6 Discovery (2/2)

The hand of a certain book-worm immediately shot up.

”Miss Granger?”

”It's called an Animagus. It's the highest feat that can be achieved by any wizard with only seven registered Animagus in Britain,” replied Hermione.

”Well done, Miss Granger, five points to Gryffindor.

It is known as an Animagus, as pointed out by Miss Granger. It is almost impossible to differentiate an Amimagus and a normal animal, as evident by the fact that none of you save but one could tell,” said Professor McGonagall, looking at Harry with a smile. ”Good morning to you too, Mr Potter.”

”You should all understand the difficulty in becoming an Animagus is and how difficult the noble art of Transfiguration is just due to the fact there are so few Animagus in the country. It is the most dangerous branch of magic taught at Hogwarts. Can anyone tell me why?”

This time another hand shot up.

”Mr Potter?”

”Let's imagine transfiguring a shard of poisonous glass into a glass of water and feed it to someone you don't like,” said Harry with a smirk. ”What do you suppose will happen when that water transforms back into the shard of poisonous glass?”

Almost everyone shuddered with fear as they imagined such a scenario. In fact, a chill even went down Professor McGonagall's spine.

”Harry, with a mind like yours, why are you not in Slytherine?” asked Ron from behind Harry.

”You're asking the wrong Hat, red-head,” replied Harry, causing Hermione to stifle a giggle.

”Ahem ... now you all understand that Transfiguration is not a subject to be taken lightly. There have never been a great wizard who has ever flunked this subject; rather they have excelled at it,” said Professor McGonagall. ”A few points to always remember before Transfiguring anything.

One, never, ever Transfigure anything into gas or liquid.

Two, it is very important to never use Transfiguration if you don't know the exact outcome.

Three - this is the most important point - never ever even think of using Transfiguration magic on yourself without my permission! Only after gaining my satisfaction will you ever be allowed to do it elsewhere.

If you are ever caught breaking any of the above rules - which you will be - you will be expelled from Hogwarts! Am I clear?”

All students nodded their heads and went quite.

”So that mean I'll have to tell her about wanting to become an Animagus,” thought Harry, frowning. ”This strict crane will definitely force me to register if she finds out.”

Seeing that her point had been made, she continued.

”Now, as long as you tread with care, Transfiguration can be very fun. Our first class will be transforming the matchstick in front of you into a needle. Please follow my demonstration exactly as I do it,” said Professor McGonagall.