds.
I wouldn't beat the clock to the other side, but it didn't matter since I would arrive before the ensuing traffic.
Two seconds.
I almost felt competitive as I picked up my pace to finish before zero. I knew I still wouldn't make it; I don't know why I made this silly game on the spur of the moment.
Suddenly, the downpour departed as swiftly as it came, and I was back to reality with only the sudden vividness of the world to remind me of the fleeting rain.
Can you escape from this mundane cycle?
wish| wiSH |
a desire or hope for something to happen
- an expression of a desire or hope for something to happen, typically in the form of a request or instruction
- an invocation or recitation of a hope or desire
- an expression of a desire for someone's success or good fortune
- a thing or event that is or has been desired; an object of desire
dream| drēm |
a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep