Chapter 316 Distortion (1/2)

I read

They were considered a relatively strong survivor team in the area

However, this team carried out the typical jungle law

As soon as the short, fat man opened his mouth, the rest of them immediately looked at each other

The series of events after the cataclysm and the daily despair that they faced made some of them start to become psychologically twisted

Torturing the weak, playing with the female surname, enjoying the abnormal pleasure gained psychologically

This way, they will feel that they are still very strong, and not struggling bugs at the bottom

The real bugs were the same kind that they couldn't resist, and they were the strong ones

Once this kind of thing started, it was difficult to stop, especially when the pressure from outside was getting heavier

The constant surname of the catastrophes was like a rock that was getting heavier and heavier, crushing people out of breath at every moment

The only people who can maintain a normal state of mind in this situation are those with strong psychological quality

Others, however, either broke or buried something in their hearts, stimulating themselves to live

Ling Mo belonged to the latter

He was not a man with a rock in his heart

If that were the case, he would not have been so confused and uneasy

The same was true of the search for Ye Lian

And he believed that most humans should belong to the latter

Humans are different from animals that live by instinct

Even if they become prey, they still need all kinds of motivation, such as dreams and pursuits

There used to be dozens of people on this team, but now there are only a dozen or so people left, not to mention the survivors that have been running into one after another

The others either got into their stomachs or were tortured to death

But madness doesn't mean he's completely out of his mind

At least the chubby man knows that it's hard for a person like him to survive in a large survivor camp

Half a year of madness, not overnight can change, and once found out, he is likely to die without a burial ground

With so many survivors gathered together, there must be a large percentage of them with superpowers

Who knows if there is anyone who can spot someone else's past

Short, fat men don't take risks

”The last time we won, it was a fluke

There were too many of them, and the weapons

” A tall, thin man whispered

His eyes sparkled and his hands trembled

He was not a close friend of the chubby man

Although he felt pleasure when he slit other people's throats, his fear after the event and his usual timidity kept him from getting noticed

”Didn't I say that when the time comes, we'll watch the show and get what we want

Who would be so stupid to fight them head-on

” The short, fat man said impatiently

The tall, thin man hesitated

He really wanted to join the camp, and he felt that as long as he didn't say it, no one would know what he had done before

But the fierce look in the short, fat man's eyes made him shut his mouth

”Hurry up and find a place to stay

There are no zombies around here

It's a good place

It saves us a lot of hands and feet

” As the chubby man spoke, his eyes began to change

His pupils seemed to be constricting, constantly changing

At the same time, a similar image appeared in front of him through an infrared night vision mirror

And the field of vision was very wide, which soon extended to the family courtyard


” The black silk, who was trying to tickle herself with her feet, put down her long legs

The body of her neck immediately moved, and a dozen silver wires stood up, then slowly swayed in one direction

”What's wrong

By the way, didn't I just teach you how to use your hands

” Li Yalin, who was practicing next to him, stopped spinning and asked


” Black silk grunted with grievance, but her face was expressionless

She looked like a doll who could make a sound

She gestured, but her ability to express herself was not very good

In the end, Li Yalin waved his hand and said, ”Forget it

Let's go and see

It can't be a zombie, right

Could it be those people from the other day

” As they walked towards the door, the short, fat man also smiled excitedly, ”There are two people in the yard over there

Maybe they are some team members

Kill them and you can get two more guns

” ”So lucky

” The pockmarked man rubbed his hands and said excitedly