Part 10 (1/2)

Far away Kane heard the drums murmur. The soul of the jungle, the soul of the jungle: this phrase surged through his mind with monotonous reiteration.

The three who had stood in power before the Black G.o.d that night, where were they? Back in the village where the drums rustled lay Songa -- King Songa, once lord of life and death, now a shriveled corpse with a face set in a mask of horror. Stretched on his back in the middle of the glade lay he whom Kane had followed many a league by land and sea. And Gulka the gorilla-slayer lay at the feet of his killer, broken at last by the savagery which had made him a true son of this grim land which had at last overwhelmed him.

Yet the Black G.o.d still reigned, thought Kane dizzily, brooding back in the shadows of this dark country, b.e.s.t.i.a.l, blood-l.u.s.ting, caring naught who lived or died, so that he drank.

Kane watched the mighty ape, wondering how long it would be before the huge simian spied and charged him. But the gorilla gave no evidence of having even seen him. Some dim impulse of vengeance yet unglutted prompting him, he bent and raised the Negro. Then he slouched toward the jungle, Gulka's limbs trailing limply and grotesquely. As he reached the trees, the ape halted, whirling the giant form high in the air with seemingly no effort, and dashed the dead man up among the branches. There was a rending sound as a broken projecting limb tore through the body hurled so powerfully against it, and the dead gorilla-slayer dangled there hideously.

A moment the clear moon limned the great ape in its glimmer, as he stood silently gazing up at his victim; then like a dark shadow he melted noiselessly into the jungle.

Kane walked slowly to the middle of the glade and took up his rapier. The blood had ceased to flow from his wounds, and some of his strength was returning, enough, at least, for him to reach the coast where his s.h.i.+p awaited him. He halted at the edge of the glade for a backward glance at Le Loup's upturned face and still form, white in the moonlight, and at the dark shadow among the trees that was Gulka, left by some b.e.s.t.i.a.l whim, hanging as the she-gorilla hung in the village.

Afar the drums muttered: ”The wisdom of our land is ancient; the wisdom of our land is dark; whom we serve, we destroy. Flee if you would live, but you will never forget our chant. Never, never,” sang the drums.

Kane turned to the trail which led to the beach and the s.h.i.+p waiting there.


_Weird Tales, September 1928_ _I heard the harp of Alfred_ As I went o'er the downs, When thorn-trees stood at even Like monks in dusky gowns; I heard the music Guthrum heard Beside the wasted towns; When Alfred, like a peasant, Came harping down the hill, And the drunken Danes made merry With the man they sought to kill, And the Saxon king laughed in their beards And bent them to his will.

I heard the harp of Alfred As twilight waned to night; I heard ghost armies tramping As the dim stars flamed white; And Guthrum walked at my left hand, And Alfred at my right.


_Weird Tales, December 1928_ _How many weary centuries have flown_ Since strange-eyed beings walked this ancient sh.o.r.e; Hearing, as we, the green Pacific's roar, Hewing fantastic G.o.ds from sullen stone!

The sands are bare; the idols stand alone.

Impotent 'gainst the years was all their lore: They are forgot in ages dim and h.o.a.r; Yet still, as then, the long tide-surges drone.

What dreams had they, that shaped these uncouth things?

Before these G.o.ds what victims bled and died?

What purple galleys swept along the strand That bore the tribute of what dim sea-kings?

But now they reign o'er a forgotten land, Gazing forever out beyond the tide.


_Weird Tales, January 1929_ He told how murderers walk the earth Beneath the curse of Cain, With crimson clouds before their eyes And flames about their brain: For blood has left upon their souls Its everlasting stain.

-- Hood --------.


There are two roads to Torkertown. One, the shorter and more direct route, leads across a barren upland moor, and the other, which is much longer, winds its tortuous way in and out among the hummocks and quagmires of the swamps, skirting the low hills to the east. It was a dangerous and tedious trail; so Solomon Kane halted in amazement when a breathless youth from the village he had just left, overtook him and implored him for G.o.d's sake to take the swamp road.

”The swamp road!” Kane stared at the boy.

He was a tall, gaunt man, was Solomon Kane, his darkly pallid face and deep brooding eyes made more somber by the drab Puritanical garb he affected.

”Yes, sir, 'tis far safer,” the youngster answered his surprized exclamation.

”Then the moor road must be haunted by Satan himself, for your townsmen warned me against traversing the other.”

”Because of the quagmires, sir, that you might not see in the dark. You had better return to the village and continue your journey in the morning, sir.”

”Taking the swamp road?”

”Yes, sir.”

Kane shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

”The moon rises almost as soon as twilight dies. By its light I can reach Torkertown in a few hours, across the moor.”

”Sir, you had better not. No one ever goes that way. There are no houses at all upon the moor, while in the swamp there is the house of old Ezra who lives there all alone since his maniac cousin, Gideon, wandered off and died in the swamp and was never found -- and old Ezra though a miser would not refuse you lodging should you decide to stop until morning. Since you must go, you had better go the swamp road.”

Kane eyed the boy piercingly. The lad squirmed and shuffled his feet.

”Since this moor road is so dour to wayfarers,” said the Puritan, ”why did not the villagers tell me the whole tale, instead of vague mouthings?”

”Men like not to talk of it, sir. We hoped that you would take the swamp road after the men advised you to, but when we watched and saw that you turned not at the forks, they sent me to run after you and beg you to reconsider.”

”Name of the Devil!” exclaimed Kane sharply, the unaccustomed oath showing his irritation; ”the swamp road and the moor road -- what is it that threatens me and why should I go miles out of my way and risk the bogs and mires?”

”Sir,” said the boy, dropping his voice and drawing closer, ”we be simple villagers who like not to talk of such things lest foul fortune befall us, but the moor road is a way accurst and hath not been traversed by any of the countryside for a year or more. It is death to walk those moors by night, as hath been found by some score of unfortunates. Some foul horror haunts the way and claims men for his victims.”

”So? And what is this thing like?”

”No man knows. None has ever seen it and lived, but late-farers have heard terrible laughter far out on the fen and men have heard the horrid shrieks of its victims. Sir, in G.o.d's name return to the village, there pa.s.s the night, and tomorrow take the swamp trail to Torkertown.”

Far back in Kane's gloomy eyes a scintillant light had begun to glimmer, like a witch's torch glinting under fathoms of cold gray ice. His blood quickened. Adventure! The lure of life-risk and battle! The thrill of breathtaking, touch-and-go drama! Not that Kane recognized his sensations as such. He sincerely considered that he voiced his real feelings when he said: ”These things be deeds of some power of evil. The lords of darkness have laid a curse upon the country. A strong man is needed to combat Satan and his might. Therefore I go, who have defied him many a time.”

”Sir,” the boy began, then closed his mouth as he saw the futility of argument. He only added, ”The corpses of the victims are bruised and torn, sir.”

He stood there at the crossroads, sighing regretfully as he watched the tall, rangy figure swinging up the road that led toward the moors.

The sun was setting as Kane came over the brow of the low hill which debouched into the upland fen. Huge and blood-red it sank down behind the sullen horizon of the moors, seeming to touch the rank gra.s.s with fire; so for a moment the watcher seemed to be gazing out across a sea of blood. Then the dark shadows came gliding from the east, the western blaze faded, and Solomon Kane struck out boldly in the gathering darkness.

The road was dim from disuse but was clearly defined. Kane went swiftly but warily, sword and pistols at hand. Stars blinked out and night winds whispered among the gra.s.s like weeping specters. The moon began to rise, lean and haggard, like a skull among the stars.

Then suddenly Kane stopped short. From somewhere in front of him sounded a strange and eerie echo -- or something like an echo. Again, this time louder. Kane started forward again. Were his senses deceiving him? No!

Far out, there pealed a whisper of frightful laughter. And again, closer this time. No human being ever laughed like that -- there was no mirth in it, only hatred and horror and soul-destroying terror. Kane halted. He was not afraid, but for the second he was almost unnerved. Then, stabbing through that awesome laughter, came the sound of a scream that was undoubtedly human. Kane started forward, increasing his gait. He cursed the illusive lights and flickering shadows which veiled the moor in the rising moon and made accurate sight impossible. The laughter continued, growing louder, as did the screams. Then sounded faintly the drum of frantic human feet. Kane broke into a run.

Some human was being hunted to his death out there on the fen, and by what manner of horror G.o.d alone knew. The sound of the flying feet halted abruptly and the screaming rose unbearably, mingled with other sounds unnamable and hideous. Evidently the man had been overtaken, and Kane, his flesh crawling, visualized some ghastly fiend of the darkness crouching on the back of its victim -- crouching and tearing.