Part 15 (1/2)

Renaissance. Oliver Bowden 80380K 2022-07-22

- Can you get seats in the cathedral tomorrow? -I asked-. Near the altar. Next to the Medici.

The Fox looked at him very seriously.

”Complicated, though perhaps not impossible. He looked the young-. I know what you're thinking, Ezio, but you can not do it alone.

”I can try, and I have the element of surprise for me. And an unfamiliar face in the aristocrazia aristocrazia in the main area LevanTare the suspicions of the Pazzi. But you get me there, Gilberto. in the main area LevanTare the suspicions of the Pazzi. But you get me there, Gilberto.

”Call me Zorro,” he said Gilberto and told continuacion, smiling-: Foxes can only compete with me as far as cleverness is concerned.

He paused and added: ”We'll see in front of the Duomo half hour before ma.s.s. He looked at Ezio's eyes with a new respect-. Te help if I can, Messer Messer Ezio. Tu father would have been proudso you. Ezio. Tu father would have been proudso you.

Chapter 9.

Al next day, Sunday April 26, Ezio was up before dawn and walked to the cathedral. There were few people on the streets, but saw a few monks and nuns on their way to make its decisions. Aware that he must avoid being seen,Calo laboriously to the top of campanile campanile and watched the sun rise above the city. Little by little, their feet, the plaza began to fill with people of all types, families and stopjas, merchants and n.o.bles, wis.h.i.+ng to attend the main ma.s.s of the day, which would be honored by the presence of the Duke and his brotherno less and co-ruler. Ezio was watching people carefully and when he saw the Fox approached the steps of the cathedral, went to the less visible side of the tower and descendinggave, agile as a monkey, to stand beside him, always remembering not to lift his head and blend best with the crowd, using the rest of the people for protection. It hasBia dressed for the occasion in their finest clothes and carried no weapon in sight, although most Mercurires rich and bankers wore ceremonial swords in his belt. He could not resist looking up looking for Cristina, but did not see. and watched the sun rise above the city. Little by little, their feet, the plaza began to fill with people of all types, families and stopjas, merchants and n.o.bles, wis.h.i.+ng to attend the main ma.s.s of the day, which would be honored by the presence of the Duke and his brotherno less and co-ruler. Ezio was watching people carefully and when he saw the Fox approached the steps of the cathedral, went to the less visible side of the tower and descendinggave, agile as a monkey, to stand beside him, always remembering not to lift his head and blend best with the crowd, using the rest of the people for protection. It hasBia dressed for the occasion in their finest clothes and carried no weapon in sight, although most Mercurires rich and bankers wore ceremonial swords in his belt. He could not resist looking up looking for Cristina, but did not see.

”I see that you're here,” Fox said when he approached Ezio-. Everything is arranged and have a quiet place next to the pachair in the third row.

As he spoke, the crowd on the stairs was removed and the heralds were carried to the mouth trumpet to sound a fanfare.

”I come, ”he said.

Entering the square from the side of the baptistery, first appeared Lorenzo de Medici, accompanied by his wife, Clarice, who had been holding hands with his eldest daughter, the little Lucrezia, while Piero, five years old, walked right proud of his father. Behind them, accompanied by his nurse, appeared Maddalena, three years old, while one orNera Leo was carrying the baby, wrapped in white satin. Giuliano and Fioretta followed them, her lover, in advanced managetion. The crowd gathered in the square head bent in its path. At the entrance of the Duomo I received two of the priests who were to officiate the ceremony, who Ezio is recognized with as.h.i.+ver of terror: Stefano da Bagnone and one of Volterra, whose full name, he told the Fox, was Antonio Maffei.

Medici family made its way into the cathedral followed by the priests, and they, in turn, were followed by the citizens of Florence, ordered according to their rank. The Fox nudged him while Ezio noted. Among the crowd was sighted Francesco de 'Pazzi and another conspirator, Bernardo Baroncelli, disguised as a deacon.

”Come now,” he whispered to Ezio-. Stay close to them.

More and more people entering the cathedral continued until there was no room for anyone else, and many who had hoped to have room to stay out. Had gathered a total of ten thousand people. The Fox had not ever seen a crowd of such magnitude in Florence. Silently prayed for the success of Ezio.

Inside, the gathering they sat in the sweltering amronment. Ezio had not gotten close to Francesco and everything else would have liked, but did not take his eyes off ENCIma and started calculating what would be done to reach them as soon as they begin their attack. The bishop of Florence, whileafter that, he held his place in the altar and had begun to officiate the ma.s.s.

At the time that the bishop blessed the bread and wine Ezio realized that Francesco and Bernardo exchanged their placesres. The Medici family was sitting right in front of them. At the same moment, the priests Bagnone and Maffei, on the lower rungs of the altar, and closer to Lorenzo and Giuliano, looked around surrept.i.tiously. The bishop turned to stay ahead of the congregation, raised the golden cup and EMPEZo say ”The blood of Christ ...

Then everything happened at once. Baroncelli stood griTando ”CREAP, traditore!” ”CREAP, traditore!” and from behind, stabbed him Giuliano a dagger in the neck. The cut came a jet of blood sprayed Fioretta completely. She fell on her knees on the floor, screaming. and from behind, stabbed him Giuliano a dagger in the neck. The cut came a jet of blood sprayed Fioretta completely. She fell on her knees on the floor, screaming.

- Let me finish with that b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Fran shoutedcesco, pus.h.i.+ng a nudge Baroncelli toppling Giulianot trying to stop the flow of blood with his hands. Francesco stood astride him and again and again plunged the dagger into the body of his victim with such a frenzy that, without apparently realizing it, ended up also key in your own musit. Giuliano had died some time before Francesco I nailed the final blow, the nineteenth.

Meanwhile, Lorenzo, with a cry of alarm, had facedTado attackers of his brother, and Clarice and nurses had fled for protection along with children and Fioretta. Confusion reigned everywhere. Lorenzo had scorned the idea of having the bodyguard near a murderer in a church bombing was unheard- now struggling to reach his side breaking through the of the faithful confused and dams PAonly one who pushed and trampled each other to get away from the scene of the carnage. Heat worsened the situation and the fact that hardly had room to move ...

Except in the area in front of the altar. The bishop and his sacerdotes looked on, stunned and paralyzed. Maffei Bagnone and saw that Lorenzo had his back to them, takeswere the opportunity and unsheathed the daggers that had hidmeasures under the robes, they rushed upon him.

The priests are murderers rarely experienced, however n.o.ble the cause was believed that, between them is not consideredLorenzo lowed to cause more than superficial wounds quickly before the shake. But the fight has justand Francesco were beating him, limping because of the injury which he had caused, but reinforced by hatred boiling inside, also approached to him, cursing loudly and with the dagger in the air. Bagnone and Maffei, not knowing where to go after what they did, they turned and ran in didirection of the apse, but Lorenzo was reeling, not stop bleeding and the stabbing in her upper right shoulder prevented him from using the sword.

- Tus days are over, Lorenzo!”Cried Francesco-. Your family b.a.s.t.a.r.d die on my sword!

”Infamous!”Said Lorenzo-. I'll kill you!

- With what weapon? Francesco sneered, raising his dagger to attack.

And when the hand began to fall, someone grabbed her wrist and stopped their momentum, before forcing him to turn back. Francesco found himself face to face another formidable enemy.

- Ezio! Roared-. You! Here?

- The fact that you're finished you, you, Francesco! Francesco!

The crowd dispersed and approximately guards LorenzoMaban. Baroncelli was now next to Francesco.

”Come, we must flee. It's over! He shouted.

-Will finish first with these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, ”said Francesco.

But his wound was bleeding profusely and had a look ofmacro.

- No! We must withdraw!

Francesco was furious, but agreed with his eyes.

”This is not over,” said Ezio.

”No, not over. I will follow you wherever you go, Francesco, to kill you.

With a glare, Francesco turned to follow Baroncelli, who had already gone behind the altar. In ABside must have a door to leave the cathedral. Ezio disbegan to follow.

- Wait!Said a voice behind broken-. Let them go. Do not go far. I need you here. I need your help.

Ezio turned and saw the Duke lying on the floor between two chairs overturned. Not far away, his family huddled crying, Clarice, with exPressure horror, hugging their two grown sons. Fioretta looked without seeing the dead body twisted and maimed by Giulian.

Lorenzo guard had arrived.

”Take care of my family,” said Lorenzo-. In the city must reign the tumult after the event. Take my family to palazzo palazzo and shut the door and bolted. and shut the door and bolted.

He turned Ezio.

”You saved my life.

- I did my duty! The Pazzi paid to us! -Ezio helped Lorenzo to join and carefully sat on a chair.

Raising his head did not see anywhere or to the bishop or other priests. Behind him, people were pus.h.i.+ng and elbowing, scratching provided out of the cathedral through the main entrance on the west side.

- I have to go after Francesco! ”He said.

- No!Lorenzo said-. If I'm just not get to get to safety. You have to help. Take me to San Lorenzo. TenFriends go there.

Ezio he was torn, but how much thought Lorenzo had done for his family. I could not blame him for failing to preventdo the death of their relatives. Who would have predicted a tiethat so sudden as that suffered? And now, Lorenzo had also become a victim. But it was still alive, but not for long unless Ezio got him to a place near where they could a.s.sist you. The church of San Lorenzozo was a short distance northwest of the baptistery.

With strips of cloth torn from his own s.h.i.+rt, bandaged wounds as he could Lorenzo. Then lifted him gently.