761 Finger Threa (1/2)
tian chi xue looked even colder, the people from tian shu were really going too far.
\”yes tian chi xue, ling xie is the strongest young man of tian shu. but we're not like tian xuan where, apart from you, nobody dares attack. you should get married with ling xie and join tian shu.\” continued the same person. they only were saying this after seeing how weak the people from tian shu were,
\”asshole!\” swore someone, astonishing the entire crowd. then they saw someone behind tian chi xue, huang fu long was the one who had just cursed.
huang fu long made huge steps forwards, flames of fury were burning in his eyes. he was staring at the people from tian shu and said, \”tian chi xue is my wife!\”
tian chi xue was surprised and glared at him… that bastard…
\”da hai chong, you are the weakest of us eight. ling xie is the leader of tian shu. go and have a try with him…\” said tian chi xue. even though she wanted to insult him, she knew that he was extremely strong. he had a monumental physical strength and his dragon fist was terrifying.
\”alright.\” said huang fu long. he immediately ran forwards at ling xie, making him feel uncomfortable. huang fu long looked like a terrifying dragon at that moment.
\”i will crush anyone that dares humiliate my wife!\” shouted huang fu long extremely loudly. he then continued running forwards with some terrifying force in his hands, oppressing ling xie's body. whistling sounds spread in the air and the chant of the dragons started resonating. the crowd was stupefied, huang fu long looked like a dragon suddenly.
\”huh?\” ling xie frowned and his long hair started fluttering violently with his clothes. huang fu long's force was impressive.
ling xie frowned and moved back, but then he stopped. how could he retreat in front of so many people, as the leader of tian shu, could he move back?
\”piss off!\” shouted ling xie furiously and a fist launched out at huang fu long.
\”roaaaarrrrr!\” a terrifying dragon roar emerged out of huang fu long's body. that sound came from huang fu long's terrifying force. it was brutal and violent, it seemed like it could crush anything.
\”boom boom boom!\”
the two fists collided and the crowd sensed a terrifying hurricane brush away on their skin. some crackling sounds spread in the air as the crowd saw the leader of tian shu slide backwards in the snow.
\”aarrghhhhhhh!!!!\” then the crowd heard a terrifying and furious shout which resonated in their heads. the crowd was looking at huang fu long who was surprising everyone. that guy had a terrifying strength, his blood and muscles seemed really strong.
\”hmph, so that is the leader of tian shu… nobody can defeat us, tian xuan? you cannot even defeat the weakest genius of tian xuan. you're quite shameless.\” said tian chi xue coldly, upsetting the geniuses of tian shu.
however, huang fu long had attacked a bit hastily, ling xie didn't have enough time to react properly. although unfair, he had still managed to make him move back, leaving everyone speechless.
huang fu long was smiling like an idiot. he scratched his head and said, \”indeed, the leader of tian shu is nothing special at all.\”