Part 7 (2/2)

”Master To the boat ”I ain't particular, but I wish you'd leave that there hare alone Somehow I thinks there's bad news in its eye Who knows? P'raps the little devil feels Any way, it's a ru out to sea I never see'd a hunted hare do that afore”

”Bosh!+” said To

We reached the shore and To me by the ears The hounds were all on the beach,down, for they were very tired, but theearnestly, To out--

”Here she is, an to bay Then he held me above them

”Master Tom,” I heard Jerry's voice say, ”for God's sake let that hare go and listen, Master Toun to sob, tried to pull him back

But he was mad to see me bitten to death and eaten, and until he had done so would attend to no one He only shouted, ”One--two--three! Now, hounds! _Worry, worry, worry!_”

Then he threwteeth which leapt up towards me

The Hare paused, but added, ”Did you tell me, friend Mahatma, that you had never been torn to pieces by hounds, 'broken up,' I believe they call it?”

”Yes, I did,” I answered, ”and what is ed if you will not dwell upon the subject”


”As you like,” said the Hare ”Certainly it was very dreadful It see time But I don't mind it so ain At least I hope it can't, for I don't knohat I have done to deserve such a fate, any more than I knohy it should have happened toyou did in a previous existence, perhaps,” I answered ”You see then you may have hunted other creatures so cruelly that at last your turn came to suffer what you had made them suffer I often think that because of e have done before wewe cannot see”

”Ah!” exclaiht of that I hope it is true, for it s seem juster and less wicked But I say, friend Mahat here nohere you tell me poor creatures with four feet never, or hardly ever come?”

”I don't know, Hare I aranted to visit the Road occasionally to search for some one”

”I understand, Mahatreat deal or you would not be allowed in such a place before your tireat deal So tell me, why do you think that I am here?”

”I can't say, Hare, I can't indeed Perhaps after the Gates are open and your Guardian has given you to drink of the Cup, you will go to sleep and wake up again as so else”

”To drink of the cup, Mahath I can't tell whatup as so else? Please be more plain As what else?”

”Oh! who can know? Possibly as you are on the huh I should not advise you to build on such a hope as that”

”What do you say, Mahated beasts that hunt hares; a thing like Giles and Too through everything again than becorew so disturbed that it nearly vanished; literally it seemed to melt away till I could only perceive its outline

With a kind of shock I comprehended all the horror that it ested to it, and really this grasping of the truth hurt my human pride It had never come home to me before that the circumstances of their lives--and deaths--hts

”Oh! I have no doubt I was mistaken,” I said hurriedly, ”and that your wishes on the point will be respected I told you that I know nothing”