-1 Stats (2/2)

- Mana Circulation - Intermediate(B+)

(Multiplies the effect of Regeneration by four.)

- Physical Endurance - Intermediate (B+)

(Increases the body's durability, allowing for less damage to be taken.)

- Mana Armour - Intermediate (B+)

(Allows user to create a coat of armour using Mana to increase both attack and defence.)

- Mana Affinity - Advanced (A+)

(Allows user to become more sensitive to Mana and handle it better)

- Mana Control - Advanced (A+)

(Allows user to have better Mana control than the average wizard.)

- Dungeon Creation - Basic (D+)

(Allows user to create an alternate dimension with a horde of monsters. Number of floors corresponds with users strength. Current floor number: 17 Floor.)

- Wing Chun Kung Fu - Advanced (A+)

(A traditional Southern Chinese Kung fu styles in close range combat. Increases user's user's attack and speed powers. Mana strikes can be used when actively combined with Mana Infusion.)


Charms - Mastery: Beginner (B-)

Transfigurarion - Mastery: Beginner (B-)

Potions - Mastery: Beginner (B-)

Dark Arts - Mastery: Beginner (B-)

Herbology - Mastery: Beginner (C+)

Duelling - Mastery: Beginner (B)]