25 Update chapter/extra (1/1)


hey, guys, I know all 21.3K of you reading are capable of writing a review. I know its annoying and stuff but I'm trying my hardest to do daily updates so if your one of those people that's like ”no its to much work” or ”oh a bunch of people has already done it” your wrong. Only like one person did it. So I would love if like once in a while yall could give me a good review. It really helps me out. Remember I don't get paid or anything so that small rating helps me a lot. Also, it would help if you could also leave comments giving me suggestions because I'm running out of ideas and I know you guys don't just want a ”And they lived happily ever after type ending”. So I'm begging you please, please, please leave comments and reviews thanks.

Hey, guys, this is another update.

Ilaoysm never forget it. I'm having trouble writing a new chapter for Noah so in volume 5 Ryan will be Ryan cause I'm guessing yall wanna know who was at the door.So be ready.


Skype: Lily brown

YT:Blondkitten25 @