20 Part Four | Her Decision (2/2)

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath in. Coming to a decision in her heart she opened her eyes.

A gentle smile was on her face and it wasn't fake or forced, you could see the genuine smile showing in her eyes.


As she walked through the door she saw the little humans eating what looked like congee with bits of chopped meat and fried eggs.

Around the circular table, aunty Fei and the little ones sat eating, there was a seat open for her with a bowl for her to waiting patiently.

Aunty Fei motioned for her to sit down and told her to eat up. As she did she looked around the room and finally saw her son in the basket beside aunty Fei.

Finally settling down she started speaking to the children. Aunty Fei was surprised but felt at ease.

Before she felt that Yue Mian was walking around with some burden and wouldn't open up to the children unless she spent a period of time with them.

Suddenly realising something Yue Mian wondered when did aunty Fei cook, when did she do it exactly.

Throwing this to the back of her mind, she ate what was given to her finished along with the other children.

Washing the dishes she looked out of the window at the smiling faces of the children and smiled gently at them. From the side, aunty Fei saw this and asked, ”Did something happen?”

Yue Mian's train of thought stopped as she turned her head to look at aunty Fei, answering with a grin, ”My mother always said that to raise a child properly you need to gain the child's heart first. Xinxi obviously wants his mother so I have to show him shes still here.”

Aunty Fei stared at her not knowing what to say. This girl just keeps surprising her every time.