Chapter 102- The Counterattack Begins! (1/2)
The ball hit the board with a strong force, causing it to shake.
Unfortunately, it didn’t go in. It had bounced off the rim and flew upwards.
Tarzan, real name Wang Tai, is 1.8 meters tall and could be said to be a very strong deterrent at the board. It doesn’t matter where, as long as he’s in the penalty zone, he can expertly rebound.
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As soon as he saw that his teammate missed, he immediately prepared himself to grab the ball.
If he snatched it up, he could definitely score because of his height advantage!
The ball then reached its peak and started to fall.
Xiao Xian Ren anticipated its drop point and quickly ran over.
However, before he could react, a shadow quickly ran by and shoved him aside.
Wang Tai glanced down at Xiao Xian Ren and his mouth curved up into a smile.
He then bent his knees and prepared for the ball, waiting to attack once more.
Su Ke was always outside the penalty box. Lu Hua seemed to be even more aggressive than him and defended himself strongly, one hand always on his waist.
Seeing that the ball was going to Wang Tai, Su Ke juked around Lu Hua, but he had already reacted and blocked him once more. He was really troublesome.
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Su Ke then pivoted 180 degrees and smoothly cut past Lu Hua, his movements lightning-quick.
Even though Su Ke didn’t score once so far this whole game, Lu Hua was always watching him. He couldn’t let this brat touch the ball. Victory was already in his grasp.
Since they were already 20 minutes into the game, if he managed to block Su Ke, he would definitely feel ashamed in front of Zheng Mo afterwards.
Su Ke then suddenly turned, but Lu Hua quickly reacted and shot his right leg forward.
This one step blocked Su Ke from advancing once again.
Su Ke smirked, as he already guessed what Lu Hua was going to do.
Just as his foot touched the ground, he immediately pushed off and turned his body 180 degrees, moving back to his original position.
Lu Hua was struck dumb. Even though his body wanted to unconsciously react, it got confused.
His top half had moved, but his bottom half didn’t follow his thoughts, making him lose control and fall over.
Instead of worrying about Lu Hua’s expression, Su Ke kept his eyes on the ball as it fell into the penalty area. Wang Tai had already anticipated the basketball’s trajectory, but Xiao Xian Ren and Zhang Hai were blocking him. Even if he rushed forward, he might not be able to do anything.
Thinking until here and not worrying about anything else, Su Ke’s body shot forward.
He had bent his knees and pointed his toes, causing his whole body to soar after he took off.
Wang Tai could feel the push and pull, but he didn’t budge an inch.
With this degree of attack, he could definitely stop it.
He then took a deep breath and tensed his muscles, but he suddenly felt a person rushing over. He watched as the person jumped and reached for the ball.